Seeing King An Lan bursting out with all his strength, Empress Tang Xue's face instantly turned a little pale.

Because as King An Lan said, if the incarnation of the mind cannot kill the enemy with the first blow, then it will be powerless to follow.

Today, Tang Xue was very excited to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but he never expected that King An Lan would shamelessly break the rules of the ancestor god.

At a time of crisis, a figure in white appeared. At that moment, the empress Tang Xue felt that she was saved, but she never expected that the terrifying attack from the figure in white would be held back by King Anlan.

At this moment, King An Lan urged the power of the Dao with all his strength, and came with the power to destroy the world. Empress Tang Xue was in despair.

The smiles on the faces of those strong men in the central fairy court disappeared at this moment. They knew very well that the body of the figure in white clothes who could unleash such a terrifying attack must be strong enough to make King An Lan despair, but this time In an instant, they knew very well that this was just the incarnation of ideas, not the real deity.


At this moment of despair on everyone's faces, the figure in white seemed to be irritated by King An Lan, and a trace of clarity instantly recovered in those eyes.

The cold voice sounded in the void instantly, and the figure in white at this moment became even more terrifying. The moment those eyes were fixed on King An Lan, King An Lan's body trembled uncontrollably.


"The power contained in the incarnation of the mind is only 1% of the body, and the power that erupted just now is already comparable to the ancestor god. I don't believe that he can erupt even more terrifying power."

"It's impossible to scare me."

"Although I, An Lan, are not strong enough, that is compared to the ancestor gods, and now I am in the Heavenly Demon Realm. My strength is blessed by the power of the realm. Now I am equivalent to a complete ancestor god. I don't believe that just You, the incarnation of an idea, can kill me."

After being terrified, King An Lan looked angry, thinking that he had hallucinations, carrying the power to destroy the world, and killed the figure in white and the empress Tang Xue.


"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

The white-clothed figure in the void seemed to have regained his sanity at this moment. When he saw King Anlan killing him with the power to destroy the world, his voice was as cold as coming from the cold cave of thousands of years.

At first, he thought that he was hallucinating, but when King An Lan heard the cold voice, his heart trembled suddenly, and his body became stiff. Under the terrifying killing intent, King An Lan was instantly terrified.

Because at this critical moment, King An Lan clearly felt a more terrifying power erupting from the body of the white-clothed figure. In front of that power, King An Lan seemed to be really facing a god.

In that instant, King An Lan was so frightened that his whole body was cold, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

But being stared at by those icy eyes, King Anlan was horrified to find that at this moment, his body became extremely stiff, and his body was frozen by the extremely powerful power of the Dao.

The half-step ancestor god, he was unable to move at all under the powerful aura of the white-clothed figure.

At this moment, the pen in the hand of the white-clothed figure seemed to have turned into a spear, and he tapped King An Lan instantly.

When this stroke was made, that stroke seemed to become a spear that destroyed everything, and this stroke instantly pointed towards his avenue.

King An Lan's face became extremely pale after being held down by a powerful force.

He could only watch helplessly at the stroke in the void, as if it had turned into a spear, constantly enlarging in his pupils.

"So strong?"

"How is this possible?"

"I have a feeling, as if the master of this world has appeared."

The strong men in the Central Immortal Court, when they saw the figure in white pointing out a stroke, their bodies could not help but tremble wildly, and they were frightened by the stroke in front of them, as if this stroke could destroy the world.

"Ancestral God?"

At this moment, the empress uttered two words, and a turbulent sea arose in her heart. Tang Xue was very close to the figure in white. At this moment, she felt it more clearly than anyone else.

They used to think that Li Yixi was an extremely powerful ancestor god. After all, in their eyes, the ancestor god was an unattainable and powerful existence.

But at this moment, an idea appeared in Empress Tang Xue's heart that made her feel unbelievable.

That is Li Yixi's strength surpassed that of the ancestor god.

But the moment this idea just appeared, it was snuffed out by the Empress Tang Xue.

Because Tang Xue felt that even if it was the ruler of the Nine Heavens, the strength of the Lord of Heaven was only the pinnacle of the ancestor gods.

No matter how strong Li Yixi is, it is impossible to surpass the Lord of Heaven who created this piece of heaven and earth.

But at this moment, the empress Tang Xue looked at the stroke falling in the void, and her heart beat violently.

Under her horrified eyes, that stroke fell on the long river of time behind King An Lan.

A frightening scene appeared at this moment, and the indestructible river of time was instantly broken under this stroke.

The terrifying power spread, and the long river of time instantly turned into nothingness.


Seeing this scene, King An Lan's heart was beating violently. At this moment, he was completely desperate. Now that the long river of time was broken, King An Lan's aura fell rapidly.

The drop in cultivation can be remedied, but in the void, the stroke that cut off the river of time did not disappear, but came to kill him.

That brushstroke in King Anlan's pupils continued to magnify, making King Anlan completely desperate. At this moment, even if he crazily mobilized the power of the Heavenly Demon Realm to bless him, King Anlan was powerless to fight against this brushstroke. .

A figure in white appeared in King Anlan's eyes.

The moment he saw this appearance, King An Lan seemed to see an invincible god and demon in the chaotic world.

That cold gaze made him feel terrified.


A stroke fell on King An Lan, and King An Lan's immortal body exploded in an instant, and even his soul imprint was erased by that terrifying stroke at this moment.

The imprint of the soul was shattered, even in the Heavenly Demon Realm, King An Lan would not have the chance to be resurrected.

Quiet, very quiet.

At this moment, whether it was the strong man of the human race or the demon race of the heavenly demon world, their bodies became incomparably stiff, and they were completely suppressed by the terrifying blow in the void in front of them.

Looking at the white-clothed figure in the void with a series of gazes, it seems to be seeing a god and demon in the chaotic world that can destroy the world.


"King Anlan is dead."

Tang Xue muttered to herself, feeling like she had appeared, like a hallucination.

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