Reached the realm of the king of heaven, the state of mind is not disturbed by external objects, and the mind is as calm as water.

But at this moment, looking at the phantom of the Yin-Yang Tianhe floating above the void of the main hall, at this moment, Fifth Zhuge's face showed a look of horror, and his heart was instantly filled with turbulent waves. He never thought that he would see such a thing. The most pure yin and yang rhyme.

Fifth, Zhuge practiced the way of yin and yang, and no one knew more about the power of the way of yin and yang than he.

At this moment, Fifth Zhuge even felt that he had hallucinations, as if he had fallen into a dream.

At this moment, Fifth Zhuge's heart was beating violently. He never thought that he would witness such a powerful Yin-Yang Dao one day.

At this moment, Fifth Zhuge fell into obsession, but the next moment, Fifth Zhuge's body trembled suddenly, and he woke up instantly, because at this moment, he felt an extremely fierce sword energy, this sword Qi, let him feel the trembling of the existence of the monarch of the sky.

At this moment, an incomparably fierce sword aura erupted from the sword characters of the three characters Taijijian, and it was this sword aura that made Fifth Zhuge suddenly wake up at this moment.

At this moment, the fifth Zhuge was staring at the three words Taijijian. At the moment when seeing these three words, the body of the fifth Zhuge stepped back nine steps in a row before stabilizing his body. .

"The True Meaning of Supreme Sword Dao!"

The moment he saw the true meaning of the sword, Zhuge Wu couldn't keep his composure. He was shocked when he saw the Dao Yun of the Yin-Yang Dao just now, but he didn't expect that he could feel the supreme level of the true meaning of the sword at this moment!

At this moment, Fifth Zhuge's body trembled uncontrollably, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes!

He never thought that he would be able to see the true meaning of such a powerful supreme level of swordsmanship, even if it is a high-ranking Tianzun, it is impossible to see the true meaning of such a pure and holy supreme swordsmanship.

At this moment, Fifth Tsing Yi's complexion changed suddenly, because at this moment she felt that Fifth Zhuge was too stimulated, she lost her composure, and hurriedly closed the Tai Chi Sword cheat book in her hand.

The moment Fifth Tsing Yi folded the Tai Chi Sword cheats in his hands, the phantom of the Yin-Yang Tianhe in the hall and the true meaning of Supreme Sword Dao disappeared.

In the main hall, only the aura of the Yin-Yang Dao and the Supreme Sword Dao remain.


At this moment, Fifth Zhuge's muddy eyes shot out a sharp gaze, and his gaze instantly fell on Fifth Qingyi's body. He held back his trembling legs and stared at Fifth Qingyi. , asked solemnly: "Tsing Yi, how did you get such a precious supreme cheat?"

"Did you discover the ancient ruins?"

The ancient relics Zhuge refers to are not relics in Jiuchongtian.

The Lord of the Nine Heavens opened up his own world in ancient times. At that time, he chose an ancient battlefield. Naturally, there were some relics in that ancient battlefield. At this moment, Fifth Zhuge mistakenly believed that Fifth Tsing Yi had obtained the secret book It is the supreme secret book that existed before the opening of the sky in the ancient times.

After all, the pure Yin-Yang Dao and the true meaning of swordsmanship at the supreme level are rare even in the Nine Heavens.

Not to mention his Fifth Zhuge.

Fifth Qingyi sensed Fifth Zhuge's fiery eyes, and hastily explained, "Grandpa, I didn't find this in the ruins, but I joined a sect in Erchongtian. The secret book given by the senior brother at will!"

"At the beginning, I didn't expect the secret book to be so precious, but when one of my senior sisters and I opened the secret book, I realized how precious the secret book is!"

"Grandpa, I'm only in the realm of a true immortal now, with limited vision and limited knowledge. I don't know if this Tai Chi sword cheat book bestowed by the elder brother will help you as the king of heaven?"

"I know that Grandpa, you are practicing the Dao of Yin and Yang. This Tai Chi Sword just contains the Dao of Yin and Yang and the strongest sword intent. Can it help Grandpa?"

At this moment, Fifth Tsing Yi showed a look of anxiety on his face, because when she opened the first page of the Taiji Sword Cheats just now, he saw excitement in Fifth Zhuge's eyes, but Fifth Tsing Yi didn't know if this Tai Chi sword secret book could help her grandfather, after all, her grandfather had reached the realm of the Lord of Heaven, and that level was beyond her ability to guess.

However, at this moment, Fifth Zhuge heard the words of his granddaughter Fifth Qingyi, and he was stunned with an unbelievable expression on his face. He felt that he had hallucinations, so he took a deep breath to calm down the trembling in his heart after.

He asked solemnly: "Tsing Yi, what did you just say? Was this Tai Chi Sword cheat book given to you by a senior brother in the Second Heavenly Sect of yours at will?"

At this moment, Fifth Zhuge stared at Fifth Tsing Yi, feeling that he had hallucinations. This kind of terrible secret manual would be regarded as a treasure even if obtained by the level of Tianzun, but her granddaughter, unexpectedly In a sect of Erzhongtian, someone gave it to her at will.

In Fifth Zhuge's view, this is really incredible.

He completely felt that what he heard just now was a hallucination, because in his opinion, it is impossible for anyone in the Second Heaven to obtain such a terrifying supreme cheat.

Such powerful cheats, if mastered by oneself, will definitely be able to set foot on the top of Tianzun.

The fifth Tsing Yi heard Grandpa's words, saw the unbelievable expression on Grandpa's face, and hurriedly explained seriously, "Grandpa, you are right, this is not an illusion, I am indeed in the second heaven, just established I got it from the Kunlun sect of the Zongmen, when I visited the mysterious elder brother, the elder brother bestowed it on me."

The figure of Li Yixi appeared in the eyes of Fifth Qingyun, that figure that was floating like a fairy, at this moment, the fifth Qingyi set off a turbulent wave in his heart, Fifth Qingyi never thought that Li Yixi's strength was so incredible To such an extent, the Taiji Sword cheats given at will are so precious that even the existence of the realm of Tianzun is regarded as a treasure.

This was something that Fifth Qingyi had never thought about. After all, Fifth Qingyi's strength was not strong, but only the cultivation level of a true immortal.

The Fifth Tsing Yi before was still extremely worried, wondering if this powerful cheat book would help her grandfather, after all, in her eyes, his grandfather had the incomparably powerful strength of the Lord of Heaven, which was not an ordinary thing, Those who could help, never thought that the secret book presented by Li Yixi would be so precious.

At this moment, Fifth Tsing Yi's body trembled violently, and his heart could not calm down at this moment.

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