Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 734 The Lord of Immortal Court Appears

After an extremely powerful existence felt the pulse of the master of causality, their eyes showed a look of horror.

It feels like I'm dreaming. In Jiuchongtian, their cultivation base is already at the extreme, but someone can reverse the causal Taoism into such an appearance.

The most powerful Daoist of the Sword said with a serious face, "The soul was severely injured, the blood was reversed, and one soul was obliterated."

"It's too difficult to wake up!"

At this moment, the Daoist of the Sword Dao looked horrified. He never thought that just asking the Daoist of Karma to figure out what happened to Er Tongtian would turn the extremely powerful Daoist of Karma back into such a state. It was something he had never thought of, nor dared to imagine.

Everyone's face became extremely frightened, and without any hesitation, they all shot immediately to stabilize the injury of Master Karma.

In Erchongtian, Li Yixi in the yard, with a smile on his face at this moment, has traveled through so many years and finally felt the feeling of cultivation.

"Congratulations, son!"

The fifth Zhuge immediately saluted Li Yixi with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, young master, for making further progress!"

Fifth Tsing Yi in the distance also immediately saluted at this moment.


"I just opened up a few acupuncture points, this is not some advanced cultivation!"

"No need to be so polite!"

Hearing the words of Fifth Zhuge and Fifth Qingyi, Li Yixi showed a shy face, and immediately said to the two.

After Fifth Zhuge and Fifth Qingyi rested in the manor for a while today, they did not dare to disturb Li Yixi's life any longer, so they bid farewell and left.

In the manor, once again quiet was restored!

Li Yixi felt the power of those acupoints in his body, with a smile on his face, he was very satisfied with his practice these days.

Involuntarily walked to the pavilion, took out the guqin and started playing in the pavilion.

One after another of piano sounds kept beating under his five fingers, and one after another of sounds spread from the courtyard.

Li Yixi's piano sound continued to spread around.

A woman was walking on the street when she heard the sound of a piano and stopped immediately.

The woman with a cold face, as if nothing could make her face turbulent, at this moment, after hearing the sound of the piano, her face changed suddenly, and her eyes showed a look of horror.

"The sound of the zither actually contains the terrifying power of the Great Dao!"

"It can make people clear all distracting thoughts in an instant, and there seems to be a magical power that can make the power of the great way in one's body surrender!"

The woman who felt the effect of the piano sound showed a look of horror on her face. Her body stopped in an instant, closed her eyes, and started to practice on the spot.

The woman who started to practice at this moment is extremely terrifying, and the terrifying power around her body seems to destroy everything.

When the practitioners around saw the woman, all of them showed fear on their faces, and no one dared to get close to the woman.

Ten minutes passed, and the song ended. At this moment, the woman slowly opened her eyes. At this moment, the look of horror in the woman's eyes was even more terrifying than before.


As soon as she felt the aura of destroying heaven and earth, it erupted from her body in an instant.

The whole person undergoes a perfect transformation at this moment.

It makes people look more deserted.

"Who is playing the piano?"

"It was able to sort out the power of my avenue, allowing me to step into the pinnacle of the king of heaven!"

"Could it be some peerless expert?"

A look of horror appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and at this moment, her body disappeared immediately.

The moment the figure reappeared, it appeared strangely outside Li Yixi's pavilion.

At the end of the song, at this moment Li Yixi stood up slowly and stretched.

The moment the woman's eyes fell on Li Yixi, his body trembled violently.

"The little girl recklessly disturbed the senior, please forgive me."

The cold-faced woman trembled slightly the moment she saw Li Yixi, and hurriedly saluted.

Because at this moment, she felt that Li Yixi's body was surrounded by the terrifying power of the Great Dao, which was beyond her comprehension at all.

At this moment, Li Yixi's whole body seemed to be the core of this world.

Li Yixi, who had just finished playing, suddenly heard a strange voice, with a look of surprise on his face, he turned around hastily, and his eyes fell on the woman.

Although Li Yixi is a mortal, no one has dared to break into the manor, and the woman is No.1.

Seeing a woman with a cold face, who seemed to reject people thousands of miles away, like a queen, Li Yixi's face showed a dignified look.

"He carries an icy aura all over his body, and there is a hint of domineering in his eyes, with a sense of superiority. This person is definitely not simple, and he can enter the courtyard quietly, so his strength must not be weak!"

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth, and said with a smile: "I don't know what to call the girl, but I'm just a mortal, and I can't be called senior!"

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, the Empress said solemnly at this moment: "Senior, you are being modest. I just listened to senior play a song just now, and I know that senior's cultivation level is beyond my guess."

Hearing that the empress still called herself senior, Li Yixi's eyes fell on the guqin in front of him instantly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Girl, don't you also like to play the piano?"

"I know a thing or two about the way of the piano, let's talk about it!"

Hearing what the empress said, Li Yixi at this moment felt that women should be very obsessed with playing the piano, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to call him a senior. Apart from being better at playing the piano, his cultivation base is just a person who has just opened up a few acupuncture points .

"Senior, would you like to guide me?"

The empress with a cold and condescending face, when she heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, there was a hint of money on her face, he never thought that Li Yixi would be willing to give her advice.

Although the empress does not practice the piano, she also knows a thing or two.

Having met such a peerless expert, the Empress would be extremely excited if she could be pointed out a thing or two.

The woman in front of her is the empress of the central fairy court of the second heaven.

The reason why he went to Jinling Immortal City was because Li Yixi devoured too much aura of heaven and earth in the second layer of heaven when he practiced before, and was sensed by the Empress. The Empress went there to find out what happened.


"I can't talk about giving advice, just let's communicate."

"Come, come, come!"

"Sit down first, don't be so stiff!"

"Old Bai, quickly serve me tea and entertain the distinguished guests!"

After inviting the Empress to sit down, Li Yixi immediately ordered Lao Bai to serve tea.

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