Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 900: Literalized Buddha, Buddha Light Forms Formation

At the moment when Dong Wang put away the Buddhist scriptures and everyone was excited, they saw Death Tianhe suppressed by Dong Wang, a terrifying force erupted, and a tsunami that destroyed heaven and earth instantly set off on the Death Tianhe.

"No, Death Tianhe rioted!"

All the gods and generals, there was a look of panic on the face at this moment, because this time the death Tianhe riot is more terrifying than before.

"East King, do you still want to persist?"

"How long will you continue to suppress us?"

"How long has passed, don't you know?"

"Do you think your God would be willing to establish reincarnation?"

"If he wants to establish reincarnation, he has to sacrifice himself to have a one-in-a-million possibility. Don't you think we haven't deduced this?"

"Finally detached, do you think he would be willing to try to escape death?"

"Stop struggling, join us, destroy the world of death, let us come to the world!"

In the galaxy of death, a gigantic face appeared at this moment, and the facial features gradually became clear on that hideous face.


"Shut up, a bunch of trash, who can't even maintain their own sanity, what qualifications do they have to negotiate terms with this king?"

"Do you really think you can destroy the world of death this time?"

"You are simply wishful thinking, as long as I exist, you don't even think about escaping from the realm of death!"

At this moment, Dong Wang's tone contained firmness.

There was a hint of panic on that hideous and huge face, "East King, do you want to suppress us with yourself?"

"Even if that's the case, can you suppress us for a while and for a lifetime? That will only throw the entire East Palace into chaos!"

"Don't you know that the kings of the north, the kings of the west, and the kings of the south are madly devouring the undead to improve their own strength?"

"They are all trying to replace the God of the world and become the ruler of the world."

"It's only stupid you who have always been loyal, thinking that the God of the dead world will return. He has transcended and paid an endless price before taking that step. Do you think he will return? It's just a joke."

"You don't think about yourself, don't you think about these subordinates who have followed you for countless years?"

"Once you fall, they will disappear completely."

"Cooperate with us, only then can you hope to compete with the Three Kings."

At this moment, the huge face that appeared above the death galaxy could feel fear from his voice.

Originally, they looked disdainful, but at this moment, they suddenly felt that Dong Wang would sacrifice himself to suppress them. If that was the case, then they would lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, in the Death Galaxy at this moment, those terrifying existences can feel the breath of life above the void of the East Prince's Mansion.

There must be a passage leading to the living world.


"You have been deducing and calculating for a long time, but you are afraid that you will be disappointed. Do you think that there is really nothing else in this king's hands that can suppress you?"

At this moment, after Dong Wang heard what the other party said, a sneer appeared on his face.

If the previous self was devoured by chaos because of despair, it is really possible to be seduced by the other party.

But now Dongwang is holding the Supreme Buddhist Sutra, and the Buddha's meaning on it keeps Dongwang awake, so how could he join these dead spirits.


"Dongwang, don't pretend to be a tiger there. If you really have other methods, you have already used them. How could you wait until now?"

"The you just now almost fell into the galaxy of death, and I didn't see you use it."

"Stop struggling and join us!"

That ferocious face became more and more real, an incomparably huge existence, trying to get out of the galaxy of death.

"is it?"

"Then let me let you know what despair is?"

"go with!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Dong Wang's mouth. With a wave of Dong Wang's hand, the Buddhist scriptures held by Dong Wang were thrown out. The Buddhist scriptures at this moment were originally small, but they continued to grow larger at this moment. In the void, it seems to have turned into a sky.

As it continued to unfold, golden Buddha lights appeared in the sky.

I saw the words on the rice paper turned into golden Buddhas. At this moment, these golden Buddhas kept knocking on the wooden fish and reciting the supreme Buddhist scriptures in their mouths.

The terrifying Buddha light spread continuously, and the rice paper was slowly reduced to ashes, but the golden Buddha transformed from those golden characters did not completely dissipate.

The little golden Buddha was only the size of a small wine glass at first, but as the sutras were chanted, those little golden Buddhas turned into huge Buddhas.

These Buddhas held wooden fish in their hands and kept beating them, with their eyes closed tightly, as if they wanted to save sentient beings, walking towards death step by step.

The incomparably powerful Buddha's light erupted completely at this moment.

At the moment of the rioting Death Tianhe, panicked voices resounded from the depths.

Because those undead devoured indiscriminately after losing their minds.At this moment, under the terrifying Buddha's light, all kinds of chaotic wills appeared in his mind.

"This this"

Seeing the terrifying scene in front of them, those ghost generals who had worried faces trembled violently, their eyes revealed disbelief, and they wanted to say something, but their lips trembled uncontrollably.

Nie Zheng looked at the scene in front of him at this moment, with a look of fanaticism on his face. Nie Zheng felt that he had waited for countless years, and these years were not in vain. Maybe Li Yixi could really establish reincarnation.

"No no no no!"

"Damn it, how could there be such terrible scriptures in this world?"

"Is this the Supreme Sutra written by some Buddha when he transcended?"

That incomparably huge body was about to step out of the Tianhe of Death and break free from the confinement at this moment, but it never occurred to him that Dong Wang had such a terrifying Buddhist scripture in his hands.

There was a look of panic and despair on his face at this moment. He knew very well that with this Buddhist scripture, even if he tried his best today, it was impossible for him to break free from the imprisonment of Death Tianhe.

This suppression will take at least 1000 years, he has already waited for countless 1000 years, and after another 1000 years, the crack in the void will definitely disappear, and it is impossible for them to walk out of the realm of death.

After the unimaginably powerful necromancer was in despair, he burst out with terrifying supernatural powers, trying to destroy the Buddhas in front of him.

However, before he could use his magical powers in the future, he saw golden Buddhas slowly blending into the black death galaxy at this moment.

The violently fluctuating death galaxy became very quiet at this moment.

The huge body of the extremely powerful Necromancer was also suppressed by the extremely powerful seal above the Death Galaxy, and the endless Buddha light turned into golden chains, instantly entangled around the huge body of the Necromancer Go up, and slowly pull his huge body into the river of death again.

The riotous death Tianhe slowly regained its calm at this moment.

However, the Buddha lumps in the Galaxy of Death did not disappear. The golden Buddhas that were transformed into words were suspended in the Galaxy of Death. The endless Buddha light erupting from the bodies of the golden Buddhas at this moment turned into golden chains. , all the golden Buddhas were connected together and turned into an extremely terrifying formation.

Completely suppress and seal Death Tianhe.

Dong Wang saw Death Tianhe who was completely sealed, and his face showed a look of shock, "What kind of existence is it, that a Buddhist scripture written down has such unpredictable power?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Dong Wang's eyelids couldn't help jumping wildly.

His scalp felt numb, but there was a light of hope in his eyes.

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