With the passage of time, fat and big fish appeared in Li Yixi's bucket, but the Nine Heavens Sword Master and Tang Jingtian beside him were different. No fish took the bait on the hook for a long time.

Even if the two of them used their mana to lure those fish, they still couldn't get those fish to take the bait.

Because here, Li Yixi kept fishing, and Long Wei, the dragon family, appeared here. Although those fish hadn't activated their spiritual intelligence, they were all trembling at the moment, and they didn't dare to approach the surroundings of the island at all.

Seeing that the two hadn't caught any fish, Li Yixi gradually lost interest.

At this moment, someone landed in the void, it was Lao Bai and others that Li Yixi ordered to come.

Seeing the big fat fish in the bucket, Li Yixi couldn't help but his eyes brightened. Li Yixi felt that although he had some background in this fairy world and had some friends, but Li Yixi felt that on the road of cultivation, people are sophisticated. is fundamental.

Thinking of those people in the Xuanhuang Great World, from weak to strong, reunited in the fairy world again, this is a rare fate. Thinking of who once got angry and helped him destroy a dynasty, Li Yixi immediately turned his head commanded.

"Old White!"

"Today, these fish are very good. Cook them well and make a whole fish feast. Wushen Xiao Zhan and others have just arrived in the fairyland, haven't they had a good gathering yet?"

"There are so many big fat fish, it's enough to make a whole fish feast."

"Long Yi, you go to the cottage and invite Xiao Zhan and the others over."

"It's fate to be able to meet again in the fairy world."

Long Yi at the side heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, without any hesitation, saluted Li Yixi, and left through the air.

In the thatched hut, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Cangqiong and Li Shan were frowning together, their faces extremely gloomy.

Xiao Cangqiong's eyes fell on Xiao Zhan and Li Shan, and he said angrily: "It is very difficult to make Confucianism and Taoism flourish. When the few of us were in the Xuanhuang World, our strength can be said to have reached its peak, and everyone is Seeing the means of Confucianism and Taoism, it is very simple to promote Confucianism and Taoism."

"But in this second heaven, it is completely different from what we imagined. It is extremely difficult to preach the Tao and make Confucianism and Taoism flourish."

"I didn't expect that the envoys have descended from above Haoran, which has been sealed for a long time!"

"These people are so selfish that they prevent the inheritance of Confucianism and Taoism. Now I finally understand why the young master wants us to preach."

"Because the son's vision and mind are completely different from those above Haoran, these people above Haoran actually divide all the creatures in this world into classes. From the eyes of these bastards above Haoran, it is impossible to To practice Confucianism and Taoism, one must have noble and powerful blood."

"This is simply a stupid idea!"

"It is a monopoly inheritance, and Tao belongs to all beings in the world."

At this moment, Xiao Cangqiong had an angry expression on his face. After the words fell, Xiao Cangqiong coughed, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Xiao Cangqiong's mouth.

Hearing Xiao Cangqiong's angry words, Xiao Zhan also frowned at this moment, and his face was a little ugly.

"Although this matter has become extremely difficult, no matter how we think about it and how we do it, we must let Confucianism and Taoism prosper in this Nine Heavens."

"People above Hao Ran don't want to stop us from preaching."

"Don't they think they have the ability and strength to stop the young master's decision?"

Xiao Zhan admired Li Yixi very much. He felt that Li Yixi was omnipotent, and he was extremely angry when he found out that a strong man above Haoran blocked the great prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism.

Xiao Cangqiong felt that these people were seeking their own death, a group of ants dared to block Li Yixi's layout.

After Li Shan heard Xiao Cangqiong's words at this moment, he frowned slightly, his face was a little ugly, and he said to Xiao Zhan and Xiao Cangqiong: "Brother Xiao is right, these people are the way to die for blocking Confucianism and Taoism. Letting Confucianism and Taoism prosper has been planned for a long time, how can they, cats and dogs, stop it."

"However, now we have a dispute. In order to determine whether we are qualified to preach, Haoran proposed a three-match two-win contest. Today, Xiao Lao lost, and there are only two remaining. We must win these two .”

"Otherwise, even if these people prevent the great prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism, it is the way of death, but it also shows a problem, that is, our mission has failed and we cannot bear the responsibility."

"As the son's chess pieces, we must be useful. If we encounter any difficulties and wait for the son to solve them, then our chess pieces will be useless."

Li Shan's voice fell, and his face was a little embarrassed at the moment. If the remaining two games fail, then it will be a great blow to them.


"These bastards!"

"They are stronger than us. How is it possible to win these two games?"

After Xiao Zhan heard Li Shan's words at this moment, a look of anger appeared on his face. As Li Shan said, if they really failed, it also symbolized that their status in Li Yixi's eyes was weakened.

"Let's fight to the death!"

"I don't believe these people dare to risk their lives. As pawns, we have to protect the mission as if it were our life."

"Even if we blew ourselves up, we have to win these two games."

At this moment, Li Shan's eyes shot out an extremely cold light.

Originally, everything was ready and the thatched cottage was about to preach, but it did not expect that an envoy descended from Haoran, who had never had any contact with Jiuchongtian, and stopped Li Shan and others from preaching.

The reason made Li Shan and others feel extremely absurd.

Because of the existence above Haoran, the excuse for stopping it is, "Confucianism and Taoism represent holiness and nobility, and only people with noble blood can practice. These human races in the Nine Heavens are once the rise of the bottom of the chaotic world. Practice Confucianism and Taoism."

Hearing Li Shan's decision, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Cangqiong nodded at this moment, because at this moment, the two of them also felt that the road has been going smoothly, and it is time to pay and work hard.

However, Xiao Cangqiong was a little angry and unwilling, and said coldly: "If our strength is stronger, these predicaments in front of us will be resolved in an instant."

After all, the immediate difficulty is that the strength is too weak.

At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the next moment, Long Yi, who was wearing Zen clothes, walked slowly into the hall, and said to the three people who were frowning at the moment: "Three friends, my master made a whole fish today." Banquet, let me invite you to participate, and please follow me to Tingchao Lake for the banquet."

At this moment, Long Yi seemed to be an eminent monk, with a gentle smile on his face.

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