When Li Shan heard the old Confucian's words, he looked curious, and couldn't help asking: "Old man, I don't know how to classify writing and gallbladder?"

At this moment, Li Shan asked the doubts in his heart. Li Shan had naturally heard about literary courage, but the inheritance of Shengxianzhuang was lost, and it was just that there were rumors of literary courage. The courage has reached the level of the second-level stubborn stone-turning spirit. At this moment, Li Shan couldn't help but become curious, and planned to ask clearly. Li Shan felt that these things should have become common sense in the current Xuanhuang World, and it is not a secret. .

Hearing Li Shan's words, the old Confucian scholar was stunned for a moment. This is common sense, but Li Shan didn't know it, but he didn't say anything, and immediately explained with a smile: "In the past, these things didn't exist, but in our Xuanhuang Great World, a new phenomenon appeared. A terrifying and extreme existence opened up a world with a shocking article, which is the current Xiaohaorantian. The pen master practiced in it, learned something from the shocking article, and summed it up. But it is not perfect, I am afraid It is only the extremely terrifying master who knows the whole realm."

"According to the pen sage's insights and conclusions, the first level of daring is called a stubborn stone. The heart is like a stubborn stone, not disturbed by other people's thoughts, not invaded by ghosts and ghosts. Where the daring is, ghosts avoid it."

"The stubborn stone is born, the whole person transforms, the talent is condensed in the gallbladder, and the gallbladder is nurtured. After the stubborn stone absorbs enough talent, the gallbladder will break through, and the stubborn stone will transform into its own appearance. This is the first stage of the gallbladder." In the second realm, the creatures of stubborn stones are born from the stubborn stones, just like the Monkey King in Journey to the West mentioned by a peerless expert. When Wen Dao reaches the second level, his ability will be even stronger. The spirit can come out of the heart and wipe out demons and ghosts with a wave of the hand."

"As for the third level, so far, only one person in Xiaohaorantian has reached it. That person is the god of Xiaohaorantian, and he is also the disciple of a peerless master. He is called Jun Wushen. , are under control and can be killed.”

"He is Confucianism and Taoism Sword Lord!"

Speaking of Jun Wushen, the old Confucian scholar's eyes showed a look of admiration. In his eyes, Jun Wushen was like a god.


Hearing Jun Wushen, Li Shan took a deep breath, his face was shocked, he did not expect that a genius from the Jun family would grow to such a terrifying level, at this moment, with all his talents, he could It has reached the point of turning stones into spirits, and Jun Wushen has already stepped into the third step at such a young age. The strength of the old Confucian scholar is not low, comparable to Xuxian, but Li Shan is very admiring him so much. It is clear that Jun Wushen may be more terrifying than he imagined.

Read out the enemy's destruction, the location of the reading, for Jun Wushen, is the location of the sword.

Sitting in a thatched hut and reading a book can also kill an enemy thousands of miles away. It is terrifying to think of it.

As soon as I read it, the place touched by my divine sense is my domain. At this moment, Li Shan is extremely excited, and he can't wait. He wants to meet Jun Wushen and experience Jun Wushen's methods.

"Old sir, is it possible for me to enter now?"

Li Shan's eyes fell on the old Confucian scholar, and he really couldn't wait.

"Of course, the senior has condensed the second-level guts, and can enter Xiao Haoran at any time, senior, please!"

"I, I will lead the seniors to meet the Zhange Pavilion Master."

At this moment, the old Confucian scholar brought Li Shan into the portal. Li Shan was extremely curious at this moment. From the lower realm to the present, in a very short period of time, Li Shan at this moment has heard a lot of things. Zhan, then this Zhan Pavilion, is Tang Yin in charge?

After thinking about it, Li Shan was bored when he was idle, and said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, old man, I ascended to the Upper Realm a long time ago, and I am a little unfamiliar with this place. I don't know who is in charge of the Zhan Pavilion now, but Tang Yin?"

The old Confucian scholar was startled when he heard Li Shan call Tang Yin's name directly, but then he realized that Li Shan should be very familiar with Tang Yin and others, otherwise he would never be so sure and call him by his name directly.

Then he responded: "Back to senior, senior's guess is good, the person who is in charge of the Zhan Pavilion now is Senior Tang Yin, and the deputy pavilion master is Xiao Cangqiong."

"Old Xiao?"

Li Shan heard that the deputy pavilion master was Xiao Cangqiong, so he smiled, and he recognized it.

Soon, Li Shan and the old Confucian scholar entered a palace, and the old Confucian scholar said respectfully: "Pavilion Master Xiao, your old friend is visiting!"

Xiao Cangqiong, who was cultivating, slowly opened his eyes. There was a strange color in his eyes, but he walked out immediately, and his eyes were on Li Shan who was beside the old Confucian scholar. Then he reacted and laughed loudly: " It turned out to be Li Shan, I didn't expect you to go to the lower realm, please hurry up!"

"I don't know son, what's going on in the upper realm?"

At this moment, Xiao Cangqiong is extremely envious of Li Shan. Xiao Cangqiong already knows that Li Shan can often appear by Li Yixi's side in Jiuchongtian, and the benefits of following Li Yixi's side are self-evident.

"Old Xiao, how is your son?"

"Young master, who dares to provoke such an existence, the young master's methods are beyond our guess!" Li Shan said with a smile.

"That's good!"

"That's good!"

"You come this time, there should be something wrong!"

"Could it be the young master, is there any hint that it won't work?" Xiao Cangqiong's usual coldness disappeared without a trace, replaced by an expression of excitement and longing, his mind was full of wanting to see Li Yixi, but he suffered from the lack of suitable opportunities and excuses.

Otherwise, people like them would have already been able to ascend to the ninth heaven.

Li Shan smiled and said: "Old Xiao, you guessed it right, I came down this time because I really have something to do, and I want to bring some people to the world to complete a big event that the master hinted at."

"Ha ha!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, as long as it doesn't affect the guarding of the Xuanhuang World, as many people as you want."

Xiao Cangqiong said with a smile.


Hearing this change, Li Shan was shocked and froze for a moment. He didn't understand Xiao Cangqiong's words. Xiao Cangqiong also knew why Li Shan was puzzled. At this moment, Xiao Cangqiong immediately explained: "You may not know where Xiao Haoran is. There is an ancient battlefield in a foreign land, there are extremely terrifying monsters, they can’t be killed, they all seem to want to enter the Xuanhuang world, and we don’t know what they are planning, we have been resisting those creatures, otherwise we would have already entered the world.”

"Monster, the power of grandeur, guard it?"

At this moment, Li Shan's heart was full of turmoil, and he always felt that everything Li Yixi did had a deep meaning.

Li Shan immediately said: "I don't know that Xiao Zhan and Wushen are here, I want to meet them!" Li Shan immediately stated his purpose, to see if he could get help from the two of them, after all, Caolu wanted to be strong, just three words There are not enough people in Shengxian Pavilion.

In Xing Confucianism and Taoism, it is not so easy.

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