At the Holy Dao Palace, a spirit boat rose through the sky.

Inside the spirit boat, Li Yixi looked at the mountains and rivers under the spirit boat, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Qing Yun, this time we are going to Zhongtian Territory. There are rumors that there are countless holy places there, so we shouldn't be disappointed!" Li Yixi smiled.


"As long as the son likes it, I will like it!"

Hu Qingyun looked at Li Yixi, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and with that smile, Li Yixi felt that all the beautiful things had lost their color.

Under the control of the three immortals, the spirit boat was extremely fast. In a short period of time, it directly crossed the Southern Heaven Territory and reached the sky above the dangerous land between the Southern Heaven Territory and the Middle Heaven Territory.

Here, the speed of the spirit boat slowed down.


"What is this place?"

The speed of the spirit boat slowed down, and Li Yixi could see the scene clearly.

This is a huge sea area, but this sea area is extremely special. There are huge whirlpools on the sea surface here. The power contained in those whirlpools is extremely terrifying, as if they want to swallow everything around them.

In addition to those weird vortexes, gaps can be seen above the sky. In the terrifying gaps, a terrifying force of devouring was born, and countless seawater flowed towards the sky.

"My lord, this is an ancient battlefield. The war that year turned this place into a Jedi, and everything was destroyed!"

After hearing Li Yixi's words, Long Yi hastily responded.

"Is it an ancient battlefield?"

"It's really scary. It pierced through the world. What a terrifying power it must be."

Hearing Long Yi's words, a look of shock appeared in Li Yixi's eyes.

"It's a pity, there is no camera, no video camera, otherwise, I really want to leave some memories here." Li Yixi said a little disappointed.



"Young master, what is that?"

Hearing this weird thing from Li Yixi's mouth, Long Yi couldn't help asking.

"It's just some things in my hometown. I can preserve the pictures here. When I have nothing to do, I can look at them." Li Yixi explained.

"My lord, this is not difficult. You can use the photo stone, and the photo stone can also record everything here. When we came, we prepared everything!" Long Yi's eyes lit up for a moment, he took out a spar, and urged Click on the Photo Stone to record the scene here, and soon Long Yi was urging it, and in front of Li Yixi's eyes, a beam of light shot out from the spar, like a projector, and the scene just now was displayed.

"Not bad, good stuff!"

The moment he saw the photo stone, Li Yixi's eyes lit up.

"Long Yi, come and get us in, and you can take it out to watch later." Li Yixi ordered, and directly pulled Hu Qingyun, and began to cooperate with Long Yi to record.

After a long time, Li Yixi looked at the picture in the photo stone and was extremely satisfied.


"Look what kind of fish that is, it's so big!"

Li Yixi on the spirit boat casually glanced at Hai Yu, but was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly called out.

Long Yi and the others looked hurriedly, and saw an incomparably huge fish shadow in the sea below.

Long Yi hastily explained: "My lord, that's not a fish, it's a monster, it has inherited some of Kun's blood power!"


"Does Kun really exist in this world?"

"Quickly, quickly, record him!"

Li Yixi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly ordered.

Long Yi didn't know why Li Yixi was so excited, so he recorded the following Kun, Li Yixi looked at this influence, and was extremely excited, because at this moment, Li Yixi thought of Xiaoyaoyou.

"There is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is. It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. The back of the Peng, I don't know how many thousands of miles away, it flies in anger, and its wings are like Hanging Cloud"

However, the moment Li Yixi's voice sounded, the expressions of the three Long family brothers and Hu Qingyun all changed.

At this moment, the three of them felt the change of the kun they met just now. Although the spirit boat had flown an extremely long distance, the three of them were immortals. Shocked inexplicably.

I saw that big fish in the sea originally only had a trace of Kun's blood, but at this moment the blood was revived crazily, and the power of the blood returned to its ancestors at an extremely terrifying speed. In the blink of an eye, its body continued to grow. Countless auras gathered above it.

Open your mouth and suck, devouring everything.

In a short period of time, its body soared to cover thousands of miles of sea area.

From a demon at the pinnacle of Nirvana, he became a half-step demon fairy.

And this is not over yet, the body of the Kun in the deep sea began to evolve, and within a short period of time, it turned into a big bird exuding a terrifying aura, spread its wings, and jumped into the water, instantly setting off a terrifying tsunami, the big bird Peng Niao floats above the clouds, soaring ninety thousand miles into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"I have become a fairy!"

"The Kun has turned into a Peng!"

Watching this scene helplessly, the three of them were inexplicably shocked.

Never thought that what Li Yixi said would become a reality.

"I have become a fairy today, and my blood has successfully returned to my ancestors!"

From an infinite height, the Dapeng bird's monster eyes glanced at the earth, looking at the sea area where he used to live, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Until now, he still couldn't believe it.

At this moment, it can still hear Li Yixi's voice.

Promoted to a demon fairy, the bloodline returns to the ancestors, and there are countless inheritances and memories in the bloodline.

When the demon eyes looked at the spirit boat where Li Yixi was on, his whole body trembled, and his body became smaller rapidly.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? Could it be the small destiny technique? No, no, the small destiny technique cannot exist. It should be the small wish technique, the predecessor of the top ten big wish technique in the Three Thousand Ways."

"What kind of existence is he? It's terrifying!"

"This is an opportunity, a huge opportunity, we must seize it!"

The body of the roc was flying towards the spirit boat. He wanted to stay by Li Yixi's side. After the roc inherited some memories, he was ecstatic. Even if it was a small wish, it was an extremely terrifying supernatural power. Following such an existence, the future is limitless.

With such an existence, the strength is definitely not as simple as a fairy.


"Brother, Kunpeng is here, have you killed him?"

Long Er said nervously.

"No need, Young Master enlightened it, he should have some ideas, this Kunpeng has just become a fairy, so he dare not hurt Young Master!" Long Yi shook his head.

After Kunpeng approached, his body landed on the spirit boat, feeling extremely anxious.

Seeing that Li Yixi didn't have a torso, several horrific beings just glanced at it and didn't pay attention, their hanging hearts sank slightly.

Now he only has one goal, that is not to be chased away, just follow along, don't ask Li Yixi for a chance.


"This bird is so beautiful, where did it come from!"

Li Yixi turned around and happened to find Kunpeng.

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