At this moment, the foreign demon god found that Xiao Zhan's aura of arrogance was very special, and it was different from the arrogance of arrogance above the arrogance.

Xiao Zhan's awe-inspiring righteousness is more domineering, and more pure than the awe-inspiring righteousness.

The former Outer Demon God, when he heard Xiao Zhan say that he was not from Haoran, his eyes were filled with sarcasm. However, at this moment, after witnessing Xiao Zhan's blow, the Outer Demon God's face finally With a dignified look on his face, how dare he underestimate Xiao Zhan, he is not the main body descending.

"I didn't expect that the awe-inspiring righteousness obtained from practicing in the Nine Heavens and Earth is actually more domineering and pure than those above the awe-inspiring. I underestimated you before, but I want to see what you are capable of."

At this moment, the soul of the foreign demon god completely controlled the body of this powerful demon. The moment the voice just fell, he disappeared in an instant, and he displayed a terrifying supernatural power. Chains appeared one by one, and these chains appeared from all directions, making a clattering sound, as if to seal this world.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan's eyes showed a solemn look, because Xiao Zhan also felt that the supernatural power displayed by the other party was very terrifying, beyond his imagination.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan, without any hesitation, directly burned the essence and blood in his body, because at this moment Xiao Zhan sensed that the opponent's realm was similar to his own, but the combat power that erupted at this moment was extremely scary.

"A stroke of magic!"

Xiao Zhan condensed all his mighty aura together, and at the same time, united his energy and spirit, and unleashed the strongest blow.

At the moment when the strongest attack erupted, Xiao Zhan's body disappeared instantly, only a pen appeared in the void, and this pen seemed to break the universe.

The huge golden pen touched the huge iron chain prisoner dragon the next moment, and the extremely powerful iron chain shattered in an instant.


But at the same time, Xiao Zhan appeared in the void at this moment, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. Xiao Zhan never thought that the opponent he met this time would be so powerful.

"not good!"

"Why is this Heavenly Demon so weird? My mighty divine power should restrain his Heavenly Demon's power, but why is it so weak to restrain him?"

"This supernatural power came from the young master's hand, and it should be severely injured, but now he is not injured at all. I tried my best to strike, but it only shattered his supernatural power."

"Am I going to perish here today?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan forcibly cast the strongest stroke. Now his face is as pale as paper, and his chest heaves violently. He wants to continue to strike, but finds that he has no strength to use.

"You actually broke my sealed supernatural power?"

At this moment, the alien demon god's soul did not act immediately, but looked at Xiao Zhan at this moment with a shocked expression.

Although he now controls the body of a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the supernatural powers that erupted are very terrifying. Originally, he wanted to seal Xiao Zhan and check the secrets of Xiao Zhan's cultivation of literature, but he was unexpectedly suppressed by Xiao Zhan. broken.

The existence of the foreign demon god, although he just glanced at Xiao Zhan's supernatural power, he knew that the supernatural power was extremely terrifying, and Xiao Zhan's burst of strength was only one-thousandth of it.

Jinling Fairy City, in the manor.

At this moment, Li Yixi, standing in the study, with a smile on his face, told Wang Lin not far away, "Grind the ink."

At this moment, Li Yixi slowly spread out the rice paper on the desk, picked up the pen, pondered for a while, and wrote directly:

The last time, the banner is happy.

Hanging red clouds, tart phoenix tail.

The sword box is broken, and the dragon dances.

When Chi You died, every drum met.

The sky was high, Qing Leiqi fell to the ground.

There is no surprise and the sea is thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Li Yixi wrote vigorously, writing in one go. It can be said that he was reaching the extreme. Even Wang Lin, who was standing beside Li Yixi, couldn't keep up with Li Yixi's eyes at this moment.

Today's Li Yixi dropped every word too fast.

It wasn't until Li Yixi wrote the last word that Wang Lin felt a terrifying divine power burst out from the rice paper.

This colorless awe-inspiring divine power instantly pierced through the air, as if to purify the sky.

Obviously the ink was black, but at this moment, those words turned into gold in Wang Lin's eyes.

Looking at the words on the rice paper, Wang Lin was shocked at this moment, because at this moment Wang Lin felt domineering from the awe-inspiring power in it.

It seemed as if he had seen a terrifying sword, which turned into a flood dragon, which seemed to be able to kill gods and destroy Buddhas.

The last time, the banner is happy.

Hanging red clouds, tart phoenix tail.

The sword box is broken, and the dragon dances.

When Chi You died, every drum met.

The sky was high, Qing Leiqi fell to the ground.

There is no surprise and the sea is thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Wang Lin was muttering silently, as if Wang Lin had seen an extremely terrifying emperor return.


In the mountain depression, the foreign demon god who woke up from the shock, at this moment, his eyes fell on Xiao Zhan, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect that the mighty power you cultivated is so special. Now I am even more powerful. I'm interested in searching your soul, and I want to see how your cultivation method is different from Haoran's."

The voice of the foreign demon god fell, and at this moment, he immediately grabbed Xiao Zhan, waved his big hand, and a magic weapon flew out, turning into an extremely huge bone hand, covering the sky and the sun, full of demonic energy, directly facing Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan grabbed it.

Feeling the huge palm coming from the sky, Xiao Zhan's face became extremely cold at this moment. The pen of Li Yixi appeared in Xiao Zhan's hand at this moment. At this moment, Xiao Zhan wanted to sacrifice With my spiritual energy, I summoned the power in this magic brush to deal with the demon gods outside the territory.

But at the next moment, Xiao Zhan was stunned instantly, and looked up into the void, because at this moment Xiao Zhan felt an extremely pure awe-inspiring power erupting from the void.

That aura of grandeur, unparalleled domineering, seems to be the first righteous energy in this world.

For Xiao Zhan, who practiced Confucianism and Taoism, the feeling was extremely clear.

The foreign demon god who had a grin on his face froze immediately, and at the same time, shock and fear appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Zhan and the foreign demon god raised their heads at the same time. At the moment they raised their heads, they saw the void that was originally empty, and the void shattered open, and a big golden foot fell from the void.

It was a big foot in emperor boots.


The moment that foot stepped out, the bone hand weapon activated by the foreign demon god was directly crushed and exploded.

The awe-inspiring divine power carried by that foot simultaneously purified all the heavenly demon energy in the surrounding void.

The next moment, an emperor's shadow appeared in the void.

This emperor shadow was covered with golden light, making it impossible to look directly at it.

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