Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 736 Autumn has just arrived, and milk tea is just right

Li Yixi didn't have any doubts about what the empress said, because milk tea was brought from another world, which had never appeared before, and milk tea was unique in her place.

But what Li Yixi didn't know was that the empress who was drinking milk tea at this moment had a turmoil in her heart, because at this moment, with the burst of mysterious power in her body, at this moment, the empress, the power of her blood was unexpectedly An extremely terrifying speed change.

The bloodline of the empress is constantly being destroyed and reborn at this moment. After each destruction and rebirth, the power of her bloodline will become stronger.

The power of the empress' blood has already reached the holy level.

At this moment, the blood vessels continued to transform, the empress' body trembled slightly, and her pupils dilated suddenly.

Hands trembling slightly.

"Will my bloodline be promoted to the god level today?"

The god-level bloodline is an extremely powerful bloodline. Only the descendants of the ancestor gods can awaken it. Although the empress is extremely noble, her ancestors are not ancestor gods. The holy-level bloodline is her limit. She never thought that she has One day the bloodline will evolve to the god level.

The lofty empress has tasted all the treasures and delicacies in the world, but her beautiful eyes are fixed on the cup of milk tea in front of her!

Seeing the appearance of the empress, Li Yixi showed a smile on his face.

"Old Bai, give the guest another drink!"

Li Yixi looked at Lao Bai who was standing aside and gave instructions.

At this moment, the empress, who was startled by the turbulent waves, suddenly heard Li Yixi's words, trembling all over, and said hastily: "Senior, this thing is rare in the world, after all, it is extremely precious, it is already a junior's heaven to be able to drink a cup today." It’s a great blessing, how dare you continue to taste it!”

When Li Yixi heard what the Empress said, a smile appeared on his face, and he said indifferently: "Girl, it's just a cup of milk tea. This thing is not as precious as you think. If you like it, just drink it!"

"Autumn has just arrived, and milk tea is just right!"

"The girl has already played a piece just now, how about the girl listening to me play a piece?"

After Li Yixi's voice fell, his eyes fell on the Empress.

"Thank you senior!"

At this moment, after hearing Li Yixi's words, the empress revealed a look of surprise on her face. After she heard Li Yixi's song just now, her whole body changed once. Now Li Yixi is playing the piano here , and she is very close to Li Yixi, the power of the Dao will be more intense.

After Li Yixi's voice fell, at this moment, he slowly moved the guqin in front of him, and the melodious sound of the qin sounded from the courtyard in an instant. At this moment, the empress' eyes fell instantly.

With the sound of the zither, the Queen's body trembled slightly at this moment. Her blood was already undergoing rapid transformation. After hearing the sound of the zither at this moment, the Queen's heart set off a turbulent wave, because of the destruction and rebirth of her blood. The speed has increased a hundredfold.

With the sound of Li Yixi's zither, the empress felt that the power of her blood became more terrifying under the influence of the melody of the zither, as if the terrifying thing deep in her blood was about to wake up.


At the moment when Li Yixi's piano sound was extremely high-pitched, the empress felt an ancient aura appearing deep in her blood, and at the same time, an extremely terrifying force appeared. At this moment, the empress' body could not stop trembling.

In the blood of the empress, a dragon chant appeared.

Then, deep in the blood of the empress, a dragon shadow slowly emerged, and at this moment, the empress felt that she had transformed into a giant dragon.

At the same time as this person, at this moment, an incomparably powerful devouring force appeared around the empress's body, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura, even if the empress did not practice, continued to drill into her body.

"My bloodline has completely transformed, and I have stepped into the god level."

"This is the bloodline of the ancestral dragon, and it is also the bloodline of the devouring ancestral dragon, one of the top ten ancestral dragons!"

After feeling the power of her own blood, at this moment, the empress felt a turmoil in her heart, her body couldn't help trembling, she never thought that she would get such a chance when she went here today, not only let her blood enter She reached the god level, and further awakened her blood.

At the same time, at this moment, the empress clearly felt that the power of her avenue was constantly changing and becoming more pure under the sound of Li Yixi's piano.

At this moment, Li Yixi danced his hands on the strings, and the sound of the piano became even more high-pitched. In the high-pitched sound of the piano, at this moment, the Empress felt that all the power of the great way in her body was being drawn by the terrifying sound of the piano. .

The female emperor, who was already as strong as the king of the sky, was pulled by the terrifying power of the piano sound, and the bottleneck that imprisoned her was instantly shattered.

In this instant, the Empress's cultivation reached the early stage of Tianzun.

There is no obstacle, it seems to be a matter of course.

After the Empress broke through, the sound of Li Yixi's piano gradually slowed down at this moment. When the last note fell, the courtyard returned to calm.

"Girl, how's the harvest?"

At the end of the song, Li Yixi's eyes fell on the Empress, and she said with a smile.

After hearing Li Yixi's words, the empress of the central fairy court knelt down in front of Li Yixi's face with a plop.

"Thank you for the gift of seniors. I have gained a lot today. Seniors let me be reborn and let me see hope."

Today, the Empress not only advanced her bloodline, but with the help of Li Yixi, she also stepped into Heavenly Venerable. She was extremely excited. At this moment, the Empress doesn't know how to thank Li Yixi.


Li Yixi, who was smiling, suddenly saw the empress kneeling in front of her, and was startled. Such a beautiful woman kneeled down suddenly, which made Li Yixi a little helpless!

He hurried over and helped the Empress up.

"Girl, there's no need to be so polite, it's just playing a song!"

"How much insight you can get depends on yourself, girl."

At this moment, Li Yixi's eyes fell on the empress, with a look of admiration on his face. Although it was the first time he met the empress, Li Yixi knew very well that the empress's talent was terrifying, otherwise it would be impossible to just I heard him play a piece outside, and I kept that piece in my heart.

The moment she was lifted up by Li Yixi, the empress' body trembled slightly. At this moment, she clearly felt that Li Yixi's body seemed to imprison hundreds of millions of gods and demons.

The man and the woman couldn't kiss each other, Li Yixi immediately let go of the empress's hand after lifting the empress up, and said with a smile, "Miss, please sit down!"

The moment Li Yixi let go of her hand, the woman trembled all over, she was extremely fortunate, if Li Yixi continued to hold her hand, then the terrifying voice of gods and demons would make her suffer backlash!

The heart was shocked.

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