Just as Tian Zhen's voice fell, at this moment, Long Yi, who was practicing with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes and smiled at Tian Zhen.

Put your hands together, with a face of compassion, just like those Buddhas above the nine heavens.


"The disaster Taoist master is polite, we are all Taoist masters in the master's world, in charge of the master's way, and practice together with the master to create the world."

"You have a disaster, I can help you, naturally I will do my part."

Long Yi, who put his hands together, showed a look of compassion on his face at this moment, and the Buddha's light on his body became more intense. At this moment, an extremely powerful Buddha's will slowly diffused, making Tian Zhen with a nervous face , I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

However, at the moment Long Yi's voice just fell.

In Tian Zhen's soul sea, the demon strong man who had just repaired some injuries said mockingly: "Hmph, it's just a bald donkey, you really think of yourself as a peerless strong man, and want to kill me, you How to do it, can you do it?"

"Now I am staying in Tian Zhen's soul sea. If you want to kill me, you have only one way, and that is to kill Tian Zhen first!"

"Otherwise Tian Zhen will not die, then I will be immortal!"

At this moment, Tian Zhen's face became extremely strange. One side of Tian Zhen's face was extremely calm, but the other side became extremely ferocious at this instant. A cold voice sounded in Tian Zhen's mind.

But at this moment, Long Yi didn't show any signs of panic, and was incomparably calm.

Long Yi frowned slightly, never thought that Tian Zhen's predicament would be so difficult to resolve, it was really too difficult to kill the Heavenly Demon powerhouse in Tian Zhen's soul sea without anyone noticing.

Long Yi frowned slightly, looked at Tian Zhen solemnly and said: "Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​I'm afraid I can't solve your crisis. After all, the powerful existence of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the soul body is in your soul sea, and the soul sea is extremely fragile. If you My power has entered into the sea of ​​souls, I am afraid that I will kill you first before killing the strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm!"

"Now I can't finish this thing, unless"

However, at this moment Long Yi wanted to explain, but suddenly shut his mouth, the things he needed were too precious, absolutely no one was willing to take them out.

Tian Zhen looked at Long Yi who was hesitant to speak at this moment, and said solemnly: "Master Long Yi, you seem to have a solution, can you tell me? Maybe you can guide me in the direction."

Long Yi didn't want to say it at first, but at this moment, Long Yi saw Tian Zhen staring at him, and he didn't even look away, so he could only explain, "I want to kill that powerful existence in your soul sea. It’s impossible to do it with your own strength, because I can’t protect your safety, but if I can get a Buddhist treasure, then I might be able to help you kill the terrifying existence in the sea of ​​souls.”

"But you should also be very clear that the Buddhism has declined for some unknown reason these years, and it is even more difficult to obtain the treasures of the Buddhism, and it is almost impossible to achieve the wish."

"For Buddhism, those precious things are more important than life, how could they be lent to others casually!"

However, at this moment, just as Long Yi's voice fell, Tian Zhen trembled all over at this moment, looked at Long Yi excitedly and said, "Master Long Yi, I have the most precious treasure of Buddhism, this Buddhist classic should be It can be counted as a treasure of Buddhism, this thing was given to me by the master."

"There are no mundane things in the master's hands."

Tian Zhen looked excitedly at the always calm Long Yi in front of him, and took out the Buddhist scriptures that Li Yixi had given him.

Hearing Tian Zhen's words, Long Yi showed envy and excitement on his face, Long Yi knew very well that there was no ordinary thing in Li Yixi's hands, every thing was a supreme holy thing.

Li Yixi even taught him the most powerful supernatural power of Buddhism, the Tathagata God's Palm, so there is no problem in being able to produce extremely powerful Buddhist scriptures.

When Long Yi saw the Buddhist scriptures held in Tian Zhen's hands at this moment, his whole body trembled with excitement. Long Yi, who practiced Buddhism, saw the terrifying Buddha's light on the Buddhist scriptures at this moment.

At the same time, Long Yi also saw strands of strong luck in the strong Buddha light.

The moment he saw the wisps of luck, Long Yi's body couldn't help trembling wildly. Beside Long Yi, Long Er and Long San, who were practicing with their eyes closed, also felt the meaning contained in the Buddhist scriptures. The terrifying Buddha light and the power of luck suddenly opened their eyes, and their eyes were fixed on the Buddhist scriptures in Tian Zhen's hand for an instant.

The faces of the three were in disbelief, their bodies trembled violently, and they said in a stiff voice: "This is the treasure of Buddhist Qi Luck!"

Seeing the incomparable excitement of the three Long brothers from the treasure of luck in front of them, they never thought that they would meet the treasure of luck here, which is extremely precious!

It can suppress the power of luck and protect a family.

Long Yi and the others have heard Li Yixi say that in the ancient times, the extremely powerful dragon and phoenix clans could compete with the fairy courts, Taoist schools, and Buddhist schools, but because they did not have the luck treasure to suppress luck, they almost died in the end. inherited.

And the three of them are also very clear that once they have the treasure of luck, even in the face of the five declines of heaven and man, the replacement of heaven and earth will definitely be able to survive such disasters.

If you have avoided the five declines of heaven and man once, your strength will reach an extremely terrifying state, but any existence that can survive the five declines of heaven and man is an absolute overlord.

At this moment, the three of them were not shocked when they saw the treasure of luck.

In Tian Zhen's hands, this Buddhist scripture is only to help him destroy the demon soul in the sea of ​​souls. However, in the eyes of Long Yi and the others, it is the treasure of luck that can help them enter the heaven.

"Qi Luck is a treasure, is it very precious?"

"Can you kill the soul body of a strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm in my soul sea?"

At this moment, Tian Zhen saw the excited three Long brothers, a smile appeared on his face, and he was extremely looking forward to it. Just now, he felt the strong man in the heavenly demon world in the sea of ​​souls, and wanted to die together. The despair on his face seemed to see hope at this moment.

The three Long brothers heard Tian Zhen's words, and said solemnly, "Qi Luck is the treasure, how can it be described as precious? I was not sure that I would take the treasure in your soul sea without hurting you." The soul body is killed, but now with the treasure of luck, I can prevent you from being injured and resolve your crisis."

When Tian Zhen heard Long Yi's words, his whole body shook violently, and he was instantly overjoyed.

However, at this moment, Tian Zhen's body trembled, and the soul body was fighting for the control of Tian Zhen's body, and said in a ferocious voice: "Just because you want to kill me, it's ridiculous!"

"Let me tell you, it's best not to make any changes, otherwise I will die with him today."

Long Yi saw Tian Zhen's face suddenly turned ferocious at this moment, his face was always calm, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.


"The devil is one foot tall, and the Buddha is one foot tall!"

"Although you are powerful, how can you be presumptuous in front of me."

"With the treasure of luck, even if the ancestor god comes, I can fight with him, let alone you, a mere true god."

At this moment, Long Ying didn't pay attention to the powerful man from the Heavenly Demon Realm who briefly controlled Tian Zhen's body.

The strong man from the Heavenly Demon Realm took control of Tian Zhen's body for a short while, and mocked with a ferocious face: "Stinky donkey, I want to see how you can deal with me!"

"I am in her soul sea, and I already have absolute control. If you want to kill me without letting it get hurt, it is simply wishful thinking."

However, at the moment when the voice of the powerful man in the Heavenly Demon Realm fell, Long Yi's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm, as if he had heard a big joke.

I saw Long Yi's hand suddenly stretched out, pointing at Tian Zhen's brow.

At the same time, a terrifying light of Buddha appeared in the Buddhist scriptures beside Long Yi, and that light of Buddha turned into a golden dragon, rushing towards Tian Zhen's eyebrows.

The expression of the demon powerhouse in the sea of ​​souls changed drastically at this moment. He never thought that the terrifying Buddhist meaning contained in the Buddhist scriptures could turn into a Buddha dragon.

Before he could react, Folong actually devoured him in one bite!

Everything happened so fast, even if he wanted to struggle, it was too late at this moment, he could only helplessly see himself falling into the darkness, but he still urged his power of heavenly demon to prevent himself from being affected by Folong severe damage.

After Folong devoured the soul body of the demon powerhouse in the sea of ​​souls, his body disappeared instantly and flew out from between Tian Zhen's eyebrows.

The next moment, the demon powerhouse swallowed by Folong burst out with a terrifying aura, instantly blasting Folong's body apart.

However, at the moment when Folong's body exploded, Long Yi's mouth showed a hint of mockery, and he saw that Long Yi's big hand grabbed the soul body of the strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm directly in his hands.

At this moment, the soul body of the strong man in the Heavenly Demon Realm was compressed by Long Yi's powerful force, as big as an ant.

And at this moment, Long Yi seemed to have turned into a terrifying Buddha, and his hand seemed to have turned into a continent.

"Naughty beast, do you still have a chance to make trouble?"

"How dare you want to take away a Taoist master. Where did you get the courage and ability? I really feel that this deity can't do anything to you!"

"Having such a treasure, how difficult is it to bring you out of the sea of ​​souls?"

"How difficult is it to kill you?"

"You practitioners in the Heavenly Demon Realm are indeed extremely arrogant. You don't pay attention to the people of the world. Today I want to see how you turn out the palm of my hand."

The strong man in the Heavenly Devil Realm heard Long Yi's icy voice at this moment, and his face changed suddenly. He was horrified to find that at this moment, he was actually in Long Yi's palm.

Long Yi's voice made him tremble all over at this moment.

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