I'm serious about making money

Chapter 128 Liu Sisi's Fall

In October, "The Strange Woman from a Liaozhai Studio" was broadcast on Anhui Satellite TV, and the ratings were not bad.

Especially Liu Sisi has good dancing skills, and the dance in Xin Shi Shi Niang was very amazing.

Wantai also gave some publicity resources, and arranged for Liu Sisi, Longliqi and others to appear on their ace variety show "Super Big Winner".

This show was once comparable to "Happy Camp". At its peak, it even came up with a trick to lock Guo Degang in a glass room for 48 hours for people to watch.

It was also on this program that Liu Sisi got the nickname Xiao Liu Yifei for the first time.

Needless to say, this is a script prepared in advance by Tangren and Wantai, just to bundle Liu Sisi and Liu Yifei for marketing.

Although Liu Sisi didn't like this kind of marketing method, she had no room for objection at all.

"Sisi, I see that you didn't say much when you came to our show. You have a very quiet personality. Is this the same in your life?" The host Li Bing took the initiative to bring the topic to her.

Liu Sisi held the microphone with both hands and said, "Actually, I'm more boyish in my life."

That's what I said, but Liu Sisi's tone was so lacking in confidence, it always gave people a feeling of guilt, which was not natural enough.

Seeing this, Li Bing stopped embarrassing her, "I heard Sisi prepared a song for us today, let's listen to it together, hello tomorrow!"

Everyone came to the side of the stage, the music started, and Liu Sisi sang softly: "Look at us from yesterday, we are far away, waiting in the middle of the Destiny Square..."

Longliqi stood in the corner and watched the girl quietly, admiring her very much.

He has debuted for more than 20 years, and he has seen all kinds of women, smart, brainless, cute, sexy, all kinds, and the most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is a young body.

I used to think those quiet girls were too boring, but now that I am getting older, I like those quiet and good girls.

In fact, beauty and so on are fleeting, when the novelty passes, character is everything.

It was already midnight after the recording of the show, Liu Sisi put on her hat and backpack quietly, and prepared to go back to the hotel.

"Sisi, let me see you off, it's not safe so late, which hotel are you staying at?" Longliqi came over and asked.

This is a very common conversation technique. If you say "I'll take you back" to a girl directly, the other party will probably refuse out of reserve.

So I have to give another reason "it's too late and it's not safe". Although the law and order in mainland China is extremely good, this reason is enough for girls to enjoy the care of boys with peace of mind.

Finally, ask another question "Which hotel do you live in?" After the other party tells the name of the hotel, it is generally not easy to refuse.

"I..." Liu Sisi was about to say where he lived, but suddenly his mind turned, "No need, Uncle Long, my assistant is here."

Longliqi nodded, but he was not discouraged, "Then be careful yourself."

"Well," Liu Sisi smiled politely, waved her hands, pulled up her assistant and strode away.

She just wants to go back to sleep now, and then hurry back to Yanjing.

Compared to the boring interviews and variety shows she accepted at Sugar Man, Jiang Yu was much more interesting at Yanjing.

She couldn't wait to rush back to his side.

Since Jiang Yu settled the investment, he started to provoke actors.

In "Snow Mountain Ghost", there are three men and two women, Jiang Yu herself plays the reporter, Huang Bai plays the businessman, and there is still one doctor to be determined.

In addition, Yang Mi directly relied on Jiang Yu. She was very dissatisfied with being frightened in the middle of the night, and insisted that Jiang Yu compensate her for mental damage.

Jiang Yu originally planned to ask her to eat a big kidney to make amends, but when she heard that Jiang Yu had worked on a new micro-movie, she volunteered to play the heroine in it.

"This is a horror movie, sister, do you really want to act? It's scary, let me tell you, be careful not to have nightmares at night," Jiang Yu threatened her.

But Yang Mi said: "It's the horror movies that are exciting. I really want to act in horror movies, such as homicide."

"But our budget is limited, you are such a big guy, I can't give you much salary."

"It's okay, the script is good, I don't need money."

Jiang Yu was very surprised that such a noble word as "no money" could come out of Da Mi Mi's mouth?

But it's normal to think about it. At this time, the big secret has not left the campus, has not been polluted by the big dye vat of society, and still has some student-like ideals and pursuits in his heart.

It wasn't until I entered the society and suffered a lot of losses that I began to feel that my previous self was a villain.

Or say that students are easy to deceive.

A newly promoted capitalist like Jiang Yu was immediately overjoyed, "That's great, it's settled like this, and I can save some money."

"It's a pity that you don't go to the local landlord Lao Cai," Mi Yang looked at him helplessly.

I said no money, just to be polite, you really don't give it.

"Thank you," Jiang Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "The landlord Lao Cai will give you another piece of advice. If you make money in the future, don't invest blindly. Just buy a house and buy as much as you can."

In this way, when you pay taxes in the future, at least you can sell the house and pay the penalty.

Yang Mi nodded, indicating that he remembered it.

"I also give you a piece of advice."

"Say," Jiang Yu was busy dealing with a sheep's kidney without raising his head.

Mi Yang looked at him playfully and smiled, "Men who don't have a girlfriend by their side, it's best not to eat too much kidney, I'm afraid you won't be able to suppress the anger."

Jiang Yu looked up and saw her smiling face, his heart skipped a beat, and then he smiled and said, "You don't know me, and with my habit, I don't ask for anything."

That's what I said, but he has a girlfriend now, Liu Sisi has been away for so many days, he really misses it.

"Think I didn't?"

At Yanjing Airport, Liu Sisi threw herself into Jiang Yu's arms with a bear hug, and Jiang Yu picked her up and asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Sisi nodded and pecked lightly on his lips.

There was a constant flow of people at the airport, and it was not easy for the two of them to get bored in public, so Jiang Yu took the luggage and took her to go home.

There is a saying that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds. On the way, Liu Sisi was so excited that she could not wait to hang on Jiang Yu, "Let me tell you, I saw Guo Degang in Anhui Province."


"It's just a little fat guy, he's quite funny when he talks, but I don't think other people like him very much."

"Yo, can you see that?"

"Of course, I'm very smart..."

Liu Sisi chirped and shared interesting stories with Jiang Yu, which were actually trivial things, but if a girl is willing to share every bit of her life with a boy, then she probably likes it.

So, there is no such thing as high and cold in this world, but you are not the one who is warm.

Back in the 76-square-meter hut, the two had a conversation, and Liu Sisi suddenly remembered, "Why did you start making horror movies?"

Jiang Yu said: "The only way to make money is to make horror movies. Although it is scary, everyone loves to watch it."

Now that healing video has had millions of views, and it can be said to be the best on Youku.

Many viewers came here especially to receive spiritual healing.

"Look, I wrote another script recently, and I'm going to start it soon," Jiang Yu dragged Liu Sisi to the bedroom, and showed off the script.

"You are awesome," Liu Sisi praised Jiang Yu with his arms around his neck, pecking his face.

Jiang Yu immediately satisfied his vanity.

Being low-key and mature is a protective color for outsiders. In front of the closest people, you will show your truest side.

"Let me see how scary your script is," Liu Sisi sat on the bed.

Jiang Yu put her legs on his own, put his arms around her waist and said, "You must watch it, don't blame me for being so scared that you can't sleep at night."

"Cut, I don't know how to do it. I'm so courageous."

Liu Sisi looked at the script and suddenly said, "How about I play one too? Have you found an actress yet?"

"You?" Jiang Yu looked at her suspiciously, "This is a horror movie, you little Liu Yifei acting in a horror movie is so scary."

"Can you stop talking about Xiao Liu Yifei?" Liu Sisi puffed up her face and said, "I don't want to be Xiao Liu Yifei."

"Okay, okay, you are Master Si," Jiang Yu pinched her delicate nose affectionately, and coaxed: "But I have already contacted Yang Mi for the heroine, if you want to act, you can only play the second female role, and the role will be less. It's not that scary either."

"Well," Liu Sisi nodded happily.

She just wanted to film with her boyfriend, and she didn't care about the first girl and the second girl.

As far as Jiang Yu is concerned, with Liu Sisi's acting skills...if she is really asked to play the female lead, then the film will be ruined.

Big Secret is actually more reliable.

Fortunately, the IQ of a woman in love will decrease. As long as she is not cheating, she will believe anything you say.

The two sat on the bed till evening, Liu Sisi looked out the window and said reluctantly, "I'm going back."

"What are you doing when you go back, just stay with me, let's make dinner together," Jiang Yu tempted like a bad uncle who kidnapped a little girl.

Liu Sisi struggled a bit, "I haven't told my mother yet, I'm back to Yanjing."

"That's not right, I'll tell you about the play again tonight."

"Bah," Liu Sisi spat at him, "If you become a director, you must not be a serious director."

"That's right," Jiang Yu said with a smirk, "I'll show you what is not serious."

Liu Sisi lowered her head shyly, avoiding Jiang Yu's eyes. She felt that she was being hugged more and more tightly, and her body was getting softer and weaker. She wanted to resist, but she had no strength.

His hands unconsciously wrapped around Jiang Yu's arms.

Then she felt herself being pushed down in a daze.

This was an extremely complicated emotion. She felt that she might not be able to run away. She was a little panicked, but also a little excited.

"Negative energy from Liu Sisi, +9!"

"Positive energy from Liu Sisi, +99!"

"When I grow up, I can only run

How afraid I am to fall in the dark"

At this critical moment, the phone rang.

Liu Sisi was so frightened that the Lingtai regained clarity immediately, her body tensed up suddenly, and she pushed Jiang Yu away, "What are you doing?"

She is really strong, Jiang Yu was overturned by her without paying attention, and rolled to the ground with a grunt.

What the hell!

Jiang Yu hadn't realized it yet, but felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

What's the situation? I'm climbing a mountain. Why did I fall under the bed?

Liu Sisi ignored him, hurriedly put on his clothes, wiped the drool on his face, picked up the phone and said in a low voice: "Well, dad, I'll be right back, you let mom wait for me to eat..."

Jiang Yu got up silently, full of resentment.

Sure enough, the old man is the boyfriend's biggest natural enemy.

He thought it was Liu Sisi's fall, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Sisi's fall.

He guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

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