The two extremely powerful Yin-Yang Tianhe in front of me seem to be able to smash and shatter everything.

Two extremely powerful yin and yang tianhe were constantly intertwined in front of the two of them.

"this this this"

At this moment, Tsing Yi's body became trembling, and a look of horror appeared in those beautiful eyes, as if he had hallucinations, and was completely stunned by the scene in front of him, Tsing Yi never thought of it, Just three words, plus a Taiji diagram, gave her such a frightening scene.

"This is the yin and yang way of heaven!"

"Could it be that when senior brother practiced Tai Chi swordsmanship before, he stimulated the Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao? That caused the power of the Dao around him to tremble. Trembling."

"And if the Yin-Yang Dao is practiced to the extreme, you can peep into the Dao technique!"

There was shock in Tsing Yi's voice at this moment, and four words sounded in her mind, the four words in the legend, Great Yin Yang Art.

Although Tsing Yi is very clear that this is not the Great Yin Yang Art, because the Great Yin Yang Art is one of the top ten powerful Dao arts in the 3000 Dao, and it cannot be the swordsmanship in front of her eyes, but at this moment, a storm arose in her heart, because the Yin Yang Dao and the Dao of Yin Yang The Yin-Yang Dao is related. If the two of them control such a Dao, their strength will be greatly improved.

When Tsing Yi and Princess Ziyun woke up from the dao rhyme, their bodies trembled violently again, because at this moment, in the room of the two of them, there were three phantoms floating in the room.

Tai Chi Sword.

At the same time, at this moment, the Taiji diagram on the page seemed to come alive, turning into two yin and yang rivers, suspended in the room, and the extremely powerful yin and yang rhythm rushed into the room of the two of them.

"how can that be?"

"how can that be?"

Compared to the horrified Princess Ziyun at this moment, Tsing Yi's body trembled violently. Her grandfather is the king of heaven, and his natural knowledge far exceeds that of Princess Ziyun. Looking at the three words floating in the void, Her body couldn't help shaking.

She knew that the three words in front of her were not ordinary words at all, but ancient and powerful divine words.

And at this moment, she saw the three characters floating in the room, and the two Yin-Yang Tianhe that were constantly entangled, and Tsing Yi's body couldn't help trembling.

"Yin Yang Dao!"

"The true meaning of the way of the sword."

At this moment, Tsing Yi's breathing became extremely fast. True meaning is an extremely powerful thing, but she never thought that just a word of sword would make her realize a lot of things in an instant. Tsing Yi did not hesitate, and directly restrained all her thoughts Mind, immediately sit cross-legged.

In a short period of time, the room was filled with extremely strong Dao rhyme and the true meaning of swordsmanship.

Although Princess Ziyun's knowledge is not as good as Tsing Yi's, her talent is extremely terrifying. At this moment, Princess Ziyun also knew that she had obtained a heaven-defying opportunity, and without any hesitation, she immediately absorbed the Dao Yun and the way of swords in the room Sincerely.

With the absorption of the two, the extremely powerful Yin-Yang Dao Yun entered their bodies.

At this moment, a trace of golden breath also entered the bodies of the two, which was the power of luck.

With the blessing of the power of luck, after the two of them swallowed the yin and yang dao rhyme at this moment, their bodies trembled suddenly, and all the accumulation of the two of them at this moment suddenly exploded at this moment, and the two of them Both broke through the realm.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other, their hearts trembling violently, they never thought that in just a moment, the two of them would successfully break through.

The two of them understood their shackles very well. If they practiced according to their daily practice, they would not be able to break through without ten years.

At this moment, the hearts of the two trembled wildly, but when the two of them could not calm down, the sword character floating in the room turned into a figure in white.

Holding a long sword, he danced in front of the two of them. The swordsmanship of this white-clothed figure dancing is exactly Tai Chi Sword. Female.

Their bodies trembled uncontrollably. In the ordinary swordsmanship, they felt the extremely powerful Yin-Yang Dao.

But the cultivation bases of the two of them are too weak at this moment. Following the phantom in white dancing swords in the room, the two of them were backlashed at this moment, and they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The faces of the two became extremely pale, and they glanced at each other hastily. Everything in the void at this moment was actually reflected by everything above the secret book. Tsing Yi waved his hand and closed the secret book without any hesitation.

At the moment when the secret book was closed, all the visions in the room disappeared, but there was still a strong dao rhyme.

The two hurriedly calmed down their aura, the Yin-Yang Dao was very soft, not the way of killing, so they stabilized their injuries while absorbing them.

After half an hour, the two girls slowly opened their eyes.

Princess Ziyun said with a horrified face: "Qingyi, I think the cultivation level of senior brother may be higher than that of suzerain!"

Princess Ziyun who said this sentence felt that she was crazy, but she couldn't suppress this thought in her heart.

"do not know?"

"Eldest brother's cultivation is not something that you and I can see through. Eldest brother's understanding of Dao has long been beyond our understanding, and elder brother may be a heir to the strongest Confucianism and Taoism."

"Eldest brother, why did you pass on such a precious secret book of supreme supernatural powers to us?"

Tsing Yi shook her head at this moment, her heart was in a mess at this moment, everything that happened today made it difficult for her to calm down.

She had a feeling that if her grandfather got the secret book of Tai Chi Sword, he should be able to go a step further.

Tsing Yi couldn't bear it at this moment, and immediately stared at Princess Ziyun seriously, and said anxiously: "Princess Ziyun, this cheat book is very important to me, it may help my grandfather break through, I have An unfeeling request, I want to take this Tai Chi swordsmanship secret book home and let my grandfather have a look."

"Perhaps this Tai Chi sword can help my grandfather go one step further and resolve the danger of my family's genocide!"

After Qingyi said these words, she knew that she was being abrupt. These cheat books were too precious, but it was related to her family's life, so she couldn't control so much at the moment.

"You take it away!"

"Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Perhaps the senior brother gave us today to relieve your family's crisis, but it may not be possible!"

When Tsing Yi looked anxious, Princess Ziyun made a decision in an instant.

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