Li Yixi heard Hei Wuchang's words, a look of curiosity appeared on his face, he looked at Hei Wuchang and said: "Has the order of the underworld really started to be established in the dead world as in the myth?"

The reason why Li Yixi asked such a question was because Li Yixi found that the Necromancer general in front of him had become a black impermanent costume, and this time he was accompanied by a white impermanence.

However, Li Yixi was very surprised at this moment, because Li Yixi felt an extremely powerful vitality in Black and White Wuchang, at this moment, it was like two living people.

Hei Wuchang looked apprehensive, and said cautiously: "If you go back to my son, the death world is indeed like the legend that the son told, and the order of the underworld has been established in the world of death."

"In addition to Yama of the Ten Temples and Impermanence in Black and White, there is also a bull's head and a horse's face!"

At this moment, Heiwuchang cautiously responded.

Hearing Hei Wuchang's words, Li Yixi's heart skipped a beat, feeling that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because after the order of the underworld is established in the dead world, there will be no explosions, and this world will become more stable.

Thinking of the rampant undead in front of him, Li Yixi suddenly said: "Actually, it is not very difficult to resolve the predicament in front of us!"

"There is no need for those existences in the underworld to keep arresting them, after all, they are looking for trouble."

When Li Yixi's voice fell, Hei Wuchang's body trembled in an instant, with a look of surprise on his face, feeling that Li Yixi had hinted again, he immediately looked at Li Yixi excitedly, "Hei Wuchang is ignorant, please sir point!"

Li Yixi smiled and said: "That night, when I was telling the story, I remembered that you were there! Have you forgotten?"

"Actually, you can set up a stronghold in the world, City God."

"This way can protect the people's safety, supervise the good and evil in the world, manage the dead spirits scattered in the world, judge life and death, and receive incense."

When Li Yixi's voice fell, Heiwuchang's heart stirred up a turbulent wave, his eyes were extremely bright, and he suddenly remembered that night, Li Yixi really said about the City God.

"Human stronghold?"

"City God?"

At this moment, Heiwuchang, with his lips trembling constantly, said excitedly: "Heiwuchang is ignorant, if not for the young master's suggestion, I would have forgotten about it."

In fact, this is not to blame for the existence of the Lord of Hell, because there were not many living people in the dead world at that time. If you want to establish a stronghold in the world, the dead cannot do it, so the Lord of Hell at that time ignored the City God in an instant.

Hei Wuchang looked at Li Yixi excitedly and asked: "My lord, this method is feasible, but how do we need to establish a stronghold in the world?"

Bai Wuchang on the side didn't speak, but at this moment, with a look of excitement on his face, he felt that Li Yixi's method was really wonderful. The establishment of the City God would not only strengthen the communication between the world and the dead world, but also be able to deal with the outbreaks like before. of emergencies.

And the benefits go far beyond that.

Li Yixi was so excited when he saw the black and white impermanence in front of him, and thought of his identity as a mortal, he immediately added: "Actually, I am just talking about it according to the stories in the myths. It is just a casual remark. Don't take it to heart. .”

But at this moment, Hei Wuchang was already extremely excited. He felt that Li Yixi had discovered the loopholes in the current order of the underworld. What existence should take charge of it?"

"How big is the area to build a Town God's Temple?"

At this moment, Hei Wuchang spoke out what was in his heart, and he felt that Li Yixi should have some hints.

Li Yixi heard Hei Wuchang's words, pondered for a moment, thought about it and said: "If you want to build a city god's temple in the local area, it is natural to have an existence in a certain area, and you must get the support of everyone in that area."

"Only in this way can the incense be strong."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, at this moment, he was black and impermanent, his eyes were shining, and his face was excited.

Hei Wuchang now finally understands why City God has a higher position than himself, so he can still enjoy the power of incense.

Hei Wuchang secretly envied him.

Hei Wuchang admired Li Yixi with a look of admiration. As he got closer to Li Yixi, Hei Wuchang found that Li Yixi's layout had completely subverted his cognition.

It seems that Li Yixi has already thought of every detail, this moment of black impermanence, there is a feeling that maybe he can meet Li Yixi here, it is very likely that Li Yixi wants to hint that he will build the Town God's Temple.

Hei Wuchang looked excited, seeing that Li Yixi seemed to have lost the interest to continue talking at this moment, and instantly remembered the matter of the sanctification of the body, and hurriedly looked at Li Yixi, "My lord, it is really fate to meet you here today, I have already completed the matter that the young master told me, this is the method of sanctification of the body that I brought from the realm of death, the name of the exercise is the Nine Turns Golden Body Jue."

At this instant, Hei Wuchang took out the Nine Turns Golden Body Art and offered it with both hands.

Hearing Hei Wuchang's words, Li Yixi's body trembled instantly, and his eyes showed a touch of excitement. Li Yixi never thought that he just tried to talk, and now he actually got the method of physical sanctification.

Li Yixi has always been impatient to step into the ranks of cultivation, and some of the physical cultivation methods he found are incomplete. Suddenly, he got a complete physical sanctification method, how could Li Yixi not be excited .

"The method of sanctifying the body, the nine-turn golden body formula?"

At this moment, Li Yixi said excitedly, and instantly took over the exercises from Hei Wuchang's hands.

Seeing the kung fu in front of him, Li Yixi's eyes became brighter and brighter, because Li Yixi found that this kung fu had the same origin as the previous kung fu, and the positions of the orifices were exactly the same.

"Good baby, I didn't expect to have the same root as the one I practiced before. I'm too weak. This can save me a lot of time."

Li Yixi sat cross-legged in an instant, and began to try to practice. At the moment when Li Yixi was running the Nine-turn Golden Body Art, Black and White Wuchang's eyes widened instantly, because at this moment when the acupoints in Li Yixi's body lit up , black and white impermanence felt horrified that in those acupuncture points of Li Yixi, there were extremely powerful gods and demons sitting cross-legged.

It was as if Li Yixi's body contained hundreds of millions of gods and demons.

That force made the black and white impermanence look terrified at this moment, because at this moment, the black and white impermanence clearly felt that the vegetation around Li Yixi's body was constantly collapsing.

He couldn't bear the terrifying aura emanating from Li Yixi's body at all. If Black and White Impermanence hadn't used the hook and mourning stick in his hand, he wouldn't have the strength to resist the terrifying aura.

Hu Qingyun's eyelids twitched wildly on the side, and Hu Qingyun felt the crackling sounds of the big trees around him, and the trunks might explode at any time.

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