Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 799 Daxing Confucianism and Taoism, preaching the world

Hearing Du Zhengyan and Tian Zhen's words, Li Shan's eyes shot out two brilliant lights in an instant.

At this moment, Li Shan was very excited. In this case, to put it bluntly, he had the opportunity to work for Li Yixi. Li Shan suddenly felt a little stupid. He didn't expect that he didn't know that Li Yixi had the intention of promoting Confucianism and Taoism. , Secretly complaining, since entering the fairy world, he has devoted himself to retreating and improving his cultivation, and he has paid too little attention to the outside world.

If he had heard Li Yixi's words earlier, then Li Shan would have known that even if he was stupid, Li Yixi was going to promote Confucianism and Taoism.

When Li Shan was in the lower realm, he came from Xiaoshengxianzhuang.Li Shan is also practicing Wen Dao. At this moment, Li Shan couldn't help but think of Li Yixi when he was in the Xuanhuang World, and helped Li Shan's Little Sage Village. At this moment, Li Shan couldn't help but recall some of the past.

Thinking of Li Yixi's three-character scriptures left in the academy at that time, how many people gathered their talents.


At this moment, Li Shan's eyes suddenly brightened, as if he had been enlightened, and his eyes showed excitement. If he wanted to promote Confucianism and Taoism, it was not just talking, and it would take countless talented people to do it. , This is what Li Shan finds most difficult.

But at this moment, Li Shan suddenly remembered the lower realm, and Li Shan's eyes showed excitement.

In the lower realm, just in the little sage village where Li Shan was born, Li Shan remembers that there are countless people who have gathered their talents. Those people are probably already extremely scary now. After all, one day in the sky is one hundred days in the mortal world.

Thinking of this, Li Shan suddenly felt a storm in his heart.

When Li Shan was excited and shocked, Du Zhengyan's eyes were on Li Shan, "Li Daoyou, what do you think?"

"Confucianism and Taoism are flourishing, and those demons and monsters will be eliminated at that time. This is a supreme merit."

"It is also an opportunity to benefit the common people."

Tian Zhen also immediately said: "Li Daoyou, this matter is none other than you. I remember that before you ascended, you were a scholar, and you are more suitable than us. Of course, if you need us, just give us an order and we will arrive immediately. At your disposal."

Xiao Ya also hurriedly said at the moment: "Yes, yes, yes, Li Daoyou, Tian Zhen and Du Zhengyan are right, as long as you need it, you can tell us directly, you are welcome, it just so happens that I have some ancient books somewhere, and I will send them all to the academy you established. "

At this moment, the empress Tang Xue couldn't help it anymore. Naturally, Li Yixi wanted to promote Confucianism and Taoism, so they had a chance to curry favor with Li Yixi.

Li Shan heard everyone's words, saw everyone's earnest eyes, and glanced at Li Yixi slightly. Li Shan felt that these people looked like they were licking dogs, which was [-]% because Li Yixi really had the idea of ​​promoting Confucianism and Taoism.

If he completes this task by himself, he will definitely be appreciated by Li Yixi. A terrifying existence like Li Yixi who leaks a little bit of oil and water is better than Li Shan who has practiced for a hundred years or a thousand years.

At this moment, Li Shan, after pondering for a moment, said to Li Yixi: "Young Master wants to promote Confucianism and Taoism, and Li Shan is willing to be the pioneer, but if you really want Confucianism and Taoism to be strong, you still need your help. Establish a school, but you will be the seat of sacrificial wine in the school."

"My lord, although you don't have the ability to gather talent, and you can't cultivate, but you have read more books than we have traveled, and you are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, and flowers. The position of offering wine is definitely your lord."

Li Shan's eyes were bright, and his eyes fell on Li Yixi.


Li Yixi, who was listening to the conversation with an interested face, suddenly found out that something happened to him, Li Yixi couldn't help being startled, this was something Li Yixi never thought of.

Li Yixi immediately refused: "You must have the strength to make wine offerings in the Academy, so that everyone can be convinced. I am a mortal, so how can I be qualified to take the position of offering wine in the Academy? Li Shan, you must be the one in the Academy. Seeing that you made a move just now, it is so powerful, you should do your part, this is also the responsibility of Confucianism and Taoism."

"You have this strength!"

When Li Shan heard Li Yixi's words, he reacted instantly. Li Yixi tried his best to deny that he had a peerless cultivation, but he actually forgot about it.

Li Shan just remembered that Li Yixi was a big boss, but he ignored it.

Li Shan immediately smiled and said: "My lord, if you refuse the seat of wine offering in the academy, then you won't be refusing the seat of assistant wine offering!"

"After all, the son's literary talent is the best in the world, and the son is second, and no one dares to say the first. In Jiuchongtian, Confucianism and Taoism have declined, let alone shocking articles, and the sage's essays have never appeared."

After Li Shan's voice fell, everyone couldn't help but look at Li Yixi with joy.

Li Yixi originally only wanted to be a salted fish, but at this moment, he suddenly found that everyone's eyes were on him, and his face was serious. Knowing how to recite some poems, he said helplessly: "I'm still not qualified to be the deputy priest, so how about it, if you want me to participate, I can be an honorary priest."

Li Yixi seemed to refuse, but Li Yixi was very excited at the moment.

Even if it's honor offering wine, it's still offering wine.

The more identities are, the better, but don't overwhelm yourself, Li Yixi thinks this is an opportunity.

Even if I only know how to write some poems and essays, these poems and essays will be treasures in the hands of those talented guys. By then, I will be students all over the world. backing.

"My lord, then you are the honorary wine of our academy. You don't need to work hard. When you are free, you can just write some poems for us." At this moment, Li Shan's eyes were bright and extremely excited. As for Li Yixi Li Shan didn't care about his identity. For a big boss like Li Yixi, his words are the truth, and the academy will unconditionally implement them.

As the sacrificial wine of the academy, Li Yixi hurriedly said at this moment: "There is no problem in establishing the academy, but I don't know if there will be some troubles in the establishment of the academy!"

Li Yixi knows that although Confucianism and Taoism are not flourishing in the Immortal World, there are still some academies, but if they are regarded as robbing resources, troubles will arise.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Tang Xue's body trembled, feeling that Li Yixi was implying herself, Tang Xue immediately said: "My lord, there is actually one thing I concealed from my lord. In fact, I am the Empress of Xianting."

"I fully support Li Daoyou's establishment of the academy, and no one dares to provoke him."

Just as Tang Xue's voice fell, Li Yixi was stunned at this moment.

It never occurred to her that Tang Xue turned out to be the Empress of the Immortal Court. She is a boss, and her thighs are really big. Once she keeps them, she will have a chance.

And Li Yixi couldn't help cheering up, although he was only the honorary wine of the Academy, but this is the Royal Academy with the Immortal Court as the backing, his status and weight rose instantly.

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