Listening to the small island in the center of Chaohu Lake, everyone is busy at the moment.

Here, in a short period of time, it has changed a lot, and it is impossible to see the previous appearance.

Even the extremely powerful Nine Heavens Sword Master has become a coolie at this moment, and Nine Heavens Sword Master is urging mana to deal with vegetation.

Now, a huge square has appeared here, and the surrounding messy vegetation has been continuously cleared, and huge gardens are gradually taking shape.

Hu Qingyun didn't do anything, but warmed the wine for her husband.

Li Yixi took a sip of the wine and looked enviously at the Nine Heavens Sword Master in the square.

This square, of course, did not exist before. This square was created by chopping off the peak of the island with a single strike from Sword Master Nine Heavens.

"With one sword, a small mountain disappears. As expected of a fairy, no, a sword fairy. When will I have such terrifying power?"


Hu Qingyun heard Li Yixi's words, and glared at Li Yixi with beautiful eyes, but said nothing, Hu Qingyun already knew Li Yixi's state.

Lifting the jug again, filled Li Yixi with wine, and said with a smile: "Husband, I believe you will be like this one day, it doesn't really need to be strong."

"I can too!"

Li Yixi, who looked envious, suddenly heard Hu Qingyun's words, frowned, looked at Hu Qingyun in disbelief, and asked eagerly: "Qingyun, have you reached this level?"

Li Yixi knew that Hu Qingyun seemed to be by his side before starting to practice, and the time had not passed for a long time, so at this moment, Li Yixi was full of shock.

Seeing Li Yixi's shocking gaze, Hu Qingyun said with a smile: "Husband, it's not difficult to cut off half of the mountain peak with one sword. In the Xuanhuang Great World, powerful sword cultivators can move mountains with one sword and overturn them with one sword." ocean."

"is it?"

Hearing this, Li Yixi suddenly felt that although this method had a great impact, it was just that, but soon Li Yixi became agitated, looked at Hu Qingyun and said with a smile: "Lady, the safety of my husband in the future , it's up to you!"

"Husband, you gave me my life. Although I am not strong, I will absolutely not allow anyone to do anything to you unless they step on my body!" Hu Qingyun said rightly at this moment.

"Well, my husband knows you are good!"

Li Yixi patted Hu Qingyun's hand hastily, but felt strange in his heart, Li Yixi had a feeling that he seemed to be a weak man.

These words are generally vows and words of protection for men to women.


"It seems that we have to hurry up and practice, even if we cultivate the flesh body, there is hope for the flesh body to become holy."

Li Yixi couldn't help saying something in his heart at this moment.

"Husband, how about I play a song for you?"

"It's my fault that I haven't been by my husband's side these days!" Hu Qingyun said with a smile.


"That's good, how can there be wine without a qin?" Li Yixi immediately nodded and smiled.

Soon, the sound of the zither sounded on the square. Hearing the sound of the zither, the body of Nine Heavens Sword Master who was doing coolies trembled, with an expression of disbelief, because at this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master felt that there was an extremely Terrible power of rules.

Nine Heavens Sword Master stared at Tang Jingtian beside him, and said in shock: "Old Tang, do you feel the sound of the piano is scary?"

The sound of the piano was so terrifying that Sword Master Nine Heavens felt that he was hallucinating.

However, compared to the shock of Sword Master Nine Heavens, Tang Jingtian at this moment is much better, and he said with a voice transmission: "Madam's zither is taught by the young master, do you think it will be worse?"

"Besides, you don't even look at the state of Madam, how can we compare it!"

"Is Madam very powerful?"

Hearing Tang Jingtian's words, the Nine Heavens Sword Master's body was shocked at this moment, and his eyes immediately fixed on Tang Jingtian, because from the beginning to the present, Nine Heavens Sword Master thought that Hu Qingyun was an ordinary woman.

The reaction of Sword Master Nine Heavens made Tang Jingtian almost scold his mother at this moment.

Tang Jingtian looked at Sword Master Nine Heavens like an idiot, and said disdainfully: "You actually said that Madam is a mortal, are mortals so scary? I don't know from Doudou who is next to you that Madam closed a closed door not long ago and has stepped into the ancestor god limit."

"God Ancestor, do you know?"

"Cut, return to mortals!"

Tang Jingtian felt that there was something wrong with Jiutian Sword Master's head.

"Ancestral God?"

"How is this possible? I feel that Madam's bone age is very young, and she can practice for decades at most, and this is calculated according to the time flow rate of your Xuanhuang Great World. If it is calculated according to the time flow rate of Erzhongtian's ears, then Madam's bone age is even higher. How could he cultivate to the realm of the ancestor god if he is so small?"

Nine Heavens Sword Master was frightened, and even his voice was trembling at the moment, because Tang Jingtian's words had too much impact on Nine Heavens Sword Master.

Seeing the shock on Nine Heavens Sword Master's face, Tang Jingtian sneered and said: "Young master's means, we can't guess, the things around you are almost all spiritual roots, how can madam's cultivation base be weak!"

Tang Jingtian's disdainful voice fell, and there seemed to be a thunderous sound in Jiutian Sword Master's mind. At this moment, Jiutian Sword Master looked at the few fish in the bucket not far away, and instantly stopped talking, becoming extremely It was quiet, but the body of Sword Master Nine Heavens trembled slightly.

"It turns out that I have always been a frog at the bottom of the well. I don't know how high the sky is and how wide the earth is. The sky in my eyes has always been as big as the mouth of the well!"

Nine Heavens Sword Master sighed, and his voice was filled with endless bitterness.

"Tang Jingtian, who else is there? We don't want to make a home here, don't mess with it, come over and help us, it's all fish feast tonight, is there anyone busy?" Lao Bai, who was busy, said to the distant Tang Jingtian and Nine Heavens Sword Master shouted bluntly.

However, even though Lao Bai was not polite at this moment, when he heard Lao Bai's voice, Nine Heavens Sword Master and Tang Jingtian were trembling with excitement, and they did not disobey.

One is that his cultivation base is not as good as that of Lao Bai, so he dare not be upset.

The second is to know that Lao Bai is giving them a chance.

"Senior White, we will come right away!"

Tang Jingtian and Nine Heavens Sword Master looked at each other at this moment, and the two responded in unison, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and appeared in front of Lao Bai at the fastest speed in his life.

"Senior White, I'll clean up the blood on the chopping board."

"How can Senior White do this kind of rough work?"

Tang Jingtian and Nine Heavens Sword Master are like ordinary servants at this moment, without the pride of the strong.

"Okay, clearer and cleaner, and remember to deal with even the fish scales!" Lao Bai dropped the knife with a look of disgust, turned around and left, as if he was extremely displeased with the fishy smell.


"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

At this moment, Tang Jingtian and Nine Heavens Sword Master's eyes lit up. They knew that this was a great opportunity, so the two of them at this moment, like soldiers, stood at attention and saluted.

This is dragon blood, dragon scales!

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