In Taboo Sea, a figure broke through the sea, his expression was extremely gloomy, he stared at the direction where Qingyangzi and Taoist left, with an expression of anger on his face, but he didn't chase after him.

The next moment, he plunged into the taboo sea.

In the depths of the taboo sea, there is an extremely huge palace. The man entered the palace, stepped into this place, and there was a respectful look in the man's eyes.

"Podos, please see your lord."

Sea God Podos knelt down and bowed towards the depths of the hall with a respectful expression.

The voice fell, and a figure appeared at the end of the palace. The figure flickered, and the next moment appeared in front of Podos.

Seeing this person, Podos begged and said: "My lord, save my heir, only your lord can save my heir, otherwise, this will be a disgrace to our Sea God family."

Podos is extremely powerful, has the cultivation of the ancestor god, and is the master of the Forbidden Sea, but at this moment in front of this figure, he dare not be presumptuous, and he can feel fear in his eyes.

Obviously, at this moment, Podos has surrendered and is no longer the master of this taboo sea.

"Podos, are you going to bother me with such trivial matters?"

"You have countless heirs, why should you care?"

"Before, didn't you feel that these two people carried an extremely terrifying treasure?"

"You can be suppressed in the state of a god-king. Don't you understand how terrifying that treasure is?"

"Now is not the time for trouble."

"You lost an heir, we undead will make up for you."

"Get out!"

The next moment, this undead strongman disappeared without a trace and returned to the depths of the palace again.

There was a hint of fear in the eyes of the undead man.

"That, that turned out to be a paper boat."

"Whose method is this?"

"How can there be such a terrifying existence in this forgotten land, will it affect the layout of my undead?"

The undead man, thinking of the previous scene at this moment, still couldn't help shrinking his pupils. In his eyes, Qingyangzi and the Taoist could be wiped out with a wave of his hand, but the breath entangled on the paper boat made him shudder.

"I left a ray of will on the two of them. I don't know if I can gain anything. However, it would be good if I could know where these people came from."

"That way you can be prepared."

As soon as the undead man's thoughts came to his mind, he couldn't help becoming nervous. Thinking of the breath he felt just now, he felt uneasy.

"No, you have to report it up."

Jinling Immortal City, the carriage quickly pulled out of the Immortal City and headed towards the mountains outside the Immortal City.

On a mountain top, many people are busy.

Here, it was quickly transformed into a well-manicured meadow.

At this moment, in the void, the carriage slowly descended.

Sensing the breath of vegetation, Li Yixi at this moment, with a smile on his lips, couldn't help but close his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Qing Yun, what do you think of this place?"

Li Yixi turned around, his eyes fell on Hu Qingyun's face, and he asked with a smile.

"As long as my husband likes it, I will like it, even if this is a barren land."

"With a husband, this is the most beautiful place."

Hearing these words, Li Yixi couldn't help being stunned, thinking to himself, don't these words belong to men?

However, Li Yixi didn't care and walked forward.

In front, many people have already gathered.


"Everything is ready, I don't know if the young master has any suggestions."

At this moment, Meng Ge strode forward and asked anxiously.

Meng Ge saw that Li Yixi's escaping aura from his practice could kill a strong man in the divine realm, so he was very nervous when facing Li Yixi.

"No, it's great!"

"As expected of an immortal, the means of control are indeed terrifying. With a single thought, you can change the appearance of mountains and rivers at will. This place is almost becoming a resort. Thank you for your hard work!"

Li Yixi patted Meng Ge's shoulder, and Li Yixi felt that Meng Ge didn't have any hatred, resentment, or anger towards him, only joy and excitement, and he was very satisfied.

"It's not hard, the place you choose is naturally perfect!"

Mongo hastily agreed.

It just so happened that at this moment, in the void, two figures stepped out of the air, and the corners of their mouths showed a touch of excitement.

"Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji are here!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

"My lord, I'm sorry, we are slow!"

Qingyangzi was very excited at the moment, after all, he had gained a lot, but seeing that he and he were the last to come, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and when he saw Li Yixi from a distance, he hurriedly apologized.

"Ha ha!"

"Brother Qingyang came just in time, it was late there, but I don't know what he brought back!"

Li Yixi smiled and walked towards Qingyangzi and Taoist Tianji.

"My lord, although it took more time this time, the ingredients prepared are quite rich."

"Please look, son!"

After Qingyangzi finished speaking, he waved his big hand. The next moment, a giant sheep appeared in front of Li Yixi. This sheep was extremely handsome, and at a glance, he knew it was extraordinary.

"Is it a monster?"

Seeing the giant sheep, Li Yixi didn't know the specific name, but the corner of his mouth immediately became excited. In Li Yixi's eyes, as long as it is a monster, it is a good thing.

The next moment, I saw Qingyangzi's mana condensed into a huge water basin, and a big fish appeared, with a faint golden light emitting from its body, and the expressions of Jun Wushen and the others suddenly changed.

"Aura of the God King!"

Jun Wushen and the others couldn't help but cast their gazes on Big Yu, and couldn't help but look at Qingyangzi more. They didn't expect that Qingyangzi had the ability to hunt the king of gods and monsters again.


"And it doesn't seem to be an ordinary tuna. There is a faint coercion wrapped around it. It seems to be a big monster."

When Li Yixi was happy, before he had time to speak, he saw Qingyangzi took out another huge lobster beyond imagination, the size of a calf.

Then another octopus appeared.

Li Yixi's eyes widened, and he was very shocked. At this moment, Li Yixi also felt a faint coercion from the lobster. That breath was very special.

Li Yixi said excitedly: "Old Bai, there are beautiful ingredients today, you do it yourself, don't mess it up."

"Especially this fish, it's very good, let's try it first, the sashimi is very good."

Today's Lao Bai was very nervous. Hearing Li Yixi ordering him like this, he suddenly felt much less stressed, so he hurriedly responded and started to deal with it immediately.

"Brother Qingyang, brother Tianji, you have worked hard today."

"Come on, Lao Bai is here to deal with it, let's go have a drink first."

Li Yixi hastily sent out an invitation, inviting Taoist Tianji and Qingyangzi to go to the pavilion built by Fali.

The will lurking in Qingyangzi's body trembled violently the moment Li Yixi approached.

"Above detachment?"

The phantom of the condensed will trembled violently.

Just wanted to escape, at this moment, with a smile on Li Yixi's face, his big hand landed on Qingyangzi's shoulder, and with a light pat, that will was instantly wiped out.

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