Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 820 Spring Breeze Blows Through Yumen Pass

Outside the boundary wall, at this moment stands a tall demon god, whose body is suspended in the chaos. Those huge eyes are staring at the Jiuzhongtiandi, which has been torn apart by the boundary wall, with ecstasy in their eyes. color.

"Nine Heavens, is this the world of the Nine Heavens Master?"

"It is rumored that the heaven and earth of the Nine Heavens Taoist Lord are extremely special, containing treasures that make all the gods and demons covet. Once the heavens and the earth are refined, they will be able to get a supreme opportunity and help to see the Dao."

"However, the Nine Heavens and Earth are also extremely special. The boundary walls are extremely strong, and this Nine Heavens is extremely special. It is not fixed in chaos like other people's worlds, but there is an inexplicable force that always pushes it to exist. Wandering in the chaotic world, the chaotic world is only a drop in the bucket, even the extremely powerful demon god, can't lock the location of Jiuchong Tiandi, but today, by chance, the inside and the outside combined, finally gave me a chance, I have found the heaven and earth of the Nine Heavens Taoist Lord."

"I would like to see what kind of treasure is contained in this world, what benefits can be obtained by refining and devouring the world of the Nine Heavens Taoist Lord, and how to prove the Tao!"

The voice of the demon god resounded like thunder in the chaotic world.

In those eyes, there was an extremely bright light, and it was obvious that this demon god was extremely excited at the moment.

In the chaotic world, the demon god with a huge body is gradually getting smaller at this moment, and he intends to set foot on the nine heavens.

In the Nine Heavens and Earth, at this moment, Li Shan and the others saw the huge eye at the cracked part of the boundary wall, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. It was only one eye, but that eye was extremely powerful. Containing an irresistible magic power, everyone who had just regained control of their bodies was once again frozen, unable to move at all.

"The demon god is an alien demon god!"

At this moment, Li Shan was so frightened that he couldn't help trembling.

Especially when they saw the action of the demon god tearing the boundary wall, everyone changed their colors in fright, because at this moment in the world, the extremely powerful power of the demon god entered, and the world trembled.

It was as if the world couldn't bear that force and was about to collapse.

"not good!"

"The foreign demon god shrinks his body, this is to enter the Nine Heavens."

"It's over, it's over!"

"Where's an expert?"

"Is the expert still not taking action? If the expert does not take action today, the Nine Heavens will be over, and all the creatures in the Nine Heavens will be over, and this world will be destroyed by the demon gods from outside the territory."

At this moment, Qingyangzi's expression became extremely ugly, and he wanted to send a message to Li Yixi, but at this moment, they couldn't move at all, roaring in anger, but the sound could not be transmitted far at all, because at this moment, the incomparably powerful The power has disturbed the world, and all spirits are trembling.

The Ninth Heaven, the people who were in charge of the Dao in the Ninth Heaven who were cultivating, opened their eyes one by one, with disbelief in their eyes.

Boom boom boom!

The secret room of cultivation was directly torn apart by their incomparably powerful power, and figures appeared on the mountain in an instant, with pairs of eyes fixed on a precious mirror on the mountain at this moment. In the middle, it is the scene where the sky and the earth are torn apart. This is Jiuchongtian's sky survey mirror.

Can spy on many things.


"How is it possible, how is it possible that there is an extraterrestrial demon god that tore the boundary wall, even if the power of the demon god is strong, it is impossible to tear the boundary wall. What happened tonight?"

After everyone appeared, their eyes revealed disbelief.

The scene in front of them completely frightened everyone, they knew very well that the boundary wall was torn apart, what did that represent, it represented destruction.

"Isn't that Qingyangzi?"

"Where exactly what happened, why didn't you summon us immediately!"

The followers of the Nine Heavens Daoist completely changed their complexions, and each of them became extremely ugly.


At this moment, in the endless void, the foreign demon god who was about to set foot on the Nine Heavens, suddenly felt an invisible force watching him. His fiery gaze became extremely terrifying. An invisible force instantly Go along this breath.

In the ninth heaven, on the sacred mountain, the terrified crowd suddenly saw a huge eye appearing in the Sky Surveying Realm, and their expressions changed wildly.

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound in the Sky Surveying Realm, and countless cracks appeared, and the scenes in the Sky Surveying Realm also completely disappeared.


"Traveling through time and space, it can actually destroy the Sky Survey Realm. Hurry up, go to the Second Heaven, mobilize the remaining power of the God, and deal with the foreign demon gods."

Looking at each other, everyone went to the second heaven anxiously.


In the second heaven, an incomparably powerful force poured in at this moment, and the extremely violent force stretched the power of the boundary wall again, and a foot of the demon god from outside the territory stepped into it in an instant.

"Come in, it's over!"

Qingyangzi felt the terrifying power that swept over him, and his face turned pale.

Just the demonic power emanating from the demon god stirred up the atmosphere of the world and made it extremely chaotic, and the signs of annihilation appeared.

The piece of paper fluttering in the void was blown away again by the power that stirred the world. It was just ordinary rice paper, but at the moment it was extremely tough. Qingyangzi and the others felt that their bodies were about to be torn apart, but The paper in front of him was not damaged at all.

Qing Yangzi with a face of despair, when he was in despair, suddenly saw the piece of paper in his eyes, and a ray of hope suddenly appeared in his eyes of despair.

"Poetry, the poems of the masters, the poems of the masters can slay dragons in incredible ways, so can they stop the demon gods from outside the territory?"

Qingyangzi is really desperate at this moment, and can only put his last hope on Li Yixi's poem, because Qingyangzi knows that that poem is composed of countless divine words, not only contains extremely powerful His awe-inspiring divine power also contains endless divine power.

Especially seeing the void at this moment, the vision of the birthday moon on the sea, barely suppressing the destructive power of the foreign demon god, Qingyangzi was desperate and excited.

The breath of the demon gods outside the territory intends to stir the world, the paper is constantly stirred, and at the same time, the pure demonic energy is enveloped. On the paper, at this moment, the endless power of grandeur erupts. In the darkness, this piece of paper at this moment is filled with endless light. The power suddenly appeared.

This piece of paper, which was originally struggling with the wind, suddenly burst out with awe-inspiring power. It was quietly suspended in the void, and slowly unfolded. The words one by one entered the eyes of everyone.

"Shen Wen, it is Shen Wen!"

"Shenwen, can you block the demon gods from outside the territory?"

At this moment, Li Shan was extremely excited, and put all his hopes on this poem. Although the demon gods outside the territory were powerful beyond imagination, the despairing eyes of everyone at this moment were filled with a glimmer of hope.

After all, Li Yixi was also an unimaginable existence in their eyes.

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