"Innate Innate Spirit Treasure."

Everyone watched an Houtian Spiritual Treasure complete its transformation in an instant and was promoted to an Innate Spiritual Treasure. Their eyes were full of horror and disbelief, and they stared at the chaotic golden lotus in front of them.

Xiao Ya's voice trembled slightly at this moment, her face was full of fear, this scene shocked Xiao Ya's mind.

Xiao Ya has been in the chaotic world for nearly a thousand years, and she is the most knowledgeable existence among all the people. She has also seen and heard about countless rare treasures and peerless fetishes.

However, I have never seen a divine object that can casually promote a Houtian Lingbao. Although the chaotic golden lotus is a bit special, it is a vegetation type, but this scene is too scary.

At this moment, Xiao Ya's mind was greatly impacted.

"What is this?"

At this moment, Qingyangzi stared at the scene in front of him with a look of horror, and then a look of fanaticism.

"If you can get a reward from an expert, even a drop may be able to transform a vegetation treasure."

"Lingbao, that is the exclusive artifact of the powerful ancestors. Even if it is the acquired Lingbao, it is not something we true gods can spy on."

"My strength is too weak, and I don't dare to dream of controlling the Houtian Lingbao, but that was before. If I can get some divine liquid, I might be able to cultivate a Houtian Lingbao that belongs to me alone."

"The divine vine I got has reached a limit. If I get the divine liquid, it is possible to be promoted and transformed into an acquired spiritual treasure."

Thinking of this, Qing Yangzi's face showed excitement at this moment.

At that time, if he can really control an Houtian Lingbao, then Qingyangzi's strength will instantly become a top-notch or even invincible existence among the true gods, and he can fight even against a strong person in the realm of the gods.

Xiao Ya, who was originally shocked, fell into panic, but at this moment, in Xiao Ya's ears, she heard Qingyangzi's shocked murmur, and Xiao Ya's eyes instantly fell on Qingyang. son's body.

At this moment, Xiao Ya, who was still in shock, found that Qing Yangzi's face was excited at this moment, frowning slightly, a little puzzled and puzzled.

Immediately, the sound transmission asked: "Friend Qingyang, what's wrong?"

At this moment, Qing Yangzi heard Xiao Ya's words, and immediately woke up from the excitement.

Qingyangzi and Xiao Ya get along with each other these days, and they are no longer on guard against each other as strangers before. Both of them now feel that they are Li Yixi's pawns, so at this moment Qingyangzi immediately said via voice transmission: "Xiao Ya Ya, I think we've just witnessed an earth-shattering opportunity."

When Xiao Ya heard Qingyangzi's words, her eyes were puzzled, but at this moment Xiao Ya could feel Qingyangzi's voice trembling.

It was trembling with excitement.

Xiao Ya couldn't help asking curiously, "What shocking chance?"

But as soon as Xiao Ya's voice fell, her eyes couldn't help but stare at the bag of nutrient solution that Li Yixi hung on the chaotic green lotus at this moment.

Qingyangzi immediately sent a voice transmission excitedly, "Xiao Ya, haven't you discovered where this shocking opportunity lies?"

"Even in the chaotic world, those extremely powerful demon gods and extremely powerful kings are only qualified to control the Houtian Lingbao!"

"Because the Houtian Lingbao is too precious, this thing cannot be cultivated by manpower. It can only absorb the essence of the world and slowly transform. It takes endless years for each Houtian Lingbao to appear."

"However, but an expert can transform an acquired spirit treasure into an innate spirit treasure in an instant. Then, can some gods that have reached the limit be transformed into acquired spirit treasures?"

"Although the Houtian Spirit Treasure is not something we can imagine and control, if we get the divine liquid in the hands of the young master, wouldn't we be qualified to control the Houtian Lingbao!"

"Although Houtian Lingbao is extremely rare, there are a lot of vegetation fetishes that have reached the limit, which are still a thin line behind Houtian Lingbao. Even true gods like us can get them."

"Even as long as we pay a certain price, we can exchange it."

"At that time, if you get some divine liquid from senior, don't you think this is an earth-shattering and peerless opportunity?"

After Xiao Ya heard Qing Yangzi's words at this moment, her complexion changed suddenly, and her eyes showed disbelief, Xiao Ya didn't think of this at all.

"Let those fetishes transform into acquired spiritual treasures?"

After Xiao Ya heard Qingyangzi's words clearly, shock and excitement appeared on her face.

But then the color of surprise in the eyes dissipated slowly, and Xiao Ya said via voice transmission: "Qingyangzi, your idea is good, but you should also know that since this kind of fetish can make an acquired spirit The treasure instantly transforms into an innate spirit treasure, how precious it is beyond the imagination of us."

"This thing is more precious than those spiritual roots of heaven and earth. Even those extremely powerful ancestor gods are eager to obtain it. If it appears in the chaotic world, I dare to be sure that some places where the orthodoxy is inherited will definitely be snatched at all costs. .”

"After all, this is a fetish that has never appeared in this world. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, even if you told me, I would never believe it, because it is too incredible and shocking."

At this moment, Xiao Ya's heart was still full of shock. This scene really had a great impact on her mind.

After all, such a divine object has never been heard of even after wandering in the chaotic world for nearly a thousand years.

Those extremely powerful ancestor gods who can transform an acquired spirit treasure into an innate spirit treasure will definitely fight for it with all their might once they know about it.

In their eyes, the ancestor god is already an extremely powerful, lofty, and untouchable figure, but in the depths of endless chaos, the ancestor god is not the strongest.

There are only a handful of those extremely powerful ancestor gods who can control the innate spirit treasure.

From this, we can also know the rarity and preciousness of Xiantian Lingbao, and at the same time, we can clearly know how precious the divine liquid in Li Yixi's hands is. The Shenye in Li Yixi's hands directly broke the shackles of acquired and innate.

"That's right, of course I know the preciousness of the divine fluid, and the scarcity of the divine fluid. I'm afraid only an expert can control this kind of divine fluid."

"However, Xiao Ya, you should be very clear. Although this chaotic golden lotus is an acquired spiritual treasure, it is very precious to us, but you think that an acquired spiritual treasure is extremely frightening for an existence like an expert. Is it important to be a strong man who can suppress the demon gods from outside the territory with a wave of his hand?"

"Since the expert directly took out the divine liquid to cultivate an Houtian Lingbao and let it be promoted to the innate, I think the expert has a lot of divine liquid in his hands."

"Haven't you discovered it yet? The young master cultivated this chaotic golden lotus from acquired to innate, not as a treasure, but just as a bonsai!"

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