Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 872 Is it a supreme-level exercise?


At this moment, Hu Qingyun's eyes widened. Hu Qingyun did not expect that when Li Yixi practiced, he was so terrifying. Before that, Li Yixi had been practicing in the manor, and the manor was Li Yixi's world. The world is extremely powerful, and it is reinforced by divine power, so I can't see anything too terrifying.

But today, Li Yixi practiced outside for the first time, which really scared Hu Qingyun.

Li Yixi was extremely careful at the moment, and he was trying his best to restrain his aura, but the coercion that escaped was also extremely terrifying.


Followed behind, Dahei, who didn't care at first, widened his eyes at this moment, staring at the Baizhang golden body in the void. The charm carried by the Baizhang golden body was too terrifying, stronger than Dahei, At this moment, I also feel a shock.

Because Dahei felt that the phantom of the golden body seemed to burst the world, and it seemed that the world was a little hard to contain.

Dahei is very clear that although the world is fragile, it is impossible for a strong person at the level of the ancestor gods to burst out of cultivation, but Li Yixi practiced a physical skill at random, and such a terrifying phenomenon appeared.

The middle-aged man who sold the exercises was even more stupid at the moment, with a dull expression on his face.

There was a storm in my heart, and I muttered to myself: "Is this really the entry-level golden body method I sold?"

"Isn't this a big-ticket item?"

"Or, we have been ignoring it all the time, this is a supreme supernatural power?"

The entire No. 13 street, at this moment, all the existences are searching and trembling. The coercion contained in the phantom of the golden body is really terrifying.

Those people at this moment are all staring at Li Yixi, not even daring to breathe, fearing that it will affect Li Yixi and be ruthlessly obliterated by Li Yixi. After all, Li Yixi at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, is It is an extremely terrifying existence, even the kind that cannot be called by name directly.


"What's wrong?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi, who was deep in thought, suddenly raised his head after seeing the vision in the void.

The previous Qingyangzi only felt the waves coming from the distance, but the moment he raised his head, a golden body of hundreds of feet was suspended in the void, as if it was about to burst the sky, Qingyangzi couldn't help but his eyelids twitched wildly.


Qingyangzi didn't care about contemplating anymore, and went directly through the air, after all, the vision of heaven and earth there is really incredible.

When Qingyangzi rushed to NO.13 street, he happened to see Li Yixi who was practicing.

"Is the young master practicing?"

"It actually caused such a terrifying phenomenon of heaven and earth, what level of skill is this!"

"Is it the supreme level?"

Qingyangzi's heart couldn't help beating wildly at this moment.

Li Yixi tried it a bit, although it was a bit difficult, after all, there were too few openings, but he felt that the exercise was not fake, it could indeed work, and when it was working, Li Yixi also faintly felt the positions of some openings , the positions of those acupoints are indeed exactly the same as those recorded in the exercises.

Li Yixi slowly opened his eyes, the Baizhang golden body in the void also disappeared, and the terrifying coercion that escaped also disappeared without a trace, everything returned to normal, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

"Yes, your skills are really good, this jade pendant is for you, thank you!"

"In the future, if you have better body skills, you can come to me!" Li Yixi handed the jade pendant with a smile on his face, and left No. 13 Street under the dull gaze of the middle-aged man.

However, what Li Yixi didn't know was that Li Yixi's words made all the practitioners on the No. 13 Street look horrified.

Even the mighty Qingyangzi in the corner at this moment is staring at the middle-aged man.

Seeing Li Yixi leave, the middle-aged man at this moment was extremely excited. Although his heart was still in the shock of the previous scene, the jade pendant in his hand made him extremely excited. The first time he saw him, he knew it was a treasure. , more sure.

However, the next moment there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the terrifying coercion fell on the middle-aged man. At this moment, Qingyangzi was so excited that he couldn't control his breath, staring at the middle-aged man firmly and said: "Before , give me a copy of the exercises you sold, this is yours!"

Qingyangzi didn't talk too much nonsense, at this moment, he directly threw out a piece of top-quality immortal jade.

Feeling Qingyangzi's coercion, the man was extremely terrified. From the breath, he knew that Qingyangzi was an existence he could not afford to provoke, but feeling Qingyangzi's unquestionable gaze, the middle-aged man said nervously: "Senior, the inheritance jade in my hand is gone!"

The middle-aged man wanted to find a reason to avoid Qingyangzi. He knew that Qingyangzi was an existence he could not afford to provoke. That thing was a high-end commodity. It was not worth a piece of fairy jade. Looking at that piece of fairy jade, he felt a little hot .

"Don't worry, just write!"

Hearing Qingyangzi's words, the middle-aged man was about to cry.

But he still trembled and started to write the exercises. Fortunately, the number of words in the exercises was very small, so he finished writing quickly.

Qingyangzi who held the exercises couldn't wait to practice.

At this moment, the man's legs were weak, without any hesitation, he chose to run away, but the next moment, his face became extremely ugly, and the middle-aged man felt countless powerful auras locked on him.

"Give me one, one for each!"

Soon, in front of the middle-aged man, there was a pile of top grade immortal jade.


Looking at the top-grade immortal jade in front of him, the middle-aged man was really frightened, beads of sweat hung on his forehead, he knew very well that if these existences found out, his kung fu was a cheap one, and she would be torn apart.

However, the pair of gazes that do not allow more words made the middle-aged man choose to write.

Even the middle-aged man at this moment directly chose to teach his skills with one finger. In a short period of time, in front of the middle-aged man, there was a pile of extremely precious and top-quality immortal jade.

At this moment, the middle-aged man saw no one in front of him, and ran away without any hesitation.

At this moment, he is doubting that the rudimentary golden body entrance method he sold to Li Yixi is really a peerless supernatural power.

This person had just disappeared, and Qing Yangzi who was the first to leave came. At this moment, Qing Yangzi's face was extremely gloomy, because Qingyangzi found out that this exercise was incomprehensible, Qingyangzi knew even more after inquiring, This thing is high street goods.

But Qingyangzi looked at the place where Li Yixi was sitting cross-legged before, but his eyelids twitched wildly. The remaining breath of Li Yixi caused the trunk of the century-old tree to crack continuously. The next moment, there was a bang, and the trunk exploded directly. .

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