"No, impossible?"

"How could this be? How could this be?"

"I am in the realm of a true god, and I have devoured countless undead souls. How can I be imprisoned by you in an instant?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, it must be an illusion, it must be an illusion."

"Nie Zheng, with your existence, I can erase you with a wave of my hand. This is an illusion, and I cannot be imprisoned."

"I'm going to swallow you!"

The imprisoned powerful undead had a ferocious expression at this moment. He felt that the scene in front of him was an illusion, so he immediately rushed towards Nie Zheng.

However, at the moment when he attacked Nie Zheng, he saw a terrifying force erupting from the soul-hunting rope, and that force instantly invaded his body.


The incomparably powerful undead in front of Nie Zheng let out a horrific howl at this moment, and felt that his soul was about to disperse at this moment.

The moment he grabbed Nie Zheng's hand, he quickly withdrew it, hugged his head tightly, and kept rolling on the ground, letting out a miserable howl.

"Naughty beast, I have gained supreme authority now. Although I am weak now, I am still equivalent to a god."

"Of course, the god I'm talking about is not the realm, but the real priesthood."

"I was born for you, and I exist for you. How can you exist that can resist and escape?"

After hearing Nie Zheng's words, the undead rolling and howling on the ground woke up instantly, with a look of shock on their faces.

"Is it a priesthood?"

"I don't believe it, even if the Lord of Hell has given you some authority, but your authority can only be possessed in the realm of the dead. This is the realm of life. Your authority is useless here. It is impossible for you to imprison mine."

At this moment, the undead still looked unwilling, but the pain made his soul almost collapse.

At this moment, the undead could only hastily stop struggling, and its scarlet eyes fell on Nie Zheng for an instant, but when he really paid attention to Nie Zheng, he suddenly froze.

Those eyes were wide open, his face was full of disbelief, and his lips were trembling constantly.

"how is this possible?"

"how can that be?"

"You are a weak chicken, how can you have a physical body?"

"As far as I know, even the lord of hell, those extremely powerful beings around him, have not been cast into a flesh body by the power of merit. How did you get a flesh body?"

"And it's not right, your aura is wrong, when did you cultivate to the realm of a god king?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the extremely powerful undead, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he even forgot his own pain, the scene in front of him kept impacting his heart.

Hearing the words of the undead, Nie Zheng showed a smug expression at the corner of his mouth.

"You are right. The Lord of Hell can only grant me the authority of black impermanence in the realm of death, but I forgot to tell you that there is a more terrifying existence that has granted me authority in the realm of life!"

"In this living world, I still have the power to suppress you, even if it is an existence that is more powerful than you, if I want to catch you, you will not have any ability to resist, because I have the supreme artifact, the soul hook, Crying stick."

"Now, I have the priesthood, and I have the authority to walk in the world of life and death. From now on, I will be your nightmare. You existences, don't try to disturb this world of life."

At this moment, the imprisoned powerful undead showed a look of shock on his face.

"Walking the power of life and death!"

"Supreme Artifact!"

At this moment, when his eyes fell on Nie Zheng, he was completely desperate, because he had already confirmed that the scene in front of him was not an illusion, but real.

This incomparably powerful undead looked at Nie Zheng with despair on his face and said, "Could it be that powerful existence that instantly made the Demon Buddha the Lord of Hell?"

After all, in his opinion, the only person in this world who can grant Nie Zheng such terrifying priesthood authority is that extremely terrifying person.

Nie Zheng was in a good mood at the moment, and explained with a proud face: "Yes, you are not too stupid. Only such an existence can grant me the priesthood."

"Moreover, let me tell you, those peerless existences are deployed in the world, and this world will soon change."

"Now not only the underworld and reincarnation have been established, but also the underworld is being continuously improved, and that terrifying existence is still laying out the living world. To create the holy land of the living world, not only must order be established in the dead world, but also If we want to establish order in this living world, we may also establish a terrifying Heavenly Court."

At this moment, Nie Zheng couldn't help but think of Boy Wuming. Since Li Yixi granted Boy Wuming the authority of the rain god and made him a god, Nie Zheng felt that Li Yixi would most likely want to establish a heaven in the mythology. .

Heaven manages practitioners and establishes a real order in the fairy world.

At that time, there will be order in the living world, order in the underworld, and order in the heavenly court. At that time, this world will become an unimaginable holy land.

Nie Zheng became extremely excited when he thought about it, and felt that Li Yixi was too scary, and it was a chance to be able to help.

After verifying his authority, Nie Zheng was extremely excited, and began to capture those undead that appeared in the living world, and soon returned to the dead with countless undead.

The moment Nie Zheng returned to the underworld, the Lord of Hell opened his eyes instantly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The Lord of Hell is the Lord of the Dead Realm. Naturally, every plant and tree in the Dead Realm cannot escape the eyes of the Lord of Hell. At this moment, the Lord of Hell appeared in front of Nie Zheng with an unbelievable expression on his face. Staring at Nie Zheng, because the lord of hell found that not only Nie Zheng's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, but now Nie Zheng actually possessed a real physical body.

"Nie Zheng, what happened?"

At this moment, when the Lord of Hell's eyes fell on Nie Zheng, his body trembled slightly, and a storm arose in his heart, but the Lord of Hell thought it was an illusion because it was so incredible.

"Heiwuchang visits God."

"Today, Heiwuchang went out to capture the undead, and met an expert, who granted me the authority of Heiwuchang in the living world."

The Lord of Hell, who had a shocked face, heard Nie Zheng's words at this moment, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Staring fixedly at Nie Zheng, he asked, "Did the expert really grant you the authority of black impermanence in the living world?"

Seeing the shocked Lord of Hell, Nie Zheng was very proud at this moment, and this feeling was very refreshing.

But Nie Zheng didn't dare to smile, and hastily responded, "Go back to God, yes!"

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