Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 398 The sword breaks the sky

"That's good, that's good!"

After hearing Jun Wushen's words, a look of excitement appeared on the old woman's face.

"Then I will trouble Brother Wushen, thank you Brother Wushen!"

The old woman's son, Dajun Wushen, is quite a lot, but in front of Jun Wushen, he is called a brother, because Jun Wushen is extremely powerful, and Jun Wushen refuses to address him as a senior.

"alright, alright!"

"Everyone, come here and taste the snake demon!" The old woman who opened the pot saw a nine-color mist rising from the pot, her eyes were full of excitement.

However, this scene fell into Jun Wushen's eyes, making Jun Wushen jump in fright.

"No, this snake monster has the blood of the dragon clan, and it is extremely pure, and its strength is even more extraordinary. It has reached the point of turning into a dragon. If it eats like this, the power of the dragon's blood will explode, and their weak bodies will bear it at all. Can’t stop, there must be something to suppress it.” At this moment, Jun Wushen hurriedly took out something.

"Auntie, wait a minute, I have a pill here, if you integrate the pill into it, the effect will be even better!"

"Pill medicine?"

"This is too precious!" The old woman was a little apprehensive when she heard Jun Wushen's words.

"Auntie, it's not some precious pill, it's just to add some spiritual energy!" Jun Wushen explained, while hurriedly putting the pill into the pot, and he breathed a sigh of relief after finishing it.

I thought to myself: "It's okay, it's a good thing I'm here, otherwise if they let them eat it, something big will happen. She's the teacher's witness!"

Jun Wushen's hanging heart slowly fell at this moment.

"Auntie, it's done!" Jun Wushen smiled when he saw the elixir melt.

Today, the whole family was so excited that they stewed the Dragon Prince and drank it.

"So hot!"

Soon, the whole family of three couldn't help turning red.

"No, I still underestimate the dominance of this dragon blood!"

"How to do?"

At this moment, Jun Wushen couldn't help but change color, not knowing what to do.

The next moment, the jade pendant on the old woman's waist flashed with inspiration, and three forces instantly entered the bodies of the three of them. That energy contained extremely powerful vitality and a sense of coolness.

The three returned to normal, and the breath in their bodies vibrated one after another. In a short period of time, the three broke through one after another, and their foundations were recast.


Seeing a family of three break through, Jun Wushen immediately cupped his fists to congratulate.

Jun Wushen knew that with the Dragon Blood Foundation Establishment, the future achievements of this family would be limitless.

Jun Wushen didn't stay long, and not long after, he left the small courtyard.

Jun Wushen who left the small courtyard, the smile in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and there was a dignified look in his eyes, and he muttered in his mouth: "Prince Long died, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, we must Go and calm this storm, otherwise the family of three will definitely die, after all, they are still too weak, compared with Dragon Palace, they are just ants."

Jun Wushen muttered something, carrying a sword longer than him, and walked towards the lake.

Jun Wushen came to the lakeside and started practicing directly by the lakeside.

Jun Wushen, who is sitting cross-legged and practicing, is like a god, extremely terrifying.

Around Jun Wushen, countless fragments of divine script surrounded him, and the Taoist rhyme was extremely strong. At the same time, Jun Wushen at this moment was constantly reciting the three-character scriptures, and the shadows of emperors surrounded his body, and there were many visions.

After a long time, the surface of the lake parted suddenly, and several figures descended.

It is the big demon from Dragon Palace.

These big monsters have an extremely terrifying aura, and there is no hiding the fierceness in the eyes of each monster.

Ordinary people would definitely faint to death under this terrible breath.


"Where is there a child, go and swallow it, the prince was brutally murdered by the human race, within a radius of ten miles, no one will be left alive." The leader of the big monster said in an extremely cold voice.

"Yes, my lord."

The little demon who heard the big demon's order, immediately had a look of excitement in his eyes and rushed to reply before all the demons, and went to Jun Wushen's place as fast as possible.

"Damn it, he actually took the lead." The eyes of those water monsters who lost their chance because of their slow speed were full of frustration.

"Hmph, everyone is worthless, just a doll, the population here is so dense, within ten miles, there are countless blood and food, what are you grabbing?" The big demon snorted coldly.

"Yes, my lord, I realized I was wrong." Each of the water demons, after hearing what the big demon said, their eyes were full of greed.

"Little baby, today you are my ration." The little monster before came to Jun Wushen, with a sneer on the corner of its mouth, transformed into a huge black fish, opened its mouth, and tried to swallow Jun Wushen in one gulp.


The next moment, the sound of cutting sword energy came to mind. The person who was staring at this side saw the black fish demon, and was instantly divided into countless pieces.


"What a terrible sword!"

The moment they saw this scene, all the monsters in the South China Sea Dragon Palace changed their expressions.

The monster clans that came this time were all extremely powerful, but unexpectedly one of them was directly disintegrated by the sword energy, and all the monsters present were extremely fearful.

"who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

The big monster of the Yaozu race stared at Jun Wushen.

"Of course I'm waiting for you!"

Now, it's finally over.

"The sword breaks the sky!"

The sword behind Jun Wushen was unsheathed, and at the same time, he swept out with the long sword in his hand.

The terrifying sword intent swept out, and all the big monsters were killed on the spot.

It's just the big monster headed by the rest.

At this moment, the big monster's huge body was trembling, his eyes were full of horror, looking at Jun Wushen, he was extremely terrified.

"How to do?"

"Is this still human? He is obviously just a child, why is he so powerful!"

"Did I have hallucinations? His bone age is only ten years old!" The big demon looked at Jun Wushen, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

However, after the big demon confirmed it several times, he knew that he was not dreaming, and the dead king Wushen was so powerful.

While the big demon was terrified, a cold light flickered in the monster's eyes, trying to think of a way.

Because he knew that it wasn't because he was strong that he didn't die, but because Jun Wushen didn't kill him on purpose, otherwise he would have died under the sword just now.

The huge body trembled, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

"No, you must find a way, or you will die!"

The big demon's thoughts changed sharply, thinking about his current situation.

He knew that there was not much time left for him now. If he continued, even if Jun Wushen in front of him didn't kill him, the practitioners here would definitely sense the shocking sword just now.

When those practitioners arrive, he will definitely die.

Thinking of this, the big demon gritted his teeth, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes.


In the hands of the big demon, a dragon's tooth quietly appeared, which looked like a sword, and the dragon's tooth was entwined with a terrifying aura.

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