Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 835 Eight Heavenly Dragons, Heavenly Emperor Chariot?

Tang Jingtian did not ascend to the second heaven with Xiao Zhan and others, but practiced alone in order to pursue the true meaning of swordsmanship.

I heard that the sword technique of the Heavenly Sword in the Second Heaven is extremely powerful, and he is extremely talented, so he challenged the Heavenly Sword of the Heavenly Sword Villa not long ago.

On that day, the two of them didn't do what other people talked about, they just produced one piece each, and Tang Jingtian was slightly better that day.

But Tang Jingtian knew that the state of Tianjian was not very good that day, so today the two agreed to fight here to determine the universe.

"Brother Tang, you don't need to hold back today. Show off your most advanced sword skills. Regardless of victory or defeat, I hope that we can all gain and grow from each other's sword skills."

Dressed in white, like the Heavenly Sword of an Immortal, his eyes fell on Tang Jingtian, and he smiled lightly.

"Senior Tianjian said yes, please enlighten me, Senior Tianjian."

At this moment, Tang Jingtian seemed a little humble, but the sword in his hand burst out with an extremely powerful sword intent at this moment.

At this moment, in the void, a carriage came slowly, it was Li Yixi and his wife who swam here.

In the void of this moment, the drunkard stood on the body of a flood dragon, as if he was not in the same time and space as these people, his eyes were extremely sharp, and fell on Tianjian and Tang Jingtian.

But following the moment when the carriage appeared, the drunkard's fiery eyes showed a look of shock, because at this moment the drunkard was shocked to find that the dragon under his feet was trembling, and the drunkard knew very well that he The Jiaolong under his feet was very powerful, and he had stepped into the realm of a golden fairy, but he didn't expect that he would feel fear at this moment by Tingchao Lake.

"what's wrong?"

At this moment, the drunkard asked aloud, and at the next moment, the dragon under the drunkard's feet said tremblingly: "Master, are you looking over there?"

The drunkard didn't have the heart to look around at first, but after hearing the voice transmission of Jiaolong at this moment, his eyes followed the direction pointed by Jiaolong. The next moment, the drunkard's eyes fell on the carriage in the void. superior.


The moment the drunkard's eyes fell on the carriage, his face changed suddenly, revealing a look of shock.


The drunkard's eyes were fixed on the eight horses, his face was in disbelief, and even his voice was trembling.

At this moment, the dragon at the drunkard's feet said tremblingly: "Master, not only the heavenly dragons, but also the extremely terrifying eight-part heavenly dragons. The urge to kneel."

The trembling voice of the flood dragon beneath his feet rang in the drunkard's ears.

"Eight dragons?"

The drunkard at this moment, after hearing these four words, was shocked, his eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, and a turbulent sea was set off in his heart.

The drunkard didn't expect to see such a terrifying Babu Tianlong in Tingchaohu. At this moment, he felt a coercion from the Babu Tianlong's body.

"Eight Heavenly Dragons!"

"Heavenly Emperor Chariot!"

"Who is the owner of this?"

At this moment, the drunkard was shocked, and at the same time, his face showed horror. At this moment, he wanted to see the people in the carriage, but found that his eyes could not penetrate the carriage formation at all, let alone Talk about seeing the owner in the carriage clearly.

At the same time, at this moment, a cold voice sounded in the drunkard's ears, "He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to spy on my master and mistress."

At this moment, the driver's cold voice rang in the drunkard's ears.

At this moment, the drunkard's body trembled suddenly, and he immediately expressed his apology, and hastily withdrew his gaze, no longer daring to look at the carriage in the void.

Listening to Tang Jingtian in Chaohu Lake, he also sensed the carriage that appeared in the void at this moment. The moment he saw that carriage, Tang Jingtian showed a look of surprise on his face.

"My lord actually appeared in Tingchao Lake. These days, my kendo has almost reached a limit. When I meet you, I must go to see you. Maybe you can make my kendo even stronger."

At this moment, Tang Jingtian saw the carriage in the void, and his face was excited. At this moment, Tang Jingtian wanted to end the battle with Tianjian immediately. At this moment, his battle with Tianjian has become Not much interest.

Eight dragons, the chariot of the emperor of heaven.

Tang Jingtian naturally knew about it, because Zhao Tianyin from Tianyin Forbidden Land built it for Li Yixi.

"Brother Tianjian, today we don't care about our cultivation, we only talk about the way of the sword, how can one sword determine the outcome?"

Tang Jingtian's eyes fell on Tianjian in an instant, and Tianjian frowned slightly at this moment, because he felt that Tang Jingtian was a little absent-minded at this moment.

A surge of anger arose in Tianjian's heart. In his opinion, Tang Jingtian was just a junior who dared to be so presumptuous in front of him.

"Okay, but it may be difficult to tell the winner with a sword, but let's not hide it, let's show our swordsmanship as much as possible, and decide the winner in the shortest time!"

At this moment, Tianjian smiled and said, although there was anger in his heart, Tianjian did not show it at this moment.

The next moment, the two people in the lake moved, their long swords were unsheathed at the same time, and they began to fight in the void, the terrifying sword energy criss-crossing the void.

Li Yixi who was in the carriage took a sip of wine at this moment, his face showed a hot look, seeing the two people fighting in the void looked excited.

In the void at this moment, countless special effects are blooming, which is absolutely wonderful.

"Good guy, I never thought that Tang Jingtian would reach such a level in such a short period of time. That guy might be defeated."

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, at this moment, Hu Qingyun beside her was shocked. At this moment, Hu Qingyun's strength is already very strong, but at this moment, Hu Qingyun has not seen any signs of Tianjian's defeat.

But Hu Qingyun didn't have any doubts. For Li Yixi's words, Hu Qingyun always believed, without any doubts.

"Is the Heavenly Sword about to be defeated?"

"It seems that although my realm is strong, the way of the sword is not strong enough. I haven't seen through the way of the Heavenly Sword."

Hu Qingyun murmured, and the next moment, as Li Yixi said, an extremely powerful swordsmanship erupted in the void, and the Heavenly Sword was instantly defeated by Tang Jingtian's sword.

"Sure enough, the Heavenly Sword is defeated!"

"Husband's strength is so terrifying. As expected, the strength of my husband is beyond our ability to guess. Even if the kendo of the Heavenly Sword is special, in front of my husband, I can see through it at will."

"However, I didn't expect that Tang Jingtian only got some pointers from her husband before, and he reached such a terrifying level in such a short period of time. He really is an extremely rare swordsman genius."

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