Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 894 Reincarnation Wheel Chapter?

In fact, he has long since despaired, he simply does not believe that the God of the dead world can establish reincarnation.

He has long accepted that reincarnation does not exist in this world, because he knows that a very long time ago, an almost detached existence just wanted to resurrect his weak wife, and his wife was just a weak real fairy, and he It is an existence that is about to be transcended.

The moment he entered the world of death, those existences in the world of death were full of hope, because as long as one person could be resurrected, then those terrifying existences would see the hope of life instead of being imprisoned in the world forever. In the galaxy of death.

So at that time, when the terrifying existence that was almost detached entered the Tianhe of Death, everything became extremely smooth without any obstacles, but in the end, that detached existence directly fell when he reversed the death energy.

The fall of that strong man also took away the hope of all the undead.

But the moment he saw Li Yixi's body, General Necromancer saw a terrifying force of life and death around Li Yixi's body.

That force, which has become extremely weak at this moment, is just left over from when Li Yixi rescued Li Mu.

Even Xiaoyao Immortal King and others couldn't feel that force.

But this Necromancer General, at this moment, when his eyes fell on Li Yixi, he felt it.

"Could it be that the soul that was taken away before has been revived?"

At this moment, the voice of this necromancer general was trembling, and his body was also trembling at this moment.

"Nie Zheng pays homage to all the immortals!"

The necromancer general took a deep breath and bowed to the crowd suspended above the magic weapon.

The people above the magic weapon didn't want to go down at first, they just wanted to watch in the void to see if there was any disaster coming.

But at this moment, they didn't expect that this necromancer general greeted them!


"It's unbelievable. Even though he is already dead, he can still turn into a dead spirit, and he seems to have some wisdom and reason."

Hearing the other party's words, Li Yixi was not shocked at this moment, but excited.

Li Yixi was a little scared at first, but after hearing what the other party said, Li Yixi felt that the other party seemed to be able to maintain reason, and was instantly stunned.

Xiaoyao Immortal King who originally wanted to refuse, was thoughtful after hearing Li Yixi's words.

"Undead are things that cannot be touched, but God seems to be interested in undead, and he didn't refuse, and wants to go down. Does God have anything to plan?"

Thinking of this, and at the same time knowing Li Yixi's terrifying Immortal King Xiaoyao, he immediately urged his magic weapon to slowly fall from the void.

The magic weapon kept falling, and Immortal King Xiaoyao was full of anxiety and uneasiness at this moment, because Immortal King Xiaoyao was afraid of the invasion of those dead spirits, and it would be a near-death situation at that time.

However, at the moment when the magic weapon fell, the fear in the heart of the Immortal King Xiaoyao disappeared instantly, because at this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao discovered that Li Yixi's body exuded an invisible and incomparably holy power. An incomparably holy power directly evaporates the dead energy flowing over.

Turn those dead air into life.

This made Xiaoyao Immortal King's inner worries disappear.

At the same time, the excitement in the eyes of the General of the Necromancer became even more intense after he had a close contact with Li Yixi.

"Greetings, Fellow Daoist. I don't know if Fellow Daoist needs help?"

At this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao asked with a smile on his face to the General of the Necromancer.

General Necromancer heard Xiaoyao Immortal King's words, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Dear friends, did you scare you? The void of the dead world suddenly split, and some necromancers who had been sleeping in the Milky Way of Death broke through the seal and ran away. It's outside, so we came out to capture it and prepare to bring it back to Death Tianhe."

"However, this time the waterfall of Death Tianhe is too terrifying. The number of undead escaped from Death Tianhe today is extremely terrifying. It is impossible to capture all of them and bring them back to Death Tianhe. If there are undead , I also ask fellow Taoists to help suppress one or two, otherwise, although there is not much danger to the practitioners, those mortals have no supernatural powers after all, and it is impossible to escape in an instant, which will cause disaster."

After General Death explained, his eyes fell on Li Yixi for an instant. The reason why General Death spoke to Immortal King Xiaoyao was actually more because he wanted to find out the aura of Li Yixi.

But after approaching, General Necromancer frowned again. The power in Li Yixi's body could indeed turn those dead energy into vitality, but it sensed very clearly that Li Yixi had no trace of cultivation at all, that is, a mortal.

This made General Necromancer extremely puzzled at this moment.

Li Yixi looked at this necromancer general, and his eyes fell on himself. Seeing that the other party was rational and able to communicate normally, his interest instantly rose.

Stepping out, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and asked with a smile: "This general of the dead, are there really many dead spirits in the Galaxy of Death? Those dead spirits in the Tianhe of Death really have no chance to reincarnate." Reincarnation?"

Li Yixi asked two questions in succession.

Hearing Li Yixi's initiative to speak, General Necromancer showed a touch of excitement on his face, and immediately replied: "My lord, there are indeed endless necromancers being suppressed in the Galaxy of Death. How many undead, because of countless years, the Avenue of Death has attracted too many souls into it."

"Reincarnation is impossible, it's just an imagination of ours."

"Or it is the obsession of some of us, but this obsession is always good. This obsession can make all the dead spirits persevere. I hope that one day we can really establish reincarnation and let everyone They can all enter reincarnation."

At this moment, General Necromancer said expectantly.

"The establishment of reincarnation, even in myths and legends, can only be achieved by extremely terrifying existences. It is impossible for ordinary immortals to establish reincarnation."

At this moment, when Li Yixi mentioned reincarnation, he suddenly thought of Houtu and said something.

In myths and legends, Houtu incarnates in the six realms of reincarnation, giving those countless dead beings the chance to be reincarnated.

Just as Li Yixi's words fell, at this moment, apart from the general of the undead, the other undead also showed golden lights in their eyes at this moment, staring at Li Yixi firmly.

General Necromancer felt a little parched at this moment, looked at Li Yixi seriously and asked: "My lord, does existence really exist, can reincarnation be established?"

"You said the existence in the myth, what kind of person is it?"

After the General Necromancer's voice fell, at this moment, the surroundings became extremely quiet, and there was no sound.

Whether it's those dead spirits or Xiaoyao Immortal King and others, all eyes fell on Li Yixi.

Everyone's eyes were full of shock. They never thought that in Li Yixi's memory, there was such a terrifying existence that really established reincarnation, and it was the reincarnation of the six realms.

Feeling a series of gazes on her body, Li Yixi felt a little helpless, and could only explain: "It's just a legend, it can't be true."

"It's not true!"

At this moment, Li Yixi felt a little regretful and waved again and again.

But these undead did not leave, looked at Li Yixi excitedly, and said expectantly: "Young master, can you tell us something?"

"Reincarnation, even if it only exists in our imagination, is a gift to us, a kind of salvation, which can keep us rational."

"After all, countless dead spirits have long been in despair. Even a story can give us some sustenance."

"Even if it is a character in mythology, it is worth our pilgrimage."

"Yes, son, can you tell us what kind of powerful existence that is?"

The undead soldier, who had not spoken all this time, couldn't bear it anymore at this moment, and asked aloud!

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