Fortunately, when Li Yixi wanted to strangle himself and didn't know how to explain it, the voice of Immortal King Xiaoyao continued to sound.

"My lord, can you tell us the story of the gods?"

"I'm curious, what kind of story is that, is it more exciting than Journey to the West?"

At that moment just now, everyone was extremely worried, wishing to strangle the Immortal King Xiaoyao to death, thinking that the Immortal King Xiaoyao was thinking about it, but don't bring them along, they think that Li Yixi's incarnation as a mortal would definitely not be able to expose it.

Once exposed, it will kill people.

Fortunately, when everyone was terrified, Immortal King Xiaoyao added the second half of the sentence, otherwise they would really be killed at this moment.

"That's right, young master, we also want to know the story of the conferred gods?"

"Young master, just tell us!"

At this moment, each of them could be called acting emperors, and they changed the topic instantly. The topic just now was too terrible.

Leo Kong cursed inwardly, "Fuck, you scared me to death, little monk, I think I'm going to be silenced, just now, little monk, I felt that there was an extremely terrifying aura leaking out of the young master's body. , then there was a crack in that chair, if the Immortal King Xiaoyao was a bit slow in filling it in, my chair might burst open, it’s so scary, it scared the little monk to death.”

Liao Kong's strength is extraordinary, and after getting some scriptures from Li Yixi, he has made rapid progress, but at that moment just now, Liao Kong was really scared.

"It's so hot!"

Tang Lan who was beside Li Yixi also hurriedly changed the subject at this moment, taking the opportunity to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. Tang Lan originally thought that it was a great honor to be able to sit beside Li Yixi today, but just now As soon as the words of Immortal King Xiaoyao fell, Li Yixi's body suddenly leaked a breath, and Tang Lan felt that he was dead.

Even breathing was extremely difficult, as if there was an invisible big hand pinching Tang Lan's neck at that moment.

The Tianlong Immortal Buddha was even more unbearable. The first time I saw Li Yixi, his face turned pale from fright. I saw the hand under the table that was turning the beads. Because of excessive force, the indestructible beads had already turned into powder.

Anzi comforted himself, "Amitabha, Buddha bless you."

The smile on his face was extremely stiff, the legs under the table trembled violently at the same time, and at the same time, he clamped his legs tightly, and was almost scared to death by Li Yixi's careless breath.

At this moment, Li Yixi stared at Immortal King Xiaoyao, the stiff smile on his face gradually eased, and his tense body also continued to relax.

"Do you want to hear the story of Fengshen?"

At this moment, Li Yixi smiled after relaxing.

"That's right, my son. After reading your Journey to the West, I'm very curious. I feel that the gate of the fairy world has opened, and that is the fairy world."

"Today, I was even more curious when I heard that there is still a more mysterious world of Conferred Gods."

At this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, he spoke extremely fast, and hurriedly finished his words.At the same time, he felt that the terrifying power in Li Yixi's body disappeared, and his tense body slowly recovered, but at this moment, Xiaoyao Wang's vest was full of beads of sweat.

Because of my gaffe, I almost scared myself to death.

Immortal King Xiaoyao kept repeating in his heart at this moment, "God is a mortal, God is a mortal!"

"God is 'mortal' and must be remembered, otherwise people will die."

"Just like ordinary students learning arithmetic, this is the key point, to be tested!"

The Immortal King Xiaoyao was really blinded just now, and felt that if he hadn't reacted quickly and excited enough, then he would really be dead.

Seeing that Li Yixi returned to normal, Immortal King Xiaoyao was extremely grateful, and his life should not die today.

Li Yixi was also relieved, and said with a smile: "Since you want to hear the story of Fengshen, then I will tell you."

After finishing the words, at this moment Li Yixi secretly cursed that people are scary, scaring people to death, scaring himself, losing his mind.

"It's impossible for these people to know about the transmigrator. This is their own unique aura of the protagonist. It is impossible to expose it. Sure enough, they want to hear the story of the gods. Although I want to see what the undead look like, I will tell you first." It’s okay to tell stories.”

Li Yixi picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, pondered for a moment, and said: "At the beginning of the chaos, Pangu was first divided, and Taiji had two ceremonies and four images. When chaos was first divided, Pangu was first, and Taiji had two rites and four images."

As soon as Li Yixi finished speaking, the faces of Xiaoyao Immortal King and others changed wildly. Li Yixi didn't care about what he said, but the expressions of the listeners changed drastically.

Immortal King Xiaoyao and the others suddenly became extremely stiff at this moment, their pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of horror appeared deep in the pupils.

Because at this moment, following the sound of Li Yixi's voice, Immortal King Xiaoyao and the others felt the Dao in the world fluctuate violently, and the world lost its color.

The entire Erzhongtian is changing strangely at this moment, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

But at this moment, Li Yixi didn't seem to know what happened. The fine wine poured into his throat, and he continued: "Sunren make fire to avoid fresh food, and Fuxi draws hexagrams before Yin and Yang. Minwufu, King Yu controlled the floods and floods."

At this moment, everyone looked terrified. They saw unimaginable existences flashing by, and each of them made them terrified to the extreme.

Even Hu Qingyun who has been following Li Yixi's side turned slightly pale at this moment. Even if Hu Qingyun has the realm of the ancestor god, at this moment Hu Qingyun is horrified to find that she is like an ant in front of those phantoms.

"Jieyi has just established the world, and it is more beautiful in Cheng Tang. The herding horse Huashan showed Yanwu, and opened my Zhou family for 800 years. The Taibai flag hangs alone. The husband died, and the ghosts of the soldiers who died in the war. Flower papers are listed on the altar, the ranks of heroic spirits, big and small, and the romances of Shang and Zhou Dynasties are passed down from ancient to modern times."

At this moment, Li Yixi spoke with great interest, and even gave a loud shout.

Without paying attention to everyone's expressions, the story of Fengshen officially began.

Everyone heard that "the son of heaven, Luanyu, came out of Fengcheng, and the auspicious colors reflected the hairpin tassels. The dragon's light sword blows out the wind and cloud colors; the red feather building shakes the sun and the moon. The willows on the embankment are divided into celestial palms and dew; the river flowers are shining and emerald. Looking up at the sky, all nations dress up and worship the saints." At that time, an inconceivable look appeared in one of his eyes, and he was stunned, thinking to himself, what kind of mortal is this? And prestige.

When Li Yixi said: "King Zhou saw Nuwa's beautiful appearance, the beauty of the country, and he couldn't help but be fascinated, and his lustful heart suddenly waved on the wall. The Fengluanbao tent is very beautiful, full of exquisite makeup. Qu Yuanshan is flying green; dancing sleeves reflect Xiashang.

The pear blossoms are beautiful with the rain; the peony cages are beautiful with smoke.But he had to be enchanting and able to act to get back Changle to serve the king. "

At this time, the people present all changed their expressions. They had heard of Journey to the West, and Nuwa was an extremely terrifying boss, an emperor in the world, who dared to do this, and his expression changed in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help sighing secretly, only King Zhou could use the word bold.

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