Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 850 The Nervous Nine Heavens Sword Master

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Li Shan, who was a little apprehensive, was instantly overjoyed.

I was so excited that I couldn't describe it in words, when I thought of those people above Haoran who were bullying the weak, there was a look of disdain on the corner of my mouth: "Above Haoran, just wait to be crushed this time, to prevent Confucianism and Taoism from flourishing, and take the way of death." .”

After thinking about it, with a wave of his hand, Li Shan at this moment took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in an instant.

"My lord is going to write!"

At this moment, Long Yi, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes. Although Long Yi practiced Buddhism, Long Yi was extremely excited. Confucianism and Buddhism are different. But Confucianism and Daoism's great righteousness can cleanse the soul, clear away distracting thoughts and demons, and make the cultivation base grow by leaps and bounds.

This is actually the reason why they have grown up so quickly by Li Yixi's side. Compared with other people, they have no inner demons and only need to move forward with faith.

As for others, it takes countless hours to suppress the inner demons, and they dare not fall into crazy cultivation.

"My son has written a poem!"

Long Yi called out to the Long brothers beside him, and the three hurried forward.

"Has the master written poetry?"

"Why are these people so excited when an expert writes a poem? Isn't there something strange about it!"

Nine Heavens Sword Master, who was quietly refining dragon blood to regenerate his cultivation base, was extremely puzzled after seeing the enthusiasm in everyone's eyes at this moment, but after seeing Li Yixi's strength, Nine Heavens Sword Master stopped his practice without any hesitation. Move over there.

Sword Master Nine Heavens saw that Li Yixi had a refined expression at this moment, took a sip of wine, picked up a pen and began to write.

The pen is like a dragon, Li Yixi is cursive script today, it is extremely fast, before the Nine Heavens Sword Master can react, seven golden characters appear in front of Li Yixi in an instant, on top of the seven golden characters, In an instant, a terrifying power of awe-inspiring power burst out, and the sword eyes of Sword Master Nine Heavens discovered that a colorless beam of awe-inspiring divine power shot straight into the sky, and some of the devilish energy in the void disappeared instantly.

"This is a method of Confucianism and Taoism, and Confucianism is righteous."

"Could it be that the expert came from Haorantian?"

"Is it one of the ancestors of Confucianism and Taoism above Haoran?"

Nine Heavens Sword Master stared wide-eyed, with an unbelievable expression on his face. After all, he always thought that in the eyes of practitioners and the public, Confucianism and Taoism were exclusive to Haorantian.

The awe-inspiring righteousness at this moment is extremely holy, and there is a faint killing intent, which is very sharp. Nine Heavens Sword Master was horrified to find that the killing intent was more terrifying than his own sword energy.

Moreover, at the moment when he felt the righteousness, Nine Heavens Sword Master was pleasantly surprised to find that some evil thoughts that had been entangled in his heart and that he had been trying to suppress disappeared instantly.

"It can actually cleanse the mind, get rid of distracting thoughts and demons!"

After being shocked, Nine Heavens Sword Master looked at Li Yixi like a monster.

At the same time, Nine Heavens Sword Master found that the wine in the cup was no longer fragrant, he opened his mouth and inhaled fiercely, feeling that the air where Li Yixi existed was extremely sweet, better than the supreme god.

The next moment, words appeared one by one, "After my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will kill, the sky-high fragrance will penetrate Chang'an, and the city will be covered with golden armor."

It was originally written in black ink, but at this moment, it turned into gold in everyone's eyes, and the rich awe-inspiring divine power contained an extremely domineering killing intent at this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but quietly glanced at the void at this moment, only to see golden flowers blooming in the void at this moment, filling the sky with gold, and an extremely terrifying killing intent made people tremble.

"This is an enemy-killing poem, an extremely terrifying enemy-killing poem!"

After feeling the sharpness, the Nine Heavens Sword Master at this moment had a turbulent wave in his heart. When his eyes fell on this poem, Nine Heavens Sword Master had a feeling that he could meet gods and kill gods, and gods and demons were unstoppable.


"If anyone gets it, just relying on this thing can deter one party."

"Gods and demons are jealous, immortals and Buddhas avoid it!"

Nine Heavens Sword Master was breathing extremely fast at this moment, staring at the words in front of him with wide eyes.


Putting away the pen at this moment, Li Yixi looked at Li Shan with a proud face, and said with a smile.

"Young master's poems and calligraphy are the best in the world, thank you for giving me the calligraphy!"

"Li Shan must make the thatched cottage prosperous!"

At the same time as he was excited, at this moment, Li Shan's eyes were filled with endless light.


"You flattered me, I almost believed it!"

"take it!"

"Fuck off!"

Li Yixi scolded with a laugh.

"Thank you son!" Li Shan thanked again at this moment, and put away the calligraphy and painting in front of him like a treasure.

Li Shan is very clear that with this thing, he will be more confident in fighting Haoran.

"My lord, everything is ready for the banquet!"

At this moment, the butler Lao Bai came over and said with a smile on his face.

"Has the banquet started yet?"

"Okay, let's not get drunk today!"


With a big wave of his hand, Li Yixi led everyone to the pavilion built by Mana.

Just entering the pavilion, everyone couldn't help being shocked at the moment, not to mention the food, but just the charming fragrance, which made everyone greedy instantly.

There are hot pot, grilled fish, and frying

And there are different flavors, spicy, spicy, clear soup

Especially looking at those bowls, Sword Master Nine Heavens had difficulty walking. These things all contain Dao rhyme, and if they were taken out, each of them would make the strong men in the practice world bleed, and they would regard them as treasures.But here, these things turned out to be just ordinary bowls.

Nine Heavens Sword Master had a feeling, as if he had come to the legendary fairy palace.

Everything seems like a dream.

"Hahaha, you are welcome, it is a blessing to be able to get together."

"Friend Daoist, try!"

Li Yixi smiled, his eyes fell on Jiutian Sword Master, and said with a smile.

Sword Master Nine Heavens heard Li Yixi's words, while he was excited, he was also extremely nervous. With the strength of Sword Master Nine Heavens, he is also a peak person in Jiuzhongtian, but now after meeting Li Yixi, Sword Master Nine Heavens is extremely nervous .

Where did he dare to sit, he stood up directly, and said nervously: "Thank you, young master!"

At the same time, he caught the fish that Li Yixi picked up with a plate.

"Sit down, sit down, come often in the future, don't be restrained."

Li Yixi found that Sword Master Jiutian was paying attention to Lao Bai a lot of the time, and his face was horrified. Li Yixi felt that Sword Master Jiutian was frightened by Lao Bai, and thought that Lao Bai was a magical weapon, but Li Yixi didn't bother to explain, even if he explained He said Lao Bai was an all-round robot, but the other party didn't understand, so gradually, Li Yixi stopped explaining.

Under Li Yixi's gaze, Nine Heavens Sword Master put the fish pieces on the plate into his mouth.

The next moment, a scent exploded in his mouth, teasing the taste buds of Nine Heavens Sword Master to the extreme, and just this smell made Nine Heavens Sword Master intoxicated.

Soon, feeling the power of Qi and blood rising from the lower abdomen, Sword Master Nine Heavens' old face flushed red.

"Delicious, thank you son!"

At this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master felt that he was almost exploded by the power of that energy and blood, and he was so excited that he refined it with all his strength.

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