"Principal Qi, Xiao Zhan is not bad. Look at such a big collection of Luoxian, there are more than a dozen people who are qualified to practice, but he is the only one who is qualified to practice Wen Dao." At this moment, Li Yixi , talking casually, while thinking of Xiao Zhan, who could not practice at first, but he has gathered his talents and was able to practice literature. I am really envious in my heart, without any pretense. After all, practicing is Li Yixi's greatest wish in his life.

However, his wish died immediately.


"Xiao Zhan's talent is good, and the future is promising."

"It won't take much time, and it may beat me."

Qi Baiyun on the side was really nervous. Hearing what Li Yixi said, he hurriedly answered, and kept thinking in his heart: "What does this Supreme Being mean? Praise Xiao Zhan's talent is good. Could it be that he wants me Do you teach Xiao Zhan with all your heart and soul?"

Xiao Zhan's talent, after taking a look at it, Qi Baiyun understood that it is extremely ordinary, the only unusual thing is that Xiao Zhan received the calligraphy, painting and magical weapons bestowed by Li Yixi, and he can feel the charm of Wen Dao every day , and with the help of divine soldiers, the speed of practice will be very fast.

Because of these things, if you search the entire continent now, you may not find one.

Xiao Zhan's cultivation resources cannot be duplicated, unless Li Yixi chooses one person and bestows treasures.

Otherwise, even if your talent is terrifying, are you capable of cheating?

For Xiao Zhan at this moment, it was Li Yixi who cheated on him.

And this hang is very invincible, there is no need to worry about resources at all, if Xiao Zhan's cultivation resources are insufficient, Qi Baiyun believes that Tianxing Palace will immediately support, and it is the kind that does not ask for anything in return, as long as Xiao Zhan is happy.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan, with the help of Li Yixi, gathered the right time, the right place and the harmony of people.

Perhaps for Li Yixi, these things are just random, but for Xiao Zhan, he is blessed by the heavens, not to mention that Xiao Zhan is still working very hard.

It's like a commoner and a rich second generation. The rich second generation has a life of cheating and works harder than the commoner, so how can the commoner compare.

This is also the reason why Qi Baiyun said that Xiao Zhan's talent is very good and he doesn't blush.

Hearing Qi Baiyun's answer, a smile appeared on Li Yixi's face.

Looking at Qi Baiyun kindly, imagining the outside world, if Xiao Zhan is killed by someone, he will be at a loss. After all, that pen has followed him for many years, and he likes it better. In the eyes of the past, this is sending charcoal in a timely manner. If Xiao Zhan became stronger that day, he might not like it, and build a relationship now.

"Dean Qi, the outside world is full of demons, so it should be very dangerous. I wonder if Xiao Zhan will be lucky, so that he will not be harmed by demons before he grows up." Li Yixi couldn't help but said, if Naturally, it is best for Qi Baiyun to take care of Xiao Zhan, if not, he can only ask for blessings.


"My lord, the outside world is indeed a little chaotic right now. Various forces are robbing territory and resources, and demon cultivators are rampant everywhere." Qi Baiyun answered Li Yixi's words, thinking about the meaning of the second half of the sentence, he couldn't figure it out.

"Young master, the fruit is here!"

Lao Bai picked the apples, cleaned them up and brought them over.

"Dean Qi, how about trying an apple."

Li Yixi handed Qi Baiyun an apple, after all he is a boss, Li Yixi still wants to make friends.

"Thank you sir."

Looking at the apple in his hand, Qi Baiyun was very excited.

Li Yixi also picked up one and took a bite.

Seeing Li Yixi eating apples and not talking, Qi Baiyun was also extremely nervous at the moment, because he was not familiar with Li Yixi at all, and couldn't find any topics to talk about, and in Qi Baiyun's eyes, Li Yixi's strength was beyond the sky , is the supreme existence, dare not bring up other topics, in case Li Yixi doesn't like it.

At this moment, Qi Baiyun can only eat apples.

One bite, it is quite crispy.

Apple juice splashed out.

When the apple was in the mouth, the sweetness tantalized Qi Baiyun's taste buds.

"It's a nice apple."

Qi Baiyun's expression brightened, he had never eaten such a delicious apple, it was crisp and juicy, and the sweetness made people intoxicated.

However, after Qi Baiyun swallowed it, his expression changed instantly.

Because after the apple was swallowed, it could clearly feel that the apple melted and turned into strands of mysterious energy, repairing his injuries in an extremely miraculous way and at a terrifying speed.

"This is Dao Yun."

At this moment, Qi Baiyun was stunned.

He almost exclaimed, but he quickly blocked his mouth with an apple.

"Dean Qi, what's wrong?" Li Yixi couldn't help asking, he really didn't understand what Qi Baiyun said.

"No, son, this apple is really delicious, and the variety is far better than the apples I have eaten." Qi Baiyun explained nervously, and hurriedly gnawed on the apple, because at this moment, he felt that the wound in his body was repaired extremely quickly , I was extremely happy.

Who has the strength and is willing to let himself be aggrieved?

After eating an apple, all the injuries in the body were repaired.

And at this moment, Qi Baiyun still has some dao rhyme left in his body.

"Big chance."

"What kind of existence is the young master? Could it be that a fairy descended to earth?"

In Qi Baiyun's eyes at this moment, Li Yixi is really terrifying.

At this moment, thinking of Li Yixi's gift of opportunity to Xiao Zhan, and confiscating Xiao Zhan as a disciple, he finally understood. In his opinion, those things are just scraps.

"Dean Qi, eat, how can one be enough?"

Li Yixi hastily handed another one to Qi Baiyun.

"Thank you son." Qi Baiyun was extremely excited.

Li Yixi kept repeating the four words 'how is it enough' in my heart.

Because generally speaking, people would not say that, Qi Baiyun felt that it was Li Yixi who wanted him to understand something.

"By the way, the young master must think that my cultivation base is too weak, and he wants me to improve my cultivation base. The young master said before that the outside world is very dangerous, and Xiao Zhan must be protected. My strength is too weak. How can I protect Xiao Zhan?" , That’s how it is, that’s how it is, I understand.”

Qi Baiyun, who was holding the apple, now had a smile on his lips.

Comprehending Li Yixi's words, in his opinion, is the most gratifying thing.

After eating an apple, Qi Baiyun felt that he was about to explode.

Hastily suppressed the Dao Yun and the spiritual power in the seal body.

"Young Master, this is what you want." At this moment, Lao Bai walked over with a bamboo.

Put it in front of Li Yixi.

"it is good!"

Li Yixi took the bamboo and began to cut it in front of Qi Baiyun.

The bamboo is not long, only more than one meter long, obviously chosen on purpose.

But Li Yixi only took the thin part from the top.


At this moment, Qi Baiyun suddenly felt that his brain was extremely sharp, as if the door of wisdom had been opened in an instant.

It's unbelievable, I don't know what's going on.

But when he looked at Li Yixiu, his gaze changed instantly.

Because of the bamboo in Li Yixi's hands.

That bamboo is different from ordinary bamboo.

On the bamboo, there are tiny lines, those lines may not be visible to ordinary people, but Qi Baiyun is at least at the peak of Tianwu Realm, so he can see them clearly.

But seeing clearly, he was even more startled.

At this moment, four words appeared in the brain: "Enlightenment Divine Bamboo."

In the ancient books of the Wendao Academy, Qi Baiyun had seen the records of the Enlightenment Bamboo, and with the change in his thinking at the moment, he was [-]% sure that this was the Enlightenment Bamboo.

"Enlighten the Divine Bamboo, Enlighten the Divine Bamboo."

Seeing the divine bamboo of enlightenment so close at hand, Qi Baishi really wanted to snatch it, but he didn't dare.

Seeing Qi Baiyun staring at the bamboo, Li Yixi couldn't help laughing and said, "Dean Qi, do you want to make brushes too?"

"If you want to make one, these are for you. I only need to make one."

Li Yixi brought bamboo today just to make a writing brush, and he gave Xiao Zhan his one.


"My lord, this bamboo is indeed a good material for making brushes."

"Then thank you son."

At this moment, Qi Baiyun really almost knelt down.

If he hadn't learned from the conversation between Liang Cheng and Tang Jianghe that Li Yixi lived as a mortal, he would really kneel down at this moment.

The Divine Bamboo of Enlightenment, which came to his mouth, was also forcibly swallowed by him.

Stretching out his hand to grab the Divine Bamboo of Enlightenment in front of him, he felt a little unbelievable, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "My lord, did you really give it to me?"

Qi Baiyun asked uncertainly, afraid that he was dreaming.


"Really, is there still a fake?"

"From now on, he is yours, and no one can take it away."

"And there are many more on my side, look!" Li Yixi finished speaking, pointing to the side of the courtyard.

After Qi Baiyun glanced at it, his eyes were filled with disbelief, because here, there is a forest of divine bamboos, and there are some small animals lying in the forest, and he really wants to replace those small animals.


At this moment, Qi Baiyun is like a beggar who is about to become poor and crazy, and has entered the central bank's treasury.

But soon, Qi Baiyun suppressed all his thoughts.

Knowing that it was not something he could spy on, he hurriedly got up, "My lord, then I won't bother you, there are still many things to deal with in the academy."

"Well, yes, Dean Qi, come often when you are free."

Li Yixi hurriedly stood up and said.

"Thank you, son!"

Hearing this, Qi Baiyun was so excited that he almost screamed.

In his opinion, all the opportunities today are inferior to this sentence, and he can come in the future.

Here is the real opportunity.

Qi Baiyun came out of the courtyard in a daze.

There is an incredible color in the eyes.

"Enlightenment divine bamboo."

"Enlightenment divine bamboo."

Looking at the bamboo in his hand, he called out twice in a row.

Heart trembling with excitement.

Qi Baiyun took a deep breath and bowed to the courtyard again.

After one obeisance, he left as quickly as possible. He was really in a hurry, eager to break through, and to send the Enlightenment Divine Bamboo back.

In the courtyard, Li Yixi finished cutting and carving the bamboo, and said calmly: "Now, I almost lost my hair. In a few days, go out and look for it."

Li Yixi is very satisfied with his masterpiece.

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