
Qingyangzi, who had a dry throat, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling inexplicably parched.

I want to move forward, but when I see the tens of thousands of big sun tiger bees, I feel shocked. At this moment, Qingyangzi knows that he is collecting honey. Strength is nothing but a true god, seeing the terrifying aura in front of him, Qingyangzi felt his legs go weak, as if he had lost all his strength.

However, Qingyangzi knew very well that Li Yixi was standing not far behind him, so he had to move.

This distance of seven or eight meters, in Qing Yangzi's eyes, became even more difficult than reaching the sky.

"Why is this?"

"Why is this?"

"Why does senior want me to collect honey? Is it simply collecting honey, or testing me, or beating me?"

"After I arrived in the courtyard, did I do something that dissatisfied Gao Ren!"

On Qingyangzi's forehead, drops of sweat kept falling. The scene in front of him had an impact on Qingyangzi that was too great for Qingyangzi to accept. In Jiuchongtian, Qingyangzi However, the followers of Jiuchongtian God, the master of Taoism who is in charge of the Dao, but their strength is no more than the true god, this is still Jiuchongtian's chance, let them take it.

But how many people have stepped into the realm of the true god.

However, in this small courtyard, the previous Qingyangzi had already been stunned, because everything in the courtyard seemed to be extremely terrifying.But when he came to the backyard, which was just a place for beekeeping, Qingyangzi once again broke his cognition. With a swarm of big sun tiger bees, you can run rampant and dominate one side.

Qing Yangzi, who has seen the horror of this place, also knows that Li Yixi's horror is not represented by the big sun tiger bee in front of him.

When Qingyangzi was struggling to go, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, thinking of the scenes after his clone fell.Qingyangzi is not a stupid person to become a Daoist, so start thinking now.

After walking a few steps, Qingyangzi trembled all over his body, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart: "The only thing that could be blamed by seniors when I came to the yard is that I drank too much Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid, but Nine Heavens Spiritual liquid is very precious, it is for us, after all, in senior's yard, the water for washing vegetables is nine days spiritual liquid, senior will never be dissatisfied with me because of this."

"Senior is dissatisfied, it must be my avatar offending, or my identity. After all, I am a follower of the Nine Heavens God, not just an ordinary follower, but an extremely powerful Daoist."

"The strength of such a terrifying existence like senior is absolutely beyond my cognition. Maybe I can pinch my fingers and spy on the past, present, and future."

"And when I came to the yard, one was to make amends, and the other was to inquire about the situation in the yard."

"To put it bluntly, I, Qingyangzi, have an impure mind, and seniors figured out that after I saw the horror in the manor, I would act crazily, but seniors simply led me here, silently, with this Tens of thousands of big sun tiger bees beat me to warn me, and at the same time told us that the seniors have no interest in the world of the Nine Heavens God. living."

"Yes, it must be so!"

"Otherwise, if such a terrifying existence wants to kill me, why bother, it's just a matter of raising your hand."

"With one order, these tiger bees are enough to clean up the endless territory of the chaotic world."

"So, today, I seem to be extremely dangerous, but I should not be in danger."

"Moreover, these big sun tiger bees are as quiet as ordinary domestic bees, and you can get a glimpse of them. The expert just wants to use these to tell me something and his thoughts." Thinking of this, Qingyang There was a smile on the child's face instantly, and the tension on his face dissipated a bit.

Li Yixi, who was behind him, looked at the cautious Qingyangzi and frowned slightly. Qingyangzi's cautiousness made Li Yixi a little speechless.

Suddenly, I felt that Qingyangzi, a practitioner, was too cowardly.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "Brother Qingyang, don't you all practice without fear in your heart, and practice is something that goes against the sky. If there are mere bees, it will be frightened, so how to practice, how to go against the sky? rise."

"And don't worry, these bees are very docile!"

Qingyangzi, who was about to figure it out, suddenly heard Li Yixi's words, and was instantly overjoyed.

Immediately smiled and said: "Young master, I can do it."

Qingyangzi's eyes were bright, and the fear in his eyes slowly disappeared.

"So it's true. I'm afraid the expert already knew that I wanted to understand, so he reminded me."

"Today, there will be no danger."

"There are such terrifying existences as masters in Jiuchongtian, and those who spy on Jiuchongtian will definitely not get any benefits."

"If an expert doesn't leave, that's Jiu Chongtian's real Dinghaishenzhen."

"I see!"

"Sure enough, to follow such a terrifying existence, you must have enough understanding, otherwise you will definitely die."

Thinking of Qingyangzi here, he felt that Mount Tai, who was pressing on him, was moved away by an invisible big hand.

Soon, as Qingyangzi expected, there was no danger in the process of collecting honey.

"Young master, I'm done!"

Looking at the tempting honey, Qing Yangzi's face was filled with excitement. This is not simple honey, but the honey from the big sun tiger bee, which is even more precious than the Jiutian spiritual liquid.

"Okay, let's go!"

"The honey juice is ready, so let's start the next step."

"Today, you are lucky!"

With free labor, Li Yixi also felt that it was a lot easier, and walked towards the front yard step by step.

Although there was no danger, at this moment Qingyangzi's body was trembling a little, because besides the big sun tiger bee, Qingyangzi felt inexplicably uneasy, as if there was an even more terrifying existence in the backyard.

When he walked past the native chicken, Qing Yangzi's body trembled again, and he almost knelt down in fright.

The former Qingyangzi knew at a glance that these native chickens were Suzakus, and some of them even returned to their ancestors and became Phoenixes, but the Phoenix family has long since fallen, Qingyangzi didn't care at all, but at this moment he felt that one of the Suzakus The aura emanating from his body made Qingyangzi tremble with fear.

At this moment, Qingyangzi felt like an ant.

The true god, he was almost suffocated under that coercion, and that was just a breath that escaped randomly.

Li Yixi, who was walking behind the senior, stopped at this moment, and his eyes fell on an egg.


"There is an egg, which is not bad, but I made scrambled eggs with tomatoes. However, there are fewer eggs. It may be that these chickens are older and have been slow to lay eggs recently. If it doesn't work, cook another batch!"

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