Tao House.

Tao Ruyi was sitting in the pavilion, seeing Lin Sheng passing by, thinking of her own investigations in recent days, a dark light flashed in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, wait." Tao Ruyi called Lin Sheng to stop.

Lin Sheng wasn't in a hurry to do anything, but when he was called, he subconsciously looked towards Tao Ruyi.

On the surface, he is married to the eldest lady of the Tao family, but in fact it is no different from being married.

Although he won a Juren, but his ranking is too low, his family is poor, and there is no shortage of officials in the court today, so he has a Juren title for nothing.

Still looked down upon by the Tao family.

The younger sister of his own wife had never had a good look towards him, but now the other party called him back with a pleasant face, which made Lin Sheng subconsciously vigilant.

"What's wrong?" Lin Sheng asked, frowning.

Intuition told him that what Tao Ruyi said would not be a good thing.

Sure enough, Tao Ruyi said in the next second: "I have nothing to do recently, so I went to check my brother-in-law's hometown, and guess what..."

Tao Ruyi didn't say it directly, but bought a pass.

Lin Sheng's heart tightened, recalling whether he had committed any crimes before.

His ancestors were poor peasants, so he was a scholar, and he didn't do much in his daily life except study.


one thing!

Lin Sheng's eyes dimmed, and he thought of Shen Qiushui.The woman liked him, he had known it all along.

Although Shen Qiushui's family background can be regarded as one of the best in the village, but the other party looks like a ghost, Lin Sheng thinks he is superior, how can he look at such an ugly ghost.

But for the travel expenses for the exam, he still held back his nausea and hooked up with Shen Qiushui, who is already a married woman, and defrauded the travel expenses from the other party.

In order to prevent future troubles, he also specially gave Qianjinfang thugs benefits to let the other party collect debts in advance.

Qianjinfang is not easy to get along with, and Shen Qiushui will definitely be dragged to sell if he is not in debt.

If this matter is found out, he might not be able to keep his name as a juror.

Thinking of the fate of losing Juren's title, Lin Sheng's expression turned ugly.

"Looking at brother-in-law like this, he probably knows what I found." Tao Ruyi chuckled lightly.

Lin Sheng was worried that Tao Ruyi was deceiving him, so he quickly put away his flustered expression, "If you find something, you might as well tell it directly, and you don't need to go around in circles."

"Shen Qiushui." Tao Ruyi spat out these three words.

Seeing Lin Sheng's startled expression, the corner of his mouth smiled even wider.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't tell my sister, but I can't guarantee when my sister will get up and want to check you..."

Tao Ruyi behind did not say any more.

Lin Sheng made himself calm.

After returning to the room, he was restless, recalling Tao Ruyi's words, and finally made a decision.

That night.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and you can't see your fingers. It's a good time to kill and set fire.

Recently, Shen Qiushui watched as Mo Changtian had saved some money to open a shop in the county town, which was more than enough, not to mention that Zhu Zian also had a foothold there.

After breaking away from the Zhu family, Zhu Zi'an was no longer obsessed with the position of the head of the family, as if he had let go of the shackles. Shen Qiushui was sincerely happy with the change of this partner.

After Shen Qiushui finished counting the money, he hugged the jar and planned to put it back. The two children were already fast asleep, and Mo Changtian was half lying on the bed, resting his head on his hands, quietly watching Shen Qiushui count the money for a long time.

"You have to count this money every day." Mo Changtian sighed.

"Hey, you don't understand the joy of counting money."

The money was earned penny by penny. Zhu Zian had just set up a shop there, and I don’t know how long it will take to open. There was no money for a while, so I could only live on the money in this jar. .

Suddenly, Mo Changtian sat up and scolded in a low voice: "Who!"

Shen Qiushui hugged the money jar tightly.

Someone came to steal the money? !

Before Shen Qiushui had time to think, Mo Changtian had already jumped out of the room.

After a few moments, there was a sound of fighting outside the door.

Shen Qiushui quickly hid the money jar, then went to see the two children, and was relieved to see that they were still sleeping soundly.

Not long after, the sound of fighting outside the house gradually disappeared, and Shen Qiushui carefully walked out holding the medicine powder. If the other party was not knocked down by Mo Changtian, she would give him a shot!

Fortunately, Mo Changtian's martial arts is not bragging, at this moment he has captured people alive.

"Bring the rope!" Mo Changtian squeezed the wrists of both of the comer's hands, and pressed him heavily to the ground.

Hearing the sound, Shen Qiushui hurriedly found a long rope, Mo Changtian took it, and tied it up in a few strokes.

Bringing him to the corner of the yard, Mo Changtian gave him a kick, "Say, who sent you here!"

The kidnapped man was wearing night clothes and holding a sharp dagger in his hand. He looked like a professional killer.

Mo Changtian thought he didn't offend anyone, even if his identity was exposed, those people wouldn't send such a weak chicken to assassinate him.

The night wind blew, and the kidnapped man shivered.

After all, he was also the most powerful killer in a hundred miles, but he was easily subdued by a farmer. Until now, he has not been able to recover.

Being kicked again, the killer shut his mouth tightly and refused to speak.

Shen Qiushui stopped Mo Changtian, who was about to do something, and told her to come.

She has a hundred methods of interrogation.

After half a night of interrogation and some minor punishments, coupled with the killer's lack of willpower, he finally managed to interrogate the person behind it.

Lin Sheng.

It was Lin Sheng.

Shen Qiushui fell silent.Feelings are here to kill her? !

But Lin Sheng has already become a Juren and married Master Tao's daughter, so how could he kill her again?

Could it be that the fact that she caused the other party's wedding night to disappear was discovered?Or was it because she added a medicine that made the man unbearable in the thinning medicine, and the other party became angry from embarrassment?

Seeing that Shen Qiushui was puzzled, Mo Changtian pulled him aside.

"Do you remember when you fainted before?" He reminded.

fainting thing...

Shen Qiushui walked around the bench and sat on it, frowning quietly thinking about it.

She couldn't remember what happened that time, but she did remember the dream that seemed real.

The man said he would take her back...

Mo Changtian recounted what happened that day.

Shen Qiushui's eyes widened.

"Wait, you mean to say that I beat Lin Sheng half to death?" Shen Qiushui found it inconceivable, after all, she is good at poison and is familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body.

It's really not like she can beat people half to death with a slap and a fist.

The only possibility is that the remaining emotions of the original owner are at play.

"But it's not right. If it's because of this, why didn't you come to revenge earlier, but why come at this time? How long has it been?"

Mo Changtian couldn't figure this out.

"What are you going to do?"

Shen Qiushui smiled, "If you are undecided, call the police."


"It means official post. I'll rest for a while, and you will accompany me to report to the official in a while!"

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