The realm of death, in the East Palace.

Dong Wang, who was practicing, opened his eyes in an instant, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

The next moment, the body appeared outside the dark cave.

His eyes fixed on the phantom that appeared in the dead world.

At this moment, the cold and ruthless voice of that phantom exploded in the void.

"Heaven and man guide the way, and the soul is back!"

The moment this voice fell, an extremely terrifying celestial power erupted, and in the realm of death, the incomparably powerful Tianhe was instantly separated, and that terrifying force spread towards the depths of Tianhe Going away, a passage was opened up in the terrifying Milky Way.


"Who is this person?"

"It's terrible. That method not only pierced through the dead world directly, but also stopped the power of law in the dead world and opened up a passage in the dead world's Milky Way. Bring back the souls in the Tianhe of the Dead Realm?"

"However, life and death cannot be reversed!"

At this moment, Dongwang, with a look of shock in his eyes, stared at Tianhe at this moment.

I saw that the Tianhe in the dead realm was banned at this moment and did not continue to flow.

Under Dong Wang's gaze, soon, a soul with dull eyes slowly walked out of that passage, very weak.

It's just comparable to a real fairy.

This soul, without any wisdom, walked out of the Tianhe of Death under the guidance of that power.

It wasn't until this soul walked out of the Death Galaxy, and the static Death Galaxy, that the flow resumed at this moment.

But at this moment, in the galaxy of death, one after another eyes were revealed, greedily looking at the crack in the void of the death world.

"The soul is back!"

That phantom in the void, at this moment, a faint voice fell, and at this moment, a big golden hand appeared in front of that sluggish soul.

I saw that big golden hand appearing in front of this confused soul body in an instant.

With a confused face, he stepped on the big golden hand blankly.

The next moment, that big golden hand carried the dull-faced soul, and disappeared over the entire East Palace of the Dead Realm.

"I want to go out!"

"I want to go out!"

"I don't want to be trapped in the dead world forever, I want to get out."

At this moment, the entire Death Galaxy rioted instantly, and terrifying breaths erupted from the Death Galaxy.

Those incomparably powerful auras are comparable to god kings.

And in the deeper part of this death galaxy, at this moment, an even more terrifying aura erupted.


"Who is it?"

"Who on earth tore the seal of the dead world?"

"There are too many souls in the dead world. They have been imprisoned in the dead world for too long. There is no chance of reincarnation, no hope of recovery, and they have completely fallen into despair."

"I would have slept forever and been assimilated by the world of the dead!"

"But now, these souls actually see the hope of life. Even though these souls know that they have already died, they are not willing to be assimilated by this world of death. They want to enter the world of life again and become ghost cultivators."


There was a dignified look in Dongwang's eyes, and the aura comparable to that of an ancestor god erupted instantly. Countless figures followed Dongwang and suppressed the rioting Death Tianhe.

But at this moment, not only the Death Tianhe Waterfall, which is under the jurisdiction of the East Prince's Mansion in the Dead Realm, is in riots, but the Death Tianhe River in the entire Dead Realm is rioting. There are powerful existences in the Dead Realm. Showing shock, he tried his best to suppress Death Tianhe.

Outside Xiaoyao Immortal City, above that crack, at this moment, death was extremely strong, and at this moment, a golden figure, carrying a sluggish soul, returned from the darkness.

The next moment, the gigantic golden god slowly stretched towards Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion.

In the Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion, even the Xiaoyao Immortal King became incomparably dignified at this moment, unable to move, and suddenly the world changed drastically, falling into endless darkness.

However, at this moment when everyone was terrified, they discovered that a huge golden hand appeared above the Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion, and it was slowly released, which made Xiaoyao Immortal King and others feel unable to breathe.

The terrifying aura emanating from the invisible made everyone tremble in their souls.

Even the most powerful Immortal King Xiaoyao opened his mouth to speak at this moment, but the moment he opened his mouth, Immortal King Xiaoyao found that he could not speak a word.

Pairs of horrified eyes stared at that big golden hand.

I saw a black spot on the big golden hand at this moment, which kept getting bigger.

Under everyone's gaze, the black dot gradually grew bigger. Gradually, everyone could see clearly that it was a human figure.

When this figure approached, at this moment, Immortal King Xiaoyao and the others in the room stared at the black figure with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief.

Soi Ying's expression was dull, as if he had fallen into a daze.

The whole body is black, without any spiritual intelligence, and all actions are based on instinct.

But at this moment, Xiaoyao Immortal King and others felt dry mouthed, because at this moment they recognized who this figure was.

Immortal King Xiaoyao, who opened his mouth for a long time, said with a terrified expression: "This is Li Mu's soul."

"This is the breath of the dead!"

At this moment, the Xiaoyao Immortal King turned around abruptly, and looked at Li Yixi with an unbelievable face. At this moment, Li Yixi kept dropping needles, and kept muttering, "The soul is back!"

"This this"

All the people in the room felt turbulent waves in their hearts. They held their breath and stared at Li Mu's soul.

Li Mu's soul didn't have any intelligence, and walked past them blankly. At the moment Li Mu's soul walked past them, everyone felt that their souls were trembling, and there was a chill, as if they wanted to kill them. Freezing is average.

Under the terrified gaze, I saw Li Mu's soul slowly walking to the side of Li Mu's body, and merged with Li Mu's body.

"The soul is back!"

"Tai Chi summons the soul, Yin and Yang reverse, wake up!"

At this moment, Li Yixi pierced Li Mu's body with the last silver needle, and let out a loud shout.

Li Yixi's voice fell, and at this moment, a Tai Chi pattern appeared in the sky above the bed. This Tai Chi pattern was extremely mysterious. Under the gaze of eyes, the Tai Chi pattern slowly merged into Li Mu's body. middle.

At this moment, Li Yixi moved the silver needles one by one with his inner strength, and the 18 silver needles trembled violently on Li Mu's body.

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