Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 924 One Thought, The Rain God Appears

After leaving the book mountain, Li Yixi felt a little complicated at the moment. Li Yixi had never paid attention to people's livelihood all along. He felt that no one would starve to death in the fantasy world. But today, he actually learned from Zhao Feixuan that in There are unexpectedly powerful existences in the world, using means to make ordinary people stupid to gain the power of faith and luck. Li Yixi feels that these people want to be kings.

Because when the people lose their wisdom, there will be a powerful existence to raise their arms, and there will be a scene that responds to everything, regardless of good or evil.

At that time, if you give some benefits casually, you will be worshiped as a god, which can also bring together countless beliefs and luck.

"This is not the right way, I hope Zhao Feixuan can do something."

Li Yixi lost his thoughts, turned around and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, we are not playing in the fairy city anymore, let's go outside and see how the poor in this world live."

"Yes, son!"

Xiaobai immediately revealed his real body, and carried Li Yixi away through the sky.

Little Fenghuang, who was always chattering, also became quiet at this moment, and didn't say much.

After leaving the Immortal City, Li Yixi suddenly discovered that the country of ordinary people is actually no different from the lower realm, and even worse than the lower realm. Li Yixi found some and was begging.

As he continued to watch, Li Yixi discovered that there was a famine in this world, and a large number of mortals starved to death.

Moreover, in many places, those who are about to starve to death are doing everything they can to build Taoist temples, promote incense, and ask for the blessing of immortals.

Li Yixi didn't go to save them, but let Xiaobai lead them, watching them all the way, his face was very ugly.

Hu Qingyun was also angry at the moment, and anger appeared on his face.

"What kind of world is this? There are countless practitioners, but there are mortals starving to death, and disasters appear everywhere. It's ironic. Immortals control countless fairy arts, can call wind and rain, and can move mountains to fill seas, but there are large-scale droughts and floods. Insect plague, plague."

Li Yixi heard Hu Qingyun's words, and a hint of anger appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Indeed, these things are the biggest irony to this practice world. In the practice world, people actually starve to death, and these are not natural disasters, but man-made disasters. The hearts of these practitioners have been distorted."

"It's a loss of humanity."

"This is an extremely evil world!"

"It is necessary to awaken the wisdom of mortals and let them control their own destiny, but this will be a difficult revolution and there will be many obstacles."

"This world is so chaotic, and the laws of heaven are unkind."

When Li Yixi's voice fell, Little Phoenix, Hu Qingyun, and Xiao Bai under him trembled in fright, and looked at the void with horror on their faces. In their eyes, the way of heaven should not be profaned or mentioned. In the past, he even directly said that the way of heaven is inhumane.

Hu Qingyun was really worried about the catastrophe and punishment from the Dao of Heaven, but thinking of Li Yixi's strength and everything was calm, she let go of her hanging heart.

The Lord of Hell who followed secretly all the way saw Li Yixi's serious face, followed him from a distance without disturbing him, and naturally heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, he was a little terrified.

Even the lord of hell dare not speak falsely at this moment.

Thinking of everything from seeing Li Yixi to now, the Lord of Hell thought deeply, and said to himself: "It seems that the master has a very big plan, not only to establish reincarnation, but also to establish order in the world, and to set off Heaven-shattering suppression."

"What level of existence is an expert? The way of heaven is immortal. This is a consensus. Is it possible to enslave the way of heaven?"

"Moreover, establishing order in the world and opening up the minds of mortals is a struggle against countless terrifying existences."

"Those terrifying existences are all laying out the world, competing for luck, and competing for the power of faith."

However, the lord of hell was excited when he thought of Li Yixi throwing countless luck treasures, and felt that it was a great opportunity to be Li Yixi's pawn.

After all, this kind of terrifying existence is beyond their reach, but now, they have come into contact with it.

Chess pieces, as long as you do your duty and do your job well, you will get great opportunities.

Unlike the lord of hell, Nie Zheng, who is weak, heard Li Yixi's inhumane words, and his scalp went numb and his body went limp in fright.

Xiaobai flew all the way, and soon, he went deep into a dry land.

The ground is full of yellow sand, and the vegetation is all withered.

Hu Qingyun and others discovered that between the heaven and the earth, there is a trace of the power of law, which is a man-made natural disaster, but soon, Xiaobai discovered that an oasis appeared strangely in front of him, very small, very small.

"My lord, there is an oasis in front of us. It's very strange. Do we need to go and see it?"

At this moment, Xiaobai said to Li Yixi.

"An oasis?"

"The earth is dry, why is there an oasis?"

Li Yixi was very puzzled, the former Li Yixi even saw practitioners being set on fire by arson balls.

Li Yixi immediately said: "Go and have a look!"

Xiaobai, who got the order, flew to the oasis with Li Yixi at this moment, and soon arrived. Li Yixi found that it was a village, very dilapidated, and the lives of ordinary people were even more difficult.

Soon, Li Yixi discovered why an oasis appeared here.

Because above the village at this moment, there is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy who is casting spells and artificially raining.

The clothes on his body are ragged, like a little beggar, but now he has a determined face, but it seems that he casts a spell to rain, which is a bit unsustainable, and the rain is very small, barely maintaining the life of the village. All women and children are looking at the sky with a basin at the moment , with a look of longing.

Soon, a light rain is over.

The young man also seemed to have lost all his mana, and fell in front of the shabby hut, trying to recover.

Li Yixi and the others fell silently, looking at the young man with his eyes closed, Li Yixi did not disturb him, but crushed a piece of top-quality immortal jade in his hand instantly, and threw it beside the young man. At this moment, the young man, With the absorption of immortal energy, he recovered quickly, with a look of surprise on his face.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the fairy-like Li Yixi, and he was extremely nervous.

Kneeling down with a plop, he said in horror: "Shangxian, please spare our village. Only the old and the weak, women and children are left here. They will die. When the fairy temple is established, I will definitely take them to believe in it."

The boy knelt down and said tremblingly.

Seeing this scene, Li Yixi didn't go over, because Li Yixi knew that it would frighten the young man, a soft look appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "What's your name, I don't have any malicious intentions, why don't you join the power of the Immortal Dao to practice? "

"I see that although you know some spells, you are very unfamiliar and your cultivation base is also very weak, so you won't be able to save too many people."

Hearing this, the young man suddenly felt that Li Yixi was very kind, and he was no longer afraid. He replied: "I have no father or mother. I grew up eating a lot of food. I accidentally got some opportunities to become a practitioner. Powerful, but if I leave, the old, weak, women and children here will die, and being strong may not be able to save more people, some people in the fairy sect were found to be forced to rain and were killed directly."

"It's much better not to enter the immortal sect. It's not easy to be discovered. Although I am weak, I can only save one person."

"People, you have to know how to be grateful."

This remark was ordinary, but Li Yixi was shocked, and felt that those practitioners were not as good as teenagers.

Li Yixi also knew that if he interfered with the immortal way, he might be very troublesome, so he smiled and said, "Good luck for you!"

"This is for you, quench your thirst!"

At this moment, Li Yixi took out the last orange he brought out this time, and Li Yixi found that the boy's lips were already chapped.

Leaving the oranges behind, Li Yixi sat on Xiaobai's body and broke through the air, closed his eyes and murmured: "I hope he is strong, able to hold the priesthood, and spread clouds and rain for the world."

The Lord of Hell in the void, watching everything quietly.

He looked puzzled, wondering if Li Yixi's actions would make any difference. The young man was so thirsty at the moment, he wolfed down the orange in an instant. Stopped, the Lord of Hell found that the young man at this moment, his cultivation was growing at an extremely frightening speed, and he became an immortal in an instant.

Moreover, it is very strange, and the strength is not strong, but at this moment, the lord of hell discovered in horror that the young man was shrouded in a layer of divine light, and in an instant, he became an extremely powerful rain master, like the legendary rain god generally.

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