Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 813 Haorantian God's Panic

After thinking about it, Tang Xue at this moment, with a nervous expression on her face, hastily expressed her opinion.

"As the empress of the second heaven and the controller of the fairy court, I have never cared about the common people in the world. On that day, I heard the great wish of the young master, and set up my heart for the heaven and the earth, for the living people, for the sake of the sage, and for the sake of the people. After Wan Shi opened Taiping, I felt very ashamed."

"As the person in charge of Erchongtian, I failed to do this well. This is my negligence. So after hearing the grand master's ambition, Tang Xuefan suddenly realized that today Tang Xue swore to the gods and gods that if she could not let grass Lu Daxing, let the inheritance of Confucianism and Taoism spread all over the world, then my Tang Xuedao heart will collapse and my luck will be cut off."

"The body dies and the dao disappears, and the soul will never enter reincarnation!"

"Whoever dares to stop this great cause of saving the common people and creating a peaceful and prosperous world will be the enemy of the Central Immortal Court."

At this moment, Tang Xue was very anxious, and directly launched a poisonous oath here, and at this moment, Tang Xue's eyes hurriedly swept across the powerful existences in the central fairy court.

These important people in the Central Immortal Court felt Tang Xue's eyes, and each of them trembled suddenly. Tang Xue was a gentle and elegant woman in front of Li Yixi, but they knew that Tang Xue's methods were powerful. How domineering, at this moment Tang Xue signaled them to declare their position, how dare they disobey.

And at that moment just now, they have seen Li Yixi's method of covering the sky with one hand. Li Yixi can resolve such a terrible attack with just a word. Such a powerful existence is completely beyond It exceeded their imaginations, and just now they saw Qingyangzi, the Taoist master of the Nine Heavens, lowered his body, and did everything he could to be a licking dog, so how dare they speak nonsense.

Brush brush brush brush!

At this moment, those strong men in the Central Immortal Court stood up one by one, with firm eyes in their eyes, and said to Li Yixi: "My lord, what the empress said is right, we have always only focused on the world of cultivating immortals. , but I didn’t care about these mortals. After seeing the young master’s words today, I realized that we practitioners have always seized the creation of the heaven and the earth, but forgot to feed back the sentient beings. This is our fault, and Confucianism and Taoism are flourishing , This is a practice, and our Central Immortal Court will definitely work together to make Confucianism and Taoism flourish."

"At the same time, we are also at all costs to eradicate the heavenly demons between the heavens and the earth and create a peaceful and prosperous world."

After Tang Xue heard what everyone said, a smile appeared on her face, and she immediately said to Li Yixi: "Young Master, you helped me out of my confusion and let me go one step further. I will definitely let the thatched cottage spread the word to the world."

"My lord, Tang Xue offers you a toast!"

At this moment, Tang Xue immediately picked up the wine glass in front of her, drank it down in one gulp, and punished herself.

At this moment, Li Yixi was dizzy, but when he suddenly saw Tang Xue toasting to him, he felt a little nervous. Although Li Yixi had experienced many such scenes, this was the Immortal Emperor, and Li Yixi immediately lifted himself up. wine glass.

He smiled and said to everyone present: "Thank you for your support, Li Yixi thanked you here, let's drink this cup together!"

"Drink this cup together!"

At this moment, everyone saw the satisfied smile on Li Yixi's face, and they were all overjoyed. They hurriedly picked up their wine glasses and drank with Li Yixi.

However, when everyone in the grass hut is drinking freely, the endless heights are magnificent.

The God of Haorantian suddenly opened his eyes, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes. At this moment, the Lord of Haorantian, his eyes became blood red, and his pupils were bloodshot.

As if seeing something extremely terrifying, his face became extremely pale at this moment.


The next moment, Haorantian's God's throat was sweetened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

The Lord of Haorantian's body trembled violently, and there was fear and despair in his eyes, because at this moment, the Lord of Haorantiantian was horrified to find that in his heart, the courage that had finally condensed was covered with cracks at this moment !

Even if he tried his best to suppress it, it would be extremely dangerous and might collapse at any time.

Once the gallbladder collapses, his 10,000+ years of practice will come to naught.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"Why is this?"

"Who is it?"

"Who took my Haorantian's power of luck?"

"I have resisted the five declines of heaven and man, and became an extremely powerful immortal king of the era. I have passed through an era, and my strength has become a hundred times stronger, but why is there someone who can break my body with a single word and a light drink?" Supernatural powers?"

"And even understatement, it seriously damaged my literary heart and gallantry."

At this moment, the Heaven Lord of Haorantian has a frightened expression on his face.

It was as if he had returned to the age of mortals, being stared at by a terrifying eye from above the nine heavens.

The God of Haorantian couldn't maintain his composure at all at this moment, his hands were shaking violently.


At this moment, in the holy land, one after another figures descended, and when these people's eyes fell on the God of Haorantian, their expressions were dignified.


These people just wanted to talk, but the Lord of Haoran Tian felt the arrival of these people at this moment, and tried his best to suppress the situation in his body in an instant, without turning around, he ordered coldly: "This time I want to practice in seclusion. Maybe I have practiced for a long time, and Hao Rantian will leave it to you to take care of it, I hope that there will be no accidents when I leave the customs."

"At the same time, for the sake of unnecessary trouble, seal Haorantian, don't let people go out to cause trouble, after all, I am retreating, if a strong enemy comes, you can't stop it."

These descending beings, after hearing the order of Haorantian God, immediately accepted the order one by one. They knew very well the arrogance of Haorantian God, so how dare they have a heart of disobedience.

The people at this moment were very confused. If they remembered correctly, God had just left the seclusion. Not long ago, he said that he would sweep away all the enemies this time, but they didn't expect that he would suddenly go into seclusion again.

The Lord of Haorantian, after the voice fell, a look of fear appeared in his eyes, and the next moment, his body disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the Lord of Heaven who suddenly disappeared, the eyes of all the people present flickered, because at that moment just now, they felt that the Lord of Heaven seemed to be floating violently.

Everyone was a little surprised, but quickly suppressed their doubts, thinking that it was their own illusion. After all, God is extremely powerful, and they also felt that this was very likely to be a test of God for them, to test whether they have a heart of disobedience .

Those thoughtful people, at this moment, also instantly extinguished their own thoughts.

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