"Is it the realm of Xu Xian?"

"This this"

Hearing what Monk Huiming said, the Emperor Song was shocked at this moment. He never thought that his son, who could not cultivate at all, would suddenly step into such a terrifying realm and reach the sky in one step. This has never happened before. It is also a strong man who has never appeared in Song Dynasty.

But just a gleam of joy appeared in the Emperor of Song Dynasty, but it disappeared in an instant. The Emperor of Song Dynasty knew very well that the Huiming in front of him was just a terrifying demon monk, whose strength far surpassed the realm of Xuxian. Today's Zhao Limin, I'm afraid he will be murdered by him.

"Stop the demon monk, bless the prince!"

"The crown prince is safe, and the Great Song will last forever."

At this moment, the Emperor Song roared angrily, ready to fight Huiming to the death.

"A group of mortals, how dare they act presumptuously in front of me?" At this moment, Tianlong Temple Huiming's face was unworthy, and the next moment he used his supernatural powers, the bodies of those guards and powerful men from the Great Song Kingdom who rushed in instantly turned into blood mist.

At this moment, Huiming rushed towards Zhao Limin like a big roc, his hand seemed to have turned into a terrifying eagle claw, and instantly grabbed Zhao Limin's chest.

The terrifying strong wind instantly tore Zhao Limin's robe to pieces.

There was a look of panic on Zhao Limin's face. Zhao Limin never thought that Huiming's cultivation was so terrifying that even if he became a fairy, he would not be able to move in front of him.

At this moment of despair, Zhao Limin found a piece of paper in his arms slowly falling down.

At the same time, the paper unfolded instantly under Huiming's frighteningly strong wind, and the words "Return me, Heshan" were instantly revealed.

The next moment, a mere domineering righteousness erupted in the entire hall.

I saw Huiming, who was killing Zhao Limin with a murderous look and displaying supernatural powers, a look of panic suddenly appeared on his face. Underneath, it constantly turned into nothingness.

None of the monks behind Huiming was spared. In just a moment, those monks disappeared instantly.

At this moment, the emperor of the Great Song Kingdom was shocked. He never thought that such a turning point would happen today.

The Song Emperor just now was ready to die, but he didn't expect that Zhao Limin's arrival would change everything.

The previous child of the royal family was overjoyed, but suddenly seeing Huiming and other beings killed, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he turned around and was about to flee.

The emperor of Song Dynasty saw such a scum in his royal family, and when he saw his backer died, he wanted to escape. With a look of anger on his face, he threw the Tianzi sword instantly, and nailed him to the hall with one sword.

The Emperor Song's breathing became extremely short at this moment, and today he narrowly escaped from death. He did not expect that such a turning point would be ushered in when he was in despair. His eyes instantly fell on Zhao Limin, with ecstasy on his face.


"Heaven will not kill me, Da Song!"

"I didn't expect that at the moment when my Great Song Dynasty was about to be destroyed, God would allow my son to step into the ranks of cultivation and even become an immortal."

"Although Dalong Temple and Wanfo Temple cannot be destroyed, my son is only eight years old now. As long as you give me time, this area of ​​rivers and mountains still belongs to my Great Song Kingdom."

"Li Min, you are the hope of my Great Song Kingdom, the real dragon of the Song family."

"Immediately leave the Great Song Kingdom and go to the Immortal Mountain to practice. Although I killed these demon monks today, there are still more powerful existences in Dalong Temple. As long as those people go here, my Great Song Dynasty still cannot escape the result of destruction."

The civil and military officials who were originally ecstatic, heard the words of the Emperor Song at this moment, and the joy on their faces disappeared instantly.

But at the moment when they saw Zhao Limin, there was a glint of hope in each of their eyes. They knew very well that Zhao Limin's talent was so monstrous, so as long as time was given, Song Guo would recover one day.


"We are not afraid!"

"We have the trump card. I believe that the disaster of my Great Song Kingdom will be solved easily."

Zhao Limin, who was shocked at the moment when Monk Huiming shot, saw the four words falling on the ground, and his eyes showed excitement.

Staring at the words "Return me Heshan", Zhao Limin's body trembled slightly.

The emperor of Song Dynasty showed a look of helplessness on his face, he stretched out his hand to stroke Zhao Limin's head, and said helplessly: "Limin, although you have stepped into the realm of a fairy now, you are still far away from dealing with Dalong Temple and Wanfu Temple. There are many, but you don’t need to worry, practice hard, after all, you are only eight years old now.”

"Let's go!"

"Leave the Great Song Kingdom!"

The Emperor Song looked at Zhao Limin and said with a serious face.

Father Emperor.

Zhao Limin originally wanted to continue persuading him, but he stopped when he opened his mouth. Zhao Limin knew very well that his father would not believe him.

These monks have already formed an invincible image in the heart of Emperor Song.

"Father, I'll listen to you, but don't worry, father, I will definitely come back soon, and I won't put my father in any danger."

After the voice fell, Zhao Limin left through the air, but Zhao Limin did not leave the Great Song Kingdom directly, but went directly to the Dalong Temple, which is the closest to the capital of the Great Song Kingdom.

Zhao Limin's face showed a hint of anger at this moment.

"Dalong Temple, a group of demon monks, today, I, Zhao Limin, must let you all die without a place to bury you."

"My cultivation is not as good as yours, but the master's cultivation is definitely far superior to yours. The master can raise my cultivation to such a level in a single thought. Presumably the words left by the master are enough to deal with it. you."

Zhao Limin rushed to Dalong Temple as quickly as possible, Zhao Limin knew very well that once Dalong Temple knew that Huiming and others had died in the imperial capital, they would never let the royal family go.

In order to save the Great Song Dynasty, Zhao Limin put all his hopes in his arms, and returned my rivers and mountains.

In Zhao Limin's mind, the phantom of Li Yixi appeared involuntarily.

"The expert actually gave me the way of longevity, and raised my cultivation to such a level, and at the same time gave me this article, I think the expert will definitely help me destroy the Dalong Temple."

"If you can't, even if you die in Dalong Temple, you won't have any regrets."

The young Zhao Limin gritted his teeth involuntarily at this moment, and headed for Dalong Temple at his fastest speed.

Yushan Building.

Li Yixi tasted the delicacies of Yushanlou, with a look of appreciation on his face.

"That's right, no wonder it's called Yushanlou, the dishes here are really good."

Li Yixi bought himself a glass of fine wine, drank it all in one gulp, with a smile on his face.

Liao Kong asked with a smile: "My lord, I saw you leave the yard before, I don't know where you went, my lord?"

"I seemed to be a little happy when I saw the son came back. Could it be that there is something wrong?"

Hearing this, Li Yixi said: "What I can gain is just seeing a child."

As soon as the words fell, Li Yixi couldn't help but think of Zhao Limin's words.

Looking at Kong, he said indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Kong, what you said before is true, there is indeed an accident in the Great Song Kingdom."

Liao Kong heard Li Yixi's words, his eyelids twitched involuntarily, and hurriedly said: "Is it really related to Buddhism?"

The moment he entered the Great Song Kingdom, Liaokong discovered the abnormality of the Great Song Kingdom. At this moment, he was a little nervous. After all, he was also a Buddhist practitioner.

When Kong Kong was nervous, Li Yixi said: "That's right, as you guessed, there are indeed demon monks in the Great Song Dynasty. It is not impossible for Buddhism to exist, but these people are more terrifying than evil ways."

"These monks actually take in those heinous people, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, which explains everything. They even directly provoke the imperial power and intend to suppress the royal family. How can such a Buddha be a Buddha?"

"I think the word demon monk is more suitable for them."

"Put down the butcher knife and immediately become a Buddha. Although there is nothing wrong with this sentence, it has become extremely terrifying in the mouths of these temples. With just one sentence, the entire Great Song Kingdom will be devastated."

"These temples became places of sin, cities of wicked people."

"These monks are more terrifying than demons!"

"Or they are possessed!"

At this moment, Li Yixi had a look of sadness on his face.

Li Yixi was terrified when he thought about it, but he never thought that even the royal family would be so terrified, telling others that they were ordinary people.

"Have you been enchanted?"

Hearing these words, Li Kong's face changed slightly at this moment.

In the south of the Great Song Dynasty, on the fertile land, there is a barren land, and the prosperity of the past has disappeared.

I saw temples being built one after another. Those mortals were skinny, but there was a gleam in their eyes, as if they were possessed by a demon.

Zhao Limin, who was in the void, saw that Jiangnan, which was once the most fertile in the Great Song Kingdom, had turned into such a look, with a look of anger on his face.

But now Zhao Limin did not make a move, but went to Dalong Temple as fast as possible. Although Zhao Limin was not young, he already knew that Dalong Si was the root cause of poisoning the people.

To restore these mortals to normal, the Dalong Temple must be destroyed.

Dalong Temple is resplendent and resplendent.

A huge Buddha statue, reflecting the dazzling golden light.

It seems to be a holy place of Buddhism and Taoism.

Those monks chopped up large pieces of meat one by one, and the whole temple was filled with the smell of wine and meat.

The next moment, Zhao Limin walked directly against the sky and appeared above the Dalong Temple.

When Zhao Limin saw the scene in front of him, anger appeared on his face. He never imagined that the holy monks and immortal Buddhas in the eyes of the common people would look like this.

"Who dares to come to my Great Buddha Temple to be presumptuous!"

Zhao Limin had just appeared above the Dalong Temple, at this moment, an extremely cold voice sounded.

In an instant, a monk with an extremely terrifying aura locked his eyes on Zhao Limin in the void.

Seeing the monk's eyes locked on, Zhao Limin's heart jumped wildly, feeling like being stared at by a god or Buddha.

But an extremely holy power appeared in Zhao Limin's arms, dispelling that terrible coercion.

Zhao Limin hurriedly calmed himself down, and the young Zhao Limin said loudly, "Zhao Limin, Prince of the Great Song Kingdom."

"You have become demons, and you even pretended to be a holy Buddha."

"Today, I, Zhao Limin, will punish you, and let the world be bright."

Zhao Limin's tender voice resounded in the void at this moment.

When the monks in Tianlong Temple heard Zhao Limin's immature voice, they were stunned for a moment, and then all of them showed smiles on their faces.

"Ha ha!"

"Little baby, you are so interesting, are you qualified to destroy my Dalong Temple?"

"Do you believe that I can kill you with one finger?"

"The realm of the mere imaginary fairy, what ability do you have to be presumptuous?"

"This is a holy place, a holy place worshiped by countless mortals."

"And even the emperor of the Great Song Kingdom doesn't have such courage, so come here!"

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