Li Shan was completely stunned when he saw the sword in front of him. He never thought that Jun Wushen could unleash such a terrifying attack.

At this moment, Li Shan finally knew the power of Wendan.

He opened his mouth, but at this moment, Li Shan found that he couldn't say a word. The scene in front of him had a great impact on Li Shan.


At this moment, Li Shan felt a storm in his heart.

When the dazzling sword light disappeared and the world returned to normal, Li Shan was shocked at this moment.


Li Shan opened his mouth for the second time, but after uttering a word, he became quiet for an instant. At this moment, Li Shan suddenly found himself speechless.

Can only choose to shut up.

But in Li Shan's mind, at this moment, Jun Wushen's poem about killing the enemy just now is constantly echoing, "One body moves three thousand miles, and one sword can block a million divisions."


Thinking of this poem about killing the enemy, Li Shan at this moment felt so terrified, and couldn't help being shocked.

"Is that terrible poem about killing the enemy also left by the expert?"

"If not an expert, who can write such a terrible poem about killing the enemy?"

"Sure enough, these guys are worthy of being the direct descendants of an expert, and they know more than me."

"I thought that I was following the expert these days, and my strength should be far away from these people, but I didn't expect that these people have been practicing in the Xuanhuang World, but their strength has reached such an earth-shattering level .”

"Even if it's me now, if I were to fight to the death with these two people in front of me, I'm really not sure that I can win against them."

"Sure enough, although I have gained a lot of benefits from the expert's side, and my cultivation has been greatly improved, and I have reached the current level, but compared with the expert's direct lineage, I still have a big gap. .”

"No, this time I must complete the task assigned by the expert, let Confucianism and Taoism flourish, and strive to become the direct descendant of the expert, and get more guidance and recognition from the expert."

At this moment, Li Shan, after seeing that terrifying sword, a turbulent wave arose in Li Shan's heart. At the same time, he was extremely jealous of Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen.

Feeling sour, Li Shan felt that if he could also become Li Yixi's direct descendant, his own strength should be even better.

At this moment, Xiao Cangqiong on the side also had an expression of disbelief. Xiao Cangqiong had always known the horror of Jun Wushen, but he never thought that Jun Wushen would be so powerful.

Jun Wushen's sword just now completely shocked Xiao Cangqiong. Xiao Cangqiong didn't expect Jun Wushen to be so powerful at this moment, and that sword was just a burst of Jun Wushen's gallantry.

If Jun Wushen really made a move, what would happen?

When the two were stunned and each had their own thoughts, at this moment Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen fell in front of Gu Ding.

The next moment, the ancient tripod disappeared, and Xiao Cangqiong and Li Shan appeared in the void. At this moment, Li Shan restrained his emotions and saluted Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen.

"Congratulations Brother Xiao, congratulations Brother Wushen, I didn't expect you to reach such a level, Li Shan feels ashamed, sorry to bother you today!"

At this moment, Li Shan, with the appearance of a modest gentleman, was extremely envious of the two of them.


"Brother Li, please be polite. Brother Li's strength is truly terrifying. You should get a lot of benefits by following my master. Now I can't see through Brother Li."

At this moment, Jun Wushen didn't show any unruly expression on his face, and there was a refined smile on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled at Li Shan.

After the words fell, Jun Wushen continued: "Brother Li did not hesitate to go down to the battlefield outside the territory. It should be that something important happened, or the master needs you to do something?"

After Li Shan heard Jun Wushen's words, a look of surprise appeared on Li Shan's face. Li Shan did not expect that Jun Wushen, who was far away in the Xuanhuang world and had never paid attention to the affairs of the fairy world, would express his intention of coming with a few casual words. Nine out of ten guesses.

At this moment, Li Shan did not hide anything, and said frankly: "Brother Li is right, this time I came down to earth because of an order from an expert, and I need your help to do this well. , otherwise I can’t do it alone.”

At this moment, Li Shan thought of his purpose in the lower realm, and a serious look appeared on his face.

"Master, what does the old man want us to do?" The elegant smile on the corner of Jun Wushen's mouth at this moment also slowly disappeared. Hearing about Li Yixi, Jun Wushen's expression at this moment also became dignified.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Li Shan said solemnly: "Senior said a word, establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations."

"The current Jiuchongtian is invaded by the demon clan. It is very chaotic and the people are struggling to survive. However, Confucianism and Taoism can target the demon clan and have a natural restraint effect on the demon clan. Experts want to promote Confucianism and Taoism, suppress the demon clan, and return this world. A clear universe."

"Build a truly prosperous world so that the people can enjoy peace."

"The expert asked me to build a college to preach the world, but although I come from Shengxianzhuang, I know that my own strength is not enough, so this time I went to Xiaohaorantian, hoping to get the help of the two of you."

"If you can make a move, then I will be more confident in Xing Confucianism and Taoism."

After Li Shan's voice fell, his eyes fell on Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen, waiting for their reply. At this moment, Li Shan was very disturbed, because whether he could get the support of the two of them, for Li Shan now very important.

Set up the heart for the heaven and the earth, set the destiny for the livelihood and the people, for the sacred and inherited knowledge, and for the peace of the world.

At this moment, Jun Wushen and Xiao Zhan heard this sentence and Li Yixi's layout, and their faces could not help showing a dignified look. After communicating for a while, Jun Wushen said to Li Shan: "Since Master, the old man hinted that you made In a world of peace and prosperity, if you kill aliens, then we will help you!"

"I don't know what brother Li needs, but it's okay, if we can help, we will definitely help."

Li Shan, who was apprehensive at first, had a look of surprise on his face when he heard Jun Wushen's words at this moment.

"Thank you, Brother Wushen, it's natural, then Li Shan will be straightforward!"

At this moment, Li Shan expressed his request in an instant, Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen were also very decisive, without any hesitation, they all agreed.

After Li Shan got the promise from the two, he showed a smile on his face, and said to Jun Wushen with a fiery face: "Brother Wushen, did the poem about killing the enemy that you urged just now come from a master?" hand?"

After hearing Li Shan's words, Jun Wushen responded with a smile: "Of course, this poem of killing the enemy is naturally written by the master. Except for Master, who can write such a magnificent poem of killing the enemy."

"Brother Li, let's enter the Nine Heavens immediately and complete this important event."

Li Shan nodded immediately.

Soon, in the Xuanhuang Great World, countless Confucian and Taoist experts ascended to the upper realm.

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