Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 903 The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and the head of the chapter is the shore.

An extremely terrifying blow made the entire Tianhe River of Death seem to be about to collapse at this moment.

Where the sword light passed, the river of Death Tianhe stopped flowing in an instant. That extremely sharp sword light stopped time. Wherever the sword light passed, wherever there were undead spirits, they all turned into nothingness at this moment .

This knife seems to destroy the entire Tianhe of Death, as if to bury everything.

The ancient seal in his hand trembled violently on the East King on the Tianhe River of Death, and his face became extremely ugly.

"not good!"

"The Demonic Buddha who was sealed in the Death Galaxy has made a move. It seems that the appearance of the Buddhist scriptures has stimulated him. The Demonic Buddha was once defeated by the Buddha, and he was full of unwillingness. In the end, under the influence of endless resentment, he completely became a Demonic Buddha. Buddha."

"Now the supreme Buddhist scriptures of the master have not been completely unified. I am afraid that the extremely powerful golden Buddha will not be able to resist the knife of the demon Buddha."

"If this golden Buddha can't withstand this knife, then today's world of death will be completely destroyed."

Feeling the tremor in Tianhe, Dong Wang's face became extremely nervous at this moment.

Those gods of death also became flustered. Originally, this supreme Buddhist scripture brought them benefits, but at this moment.Suddenly, I felt that what this Buddhist scripture brought was not salvation but disaster.

"I believe the expert, the expert must have his plan, maybe the real purpose of the expert is not to seal Death Tianhe, but to completely kill the Demon Buddha."

"Because as long as the Demon Buddha is completely wiped out, it will be much easier to suppress the entire Death Galaxy, and it can be sealed for a longer period of time."

At the moment when the Eastern King and the Death Spirit General looked terrified, they saw the extremely weak Nie Zheng, and suddenly, a bright light appeared in his eyes.

He stared excitedly at Death Tianhe below him.

Nervous hands clenched into fists, wanting to see how terrifying the golden Buddha is.

After Nie Zheng knew that Li Yixi had resurrected that soul, he had already regarded Li Yixi as an omnipotent existence, and felt that Li Yixi was the strongest existence in the world.

Li Yixi and other extremely terrifying existences, every thing they do will never be random, they must have their own purpose.

Before, Nie Zheng felt that this Buddhist scripture could only help them suppress Death Tianhe and resolve this disaster.

But the moment Nie Zheng saw the golden Buddhas merged into one, and the moment he learned from Dong Wang that the Demon Buddha started to fight back, Nie Zheng suddenly reacted.

Nie Zheng felt that the only person worthy of such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi was the strongest Demon Buddha who was sealed by God in the deepest part of the Death Galaxy in the entire Death Realm.

The despairing Dong Wang and the Death General suddenly heard Nie Zheng's words and saw the excitement on Nie Zheng's face.

One by one couldn't help being taken aback, but then shook their heads.

Dong Wang said in a desperate voice: "I also think that the target of that expert is the Demon Buddha, who can completely suppress the Demon Buddha, but the Demon Buddha is too terrifying. When he fell into a demon that day, the detached Buddha almost fell into the sky. In the hands of the Demon Buddha, if God and the Buddha did not join hands at that time, the Demon Buddha would not be able to be sealed."

"Even if the peerless master you saw is really a detached existence, how can he suppress the Demon Buddha just by writing a Buddhist scripture? If his deity comes, there may be a chance."

"Just relying on this Buddhist scripture, it is impossible to seal the Demon Buddha, let alone completely kill the Demon Buddha."

Dong Wang's voice was full of despair, at this moment Dong Wang couldn't help raising his head to look at the sky of the dead world, Dong Wang felt that if he wanted to save the dead world now, Li Yixi had only one choice, and that was the deity coming.

But Dong Wang sensed it for a moment, only to find that there was no breath of life coming from any crack.

However, the knife cut by the Demon Buddha in the Galaxy of Death kept approaching the golden Buddha.

In the death galaxy at this moment, which Buddhas have not had time to complete the unity of all Buddhas.

Seeing that the unity of ten thousand Buddhas had not yet been completed, Dong Wang felt even more desperate at this moment, because without the unity of ten thousand Buddhas, the strongest means of this scripture could not be erupted.

As that destructive sword light kept approaching the Golden Buddha, even Nie Zheng was extremely nervous at this moment, he held his breath, and stared at the scene in front of him.

The Devil Buddha in the depths of the Death Galaxy had a sneer in his eyes, and the Devil Buddha also felt that the current golden Buddha had not completed the unity of all Buddhas.

"A mere phantom of Buddha dares to suppress Senior Demon Buddha, it is simply asking for humiliation."

Those dead spirit powerhouses beside Demon Buddha, Xi Wang, Bei Wang and Nan Wang, had a sneer at the corners of their mouths. In their opinion, under the terrible knife of Demon Buddha, that golden Buddha would definitely be torn apart.

However, at the moment when the terrifying knife light was about to touch the Golden Buddha, the Golden Buddha was not seen making any movements.

It seemed that the Golden Buddha was about to be destroyed by that horrific sword light. At this moment when everyone felt that everything was over, the Buddha's lips with his eyes closed moved slightly: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head and see the shore."

These eight words are very plain, but the moment of these eight words is very strange, resounding through the entire river of death.

The terrifying sword light that had killed the golden Buddha suddenly shattered in an instant.


"The blade is shattered!"

"How is this possible?"

"Without the unity of ten thousand Buddhas, would it be possible to erupt such terrifying strength?"

"Is this really not an illusion?"

Dong Wang, who was already in despair, suddenly saw the terrifying sword light cut by the Demon Buddha shattered in an instant, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes. Dong Wang had a feeling that he was hallucinating.

But the supreme Buddha's voice that sounded in Dong Wang's ears clearly told Dong Wang that the scene in front of him was not an illusion, but after the Buddha uttered those words, the terrifying Buddha's light completely tore up the terrifying sword light of the Demon Buddha. .

At the moment when the terrifying blade light collapsed, those golden Buddhas in the void, under the shocked gazes, slowly walked into the huge golden Buddha figure, completing the Ten Thousand Buddhas oneness.

At the same time, at this moment, the face of the golden Buddha in the Milky Way of Death also became clear instantly.

A handsome face appeared in the eyes of all the dead spirits.

That face did not show any compassion, it was not like those Buddhas, but a refined young and handsome face.

On that face, it seemed that the elegant smile had lasted forever.

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