Entering the second heaven, Qingyangzi suppressed the excitement in his heart, felt the plants and trees in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

In Qingyangzi's mind, Li Yixi's words echoed, "I will not compete with the world, from now on this world will become its own world, stand outside the world of mortals, don't bother me!"

"Could it be, young master, is this a warning?"

"Young master doesn't compete with the world, and I'm afraid I don't want to have too much relationship with the cultivation world. It seems that you should take your time to visit you. Otherwise, if you don't like it, you will be done for. They are all laying out Confucianism and Taoism. As one of the young master's pawns, I must not always care about the benefits but do nothing. If that happens, I am afraid that I will soon be disgusted by the young master, and from then on, I am afraid that the opportunity will be cut off."

"Something has to be done, but in the cottage right now, everyone is doing their best, and everything must have been arranged. There is no problem for me to insert it, but how can I highlight the importance of my existence? ?”

"How can Confucianism and Taoism spread rapidly?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi's mind flashed one thought after another, and he didn't stop walking, walking aimlessly.

Gradually, Qingyangzi walked into the Jinling Immortal City, and while walking in the Jinling Immortal City, he was still deep in thought.

In the manor, at this moment Li Yixi was sitting cross-legged and was practicing. From the cracks in the depths of the manor, streams of incomparably rich chaotic divine power surged rapidly and entered Li Yixi's body. At this moment, Li Yixi A total of 36 acupoints were opened up in the body of the past, and in each acupoint, a terrible devouring power erupted at this moment, billowing chaotic divine power, being swallowed madly, if it was an ordinary person, it would have exploded at this moment After all, the amount of chaotic power is really terrifying, but Li Yixi didn't feel much change.

Closing his eyes and cultivating, he seemed to like this feeling very much.

Beside Li Yixi, at the moment it looks like a cat curled up into a ball, its eyes turned golden, staring at Li Yixi, to be precise, at the acupoints in Li Yixi's body, Mimao is naturally the transformation of a peerless beast with nine lions. He really didn't care too much about Li Yixi's practice before. After all, in his opinion, Li Yixi's existence is a joke.

Does Li Yixi need to cultivate the physical body?

However, when Li Yixi opened 36 acupoints, many terrifying beings in the courtyard were shocked. The aura coming out of Li Yixi's body at this moment is too terrifying.

The broken golden eyes of the nine-headed lion stared at Li Yixi's acupoint. With the entry of chaotic power, a demon god appeared deep in the acupoint. This demon god was extremely terrifying. Transformed by a touch of divine will, at this moment, he is practicing strangely automatically.

And it is extremely miraculous, the nine-headed lion discovered that the gods and demons in each acupoint have different ways of practicing.

The nine-headed lion trembled in his heart, "This god and demon seems to be practicing the Dao of Devouring, but it is different, and the feeling is more mysterious. What I am in charge of is the Dao of Devouring, but my Dao is like learning to walk in decline in front of this demon god. Like a doll."

"Master's practice method is terrible. Is this using the body to accommodate the Tao and the heavens and the myriad Taos with the body?"

"Moreover, the master's power of heaven and earth is strangely rushing into the master's body. Could it be that the master is here to condense the inner heaven and earth and absorb the heaven and earth into his body?"

Thinking of this, the body of the nine-headed lion couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment, bloodshot faintly appeared in the broken golden eyes, which were as strong as nine lions, and they couldn't watch for a long time, so they hurriedly closed their eyes.

There is an extremely terrifying aura around the body of the nine-headed lion now. It is the true meaning of the Dao, which is more precious than the Tianyin of the Dao. For practitioners, there is a fatal temptation. Feeling it is better than a saint explaining .

At this time Li Yixi completed a small cycle.

In the body, Qi and blood roared, and the power of the great way trembled violently.

In the void of Jinling Immortal City, a nine-colored divine light appeared in an instant, and the divine light quickly spread across the world. After absorbing the nine-colored divine light, the originally weak dual heaven and earth actually grew.


"The world is actually growing, and the master's practice has actually affected the changes in the world."

"Could it be that Master's practice can perfect the Dao of Heaven and Earth?"

In the backyard, above the peach tree at this moment, a face appeared, with a look of fear in its eyes.

Obviously, he was shocked by Li Yixi's strength.

Not far away, only half of the willow tree, a phantom of a woman appeared in the sky, and those eyes were also staring at the void, "I don't know, the master's practice is so amazing, it's just an ordinary opening point, which accommodates the world. Spiritual Qi, but it doesn't look like it, maybe our cultivation base is too weak to see through the essence."

In the backyard, the extremely terrifying existences were all caught up in the communication, and each of them was extremely excited, as if they had seen a brand new method of cultivation.

After completing a small transit, Li Yixi slowly opened his eyes, unaware of what happened, only feeling refreshed.


"It's time to eat, and you have to relax and relax in your practice!"

Hu Qingyun walked slowly, looking like she was not working too hard.

Wipe the sweat from Li Yixi's forehead.

"The lady is so nice!"

Li Yixi smiled, and took Hu Qingyun to have lunch together.

"Husband, I see that you are a little depressed, did you encounter any troubles?" Hu Qingyun asked caringly.

Li Yixi didn't hide anything, and said helplessly: "In the past, I got a lot of secret books for cultivating the physical body, but these secret books opened up very few acupoints. Together, they can open up 36 acupoints. I have to think about it." We have found a way, otherwise we will not be able to practice without knowing the existence of other acupoints."

Hu Qingyun heard this and said with a smile: "Husband, then today I will accompany you out and go to No. 13 Street to see, maybe you can meet a treasure?"

"Where, it's the place where practitioners trade!"

"it is good!"

"Go and have a look, maybe there is something to gain, but it's not necessarily true?"

At this moment, Li Yixi had a smile on his face. Li Yixi was overjoyed. In the void, those black clouds disappeared instantly, as if Li Yixi's happiness and anger could affect the sky.

As the sun shines, the two of them and a dog head towards No. 13 street.

No.13 Street is extremely lively. Those monks who are usually high above are selling here like peddlers. Some things are forged, and some are brought out from the ruins. I don’t know if they are useful.

"The fragments of the ancient mountain spear contain the rhyme of the gun, and can be bartered."

"A drop of the blood of the ancient demon god, if you are interested, take a look!"

"This fellow Taoist, it looks like his qi and blood are decaying, he must be injured, come to me and have a look, I have a magic pill"

The whole NO.13 street is extremely lively.

Two people and one dog entered at this moment, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

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