At this moment, the entire square became extremely quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened, even the few people above Haoran had already sensed the horror of Jun Wushen at that moment just now, but the last blow still shocked everyone, making those existences above Haoran , One by one, they fell into panic for an instant.

In the audience, no one would have guessed that Zhang Heng, who had stepped into the realm of the god king, would die, and it would be such a fall without resistance.


In this short period of time, the world was silent.

The golden pillar that fell from the void seemed to fall into the hearts of everyone, calming everyone's minds.

Xiao Ya, who was originally worried and angry, also widened her eyes at this moment. All this happened too fast. Until now, Xiao Ya still had a trace of anger on her face. She wished to kill Zhang Heng quickly. However, within this short period of time, the anger on Xiao Ya's face hadn't disappeared yet, but Zhang Heng, the arrogant God King, had already turned into blood mist.

At the same time, the giant golden pillar that killed the god king Zhang Heng also lifted a god king from Haoran into the air, and he vomited blood continuously in the void. This scene shocked everyone's minds.


"I'm sorry, I didn't stop. I thought that the god king above Haoran practiced the invincible way, the invincible world. I didn't expect it to be so weak."

"Really sorry!"

"Hey, but, I have to admit that the strong man above Haoran is indeed unmatched in character. He knows that he is invincible, but he is unwilling to admit defeat. This is what we should learn from." When the scene was quiet, standing in the arena at this moment Jun Wushen, who was above Haoran, didn't seem to see the angry eyes of those above Haoran, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone, I am responsible for the fall of God King Zhang Heng, but I don't know how much Lingshi you need to pay?"

At this moment, Jun Wushen seemed to really have guilt on his face.

Li Shan smiled at this moment, silently.

Looking at Jun Wushen with great surprise, he couldn't help but say in his heart: "This guy is really a slap in the face. If he didn't stop, I almost believed it. He has been suppressing from all aspects, and he said he couldn't stop!"

Li Shan could hardly hold back, in Li Shan's memory, Jun Wushen was an extremely serious person.


"It's too weak, it's really too weak, it's said to be invincible in the universe, but it's actually a weak chicken, if you're not careful, you'll die!"

At this moment, Xiao Ya, who woke up from her anger, laughed unscrupulously, amused by Jun Wushen's words, thinking of the arrogance of the God King Zhang Heng before, this moment is the best way to slap her in the face.


"That's right. Sure enough, no one can match your strength of character. Knowing that you are invincible, you still don't want to admit defeat!"

At this moment, Tang Xue also ignored the pair of murderous gazes from above Haoran. At this moment, those people who are extremely afraid of the existence above Haoran also feel extremely refreshed in their hearts at this moment. They naturally know the myth of Jun Wu Meaning, that's not to praise Zhang Heng at all, but to call Zhang Heng an idiot, an idiot, who knows he's going to die and sticks to it.

As for the tone of paying for the Lingshi, everyone was even more appalled, it seemed to show weakness, but Jun Wushen's tone was, I accidentally killed this weak chicken, how much money do I need, I will accompany you.

Talking about Zhang Heng in that tone is like talking about the price of a dead dog.

In the hut, those who watched the battle showed a touch of excitement on their faces at this moment, and the fear in their hearts subconsciously faded a lot.


"You are fine!"

"We lost this battle!"

"You win, now, we have one win and one loss, just equal!"

"Which one of you will fight in the next battle!"

Above Haoran, a middle-aged Confucian scholar stood up, wanting to get angry, but he couldn't find an excuse for a while, he just wanted to kill and vent his anger at the moment.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged Confucian scholar, the eyes of all the people present became dignified again at this moment. Jun Wushen is Li Yixi's disciple, so he is naturally powerful, so what about the others?

Can it match those existences above Haoran?

The opponent dared to continue the competition. Obviously, among the opponents, there was a much stronger existence than Zhang Heng.

At this moment, the audience was silent again.

Everyone is waiting for the answer from Li Shanjun Wushen and others.

However, with the old god Li Shan present at this moment, there is no longer any worries from yesterday.

Li Shan said with a smile: "Everyone, do you think that the battle just now was a discussion?"

"The Deputy Priest of my thatched cottage stepped into the arena and hasn't made a move yet?"

"Do you want to continue?"

"The Vice Priest's wine is consumed a lot, and the strength is not as good as before. Of course, if you defeat the Vice Priest's Wine, we will accept the result. You are a guest from afar, so it's okay to let it go."

"I just don't know, do you have the strength to walk up with your legs? If your feet are weak, we can change people."

Li Shan's voice sounded at this moment, but Li Shan's voice seemed to be heard by everyone's ears, and everyone could hear it very clearly.

Those people above Haoran shrank their pupils at this moment, and their expressions became more dignified. Judging from Li Shan's aura casually displayed at this moment, Li Shan's cultivation base is also extremely terrifying, and should not be underestimated.

"Well, I'm afraid that other existences will make a move. It's too strong to hold back, and it's not good if it misses again. I don't know whether the envoys will fight or make another choice."

The faces of those beings from above Haoran became extremely ugly at this moment, as if they were humiliated.

One of them stood up slowly, and said lightly: "I am from above Haoran, and I don't bother to take advantage of you. In the final battle, let the strongest of you take action!"

"I'm also afraid that if I accidentally miss it, I'll kill someone!"

The voice of this middle-aged Confucian scholar was extremely cold, and a cold breath filled the air. It was originally spring, but it gave people a cold autumn-like chill. Even Jun Wushen showed strange colors at this moment.

This person is very strong.

However, neither Jun Wushen nor Li Shan had the slightest worry. Li Yixi made some arrangements, and everything was considered, so it was absolutely impossible to fail.

"Xiao Zhan, make a move!"

At this moment, Li Shan's eyes fell on Xiao Zhan.

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhan didn't refuse, and there was a fighting spirit on his face at this moment. Yesterday's improvement was huge, and Xiao Zhan also stepped into the realm of God King. At this moment, Xiao Zhan is eager to verify his methods at this moment, and these people above Haoran, It is the best choice, bar none.

"I'm Xiao Zhan, I don't know how to call the senior."

Xiao Zhan stood up slowly, his eyes fell on the middle-aged Confucian scholar, and he asked with a smile.

Give people a sense of harmlessness of man and beast.

"Sage of Heartless Calligraphy, Bai Wuchen." The middle-aged Confucian scholar said coldly at this moment, staring at Xiao Zhan firmly.

Xiao Zhan didn't seem to sense the other party's coldness, and said with a smile: "It turns out that you are a senior scholar, so does the senior also need to verify that the junior is qualified to fight in the ring?"

Xiao Zhan's voice fell, and the whole audience fell silent at this moment, all eyes fell on Bai Wuchen's body in an instant, and at the same time, his eyes showed excitement, wanting to witness the scene of Jun Wushen's strong suppression of the opponent.

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