Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 866 Provoking Young Master, Courting Death


"This is"

Seeing the endless divine power, it condensed into such a terrifying figure at this moment. Which Guardian of the Nine Heavens woke up from the embarrassment of the Seven Confucian ancestors at this moment, and stared at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The movement was just looking up at the sky, but at this moment, there was a look of shock in the eyes of the guardian. Compared with this figure, the cultivation base of the god realm seemed to be like an ant, and it was invisible to him. There was too much oppression, and the mind trembled involuntarily.

"Could it be that this is the terrifying existence that mends the sky?"

"Only such a terrifying person could have the strength to accomplish such an incredible thing as mending the sky!"

"Also, it seems that the aura on his body is a bit like Confucianism and Taoism, but it is different. Could it be that those people above Haoran came because of this person?"

"The god king fell, and the second heaven seemed to form a world of its own in an instant. What kind of existence is this person!"

The Guardian of Heaven and Earth took a deep breath at this moment, and there was a look of shock in his eyes. At this moment, he couldn't help but backed up a few steps. Invisibly, those people all backed away at this moment, and they were all afraid. One by one, they were discovered invisibly, as if this figure could not be desecrated.

"My son?"

"Why does the figure of the son appear, the seven Confucian ancestors, above Haoran, could it be?"

At this moment, in the corner, Qingyangzi, who was cultivating, woke up in an instant. After repeated trials and failures, the previous Qingyangzi stopped moving. He decided to wait here to see if he could enter the second heaven. Unknowingly In the meantime, he fell into the practice, and it was not until the attack of the Seven Confucian ancestors broke out that Qingyangzi was awakened from the practice.

At this moment, Qing Yangzi looked at the phantom in the void, even though he couldn't see the face, but Qing Yangzi was extremely familiar, because this figure had already been engraved in his bones.

At this moment, Qingyangzi couldn't help thinking, and felt that the reason why the second heaven was so inaccessible was most likely related to Haoran, because Qingyangzi knew that these days, Li Yixi was not only promoting Confucianism and Taoism, but also That day, he unscrupulously robbed Haoran of the power of luck above Haoran, and even talked and laughed to resolve Haorantian's counterattack.

At this moment, Qingyangzi's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly inquired about the surrounding monks, and quickly understood the cause and effect.

During this period of self-cultivation, all the vacancies were made up.

After Qingyangzi understood everything, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Is the Seventh Confucianism Patriarch coming?"

"It sounds scary, but you actually want to block the young master's layout, but is it possible?"

"The ancestors of Confucianism are powerful, but that's all. If those Confucian saints who are not born once in a thousand years appear in the thatched cottage, it may be the same, but I don't think the ancestors of Confucianism are enough!"

"Even the means set by the young master can't be resolved, not to mention blocking the rise of Confucianism and Taoism, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get in, but today we can take a good look at the means of Haoran. It is rumored that Haoran's way of practicing Confucianism and Taoism It is very special, it is to comprehend the Dao, condense it into words, and then nurture the words with its own awe-inspiring divine power, so that the words will continue to become stronger, the means are extremely powerful, and with a breath of awe, the rumors are extremely terrifying, and the gods and demons retreat!"

Qingyangzi suppressed the disdain in his heart, and his incomparably curious eyes fell on Qiruzu Patriarch in an instant.

Which guardian of heaven and earth at this moment, seeing the anger on the face of the seven Confucian ancestors above Haoran, his heart is beating wildly, thinking about some terrible things that happened in the second heaven recently, really worried that the seven Confucian ancestors above Haoran will fall in the sky After coming here, he hastily said: "Master Confucianism, this place is extremely strange. Too many things have happened recently, beyond our understanding. I am worried that there is a big danger here. Let's stop here."

At this moment, the seven Confucian ancestors above Haoran, after hearing the words of the guardian of heaven and earth, not only did not stop, but their hearts were extremely excited.

But what was revealed was endless anger, and even Ru Zu's eyes seemed to have two groups of flames burning.


"So what about the danger? The danger is relative to you. How old is the old man? Do you think the old man will be afraid?"

"The method of the ancestor god is beyond what you, a god, can imagine. Moreover, so many people have fallen in it, the old man has to ask for an explanation and the truth. Otherwise, do you have the face to go back like this? ?”

"How should I put it, the old man is also one of the ancestors of Confucianism, so I can't afford to lose face!"

"A mere phantom, what can it do? I just underestimated the old man before. Do you think the old man really has nothing to do?"

"It's ridiculous, how can a frog in a well know how terrible this old man is!"

At this moment, the seven Confucian ancestors were greeted with angry reprimands.

The voice fell, and the seemingly angry Seventh Confucianism Patriarch, what flashed in the depths of his eyes was not anger, but excitement, and his excited body was trembling. After seeing the horror of the phantom, together with the words of the guardian of heaven and earth, something happened here. Things that are beyond imagination and beyond cognition, the Seven Confucian ancestors felt, must be related to detachment, otherwise, how could it be so dangerous in the small world.

"The method of detachment, the method of detachment!"

"If I get it today, I will soon become a Confucian saint of Haorantian, and even surpass the level of a Confucian saint."

"Such an opportunity is once in a thousand years. Otherwise, there is no excuse, and it is absolutely impossible to have the opportunity to enter the Nine Heavens and Earth. Such an opportunity will never exist if you miss it. Even if you give everything today, I will go in and find the way of transcendence. The law, such a terrifying phantom guarding the second heaven, the law of possible detachment, is in it."

At this moment, the eyes of the Seventh Confucianism Patriarch became extremely sharp, dignified and excited, but also showed greed. This scene naturally fell into Qingyangzi's eyes.

"You are worthy of living for a long time, your acting skills are invincible, and your words are even more righteous, but if you want to provoke the will of the young master, it is simply courting death."

"My lord, you can provoke me!"

"Ha ha!"

"Dare to take the opportunity to enter the Nine Heavens and Earth. You really want to die. Do you think you are unparalleled in strength and can defeat the existence of the young master?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi lost his thoughts, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Taking a step forward, he said to the existence: "Brother, Confucian ancestors are right. The fall of the powerful above the grandeur is a major event. If we can't find out clearly, we will feel uneasy."

"Let Confucian ancestors try it, Confucian ancestors are extremely terrifying existences, there should be nothing wrong, and if this matter is not resolved, the Nine Heavens and Earth will be incomplete, and we will not be able to explain if God returns. "

At this moment, Qing Yangzi patted the Taoist on the shoulder and said.

"Qingyang is right, but Confucian ancestors should be more careful."

At this moment, the Taoist wanted to say something, but he shut up instantly, because at this moment, he found that Qingyangzi was holding something in his hand, which was a recording talisman, which could record everything here.

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