Li Yixi looked at the black sun who was pecking at the corn kernels, a smile appeared on his face in an instant, and he said to himself: "It's okay, it's still easy to feed, if it's difficult to feed, it will only get thinner, it's better to slaughter it now and get a bigger harvest. "

After Li Yixi's voice fell, he withdrew his gaze and didn't pay attention.However, Hei Ri exists, even if Li Yixi was talking to himself, the voice was very small, but as a true immortal, Hei Ri could hear every word in his ears, and pecked more quickly.

"Damn it, it's just as I expected. If I don't perform well, it will be difficult for me to survive."

"My majestic True Immortal in the Happy Immortal Territory is pecking rice like a poultry here." Hei Ri, who was pecking corn kernels, couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment, he was so aggrieved, what an existence he was.The black sun at this moment made the True Immortal Doom hate him. If it wasn't for the True Immortal Doom to let him go to the lower realm, then how could he suffer such a great crime.

At this moment in Hei Ri, two lines of tears could not help but fall down.

"Big Black Eagle, isn't it delicious? Do you need me to help you solve it?" When Hei Ri felt humiliated and was crying, a little native chicken appeared beside the True Immortal Hei Ri. This little native chicken It was a young Suzaku.


"Okay, let's go together!" After Hei Ri heard Little Suzaku's voice, he froze for a moment, and agreed without hesitation, because at this moment, Hei Ri felt extremely wronged, and it was God that a demon could help him solve it. Big good thing.However, at this moment in Hei Ri, just after the voice fell, the entire monster was stunned, and its body was extremely stiff.

Because the moment his voice fell, I saw the little Suzaku next to it, the speed was so fast that its eyes could hardly close, and there was not a single corn kernel left on the ground in the blink of an eye.It was too fast, but at this moment, Hei Ri saw this noble little Suzaku with a very satisfied look, which made Hei Ri hard to understand, this is a divine beast.


However, when Hei Ri was puzzled, a disdainful voice sounded in Hei Ri's mind. When Hei Ri's demon eyes looked over, he found that the one who despised him was actually a pot of mandala flowers.

Hei Ri was too anxious to think about why he was despised. The next moment, there was a bang, and a mysterious aura erupted from his belly. Flowing in the body, at this moment, Hei Ri's eyes almost fell out, and the eyes were full of inconceivable colors, because at this moment, Hei Ri had finally realized why he was despised, because the thing he gave up just now was God, he actually missed a huge opportunity.

Last night's black sun, in order to satisfy Liu Shen's request, almost hurt the original power.However, after swallowing a few corn kernels, he actually recovered, and the corn kernels contained a terrifying original Dao rhyme. It would take at least decades or even hundreds of years to recover from the loss last night, but he has completely recovered at this moment.

As a result, Hei Ri still didn't know what he had missed, looked at the little Suzaku who was triumphantly breaking through a small realm in the distance, despised him, and almost vomited blood with anger.

At this moment in Hei Ri, his heart was in severe pain, and he felt very uncomfortable, but this place was too terrifying, so he didn't dare to say anything at all, he could only choose to refine the original Dao Yun in his body.

Immortal Realm, the entrance to the Lower Realm connected to Zhongtianyu, a true immortal from Xiaoyao Xianyu, his eyebrows were knit together at this moment. It has been such a long time, and he has not received any news, and his heart is extremely uneasy.After all, even the imprint of Xiaoyao Immortal King has been destroyed in the lower realm, which is full of uncertainties. Hei Ri's strength is extremely powerful. If Hei Ri can't solve it, he will naturally be even more incapable.


At this moment, a figure came down and asked directly: "True Immortal Difficult Earth, what's going on now, have you received any news?" Phantoms of great suns constantly appeared around them, filled with the power of a destructive flame. They were the most powerful person beside Immortal King Xiaoyao, True Immortal Great Sun.He is practicing the supernatural power of the Great Sun Fire, and his strength is extremely terrifying. A pair of red eyes and a pair of red eyebrows make people dare not look directly at him.

Seeing the arrival of the Great Sun Immortal and the Earth Difficult True Immortal at this moment, there was a trace of fear in his eyes, and he hurriedly bowed to salute, "I have seen the Great Sun True Immortal, the time for the Black Sun True Immortal to descend to the lower realm is endless, according to the lower realm Counting the time, almost a day and a night have passed by now, but I have not received any news, I am afraid that this lower realm is different now."

At this moment, the Earth Difficult True Immortal, with an incomparably dignified expression, did not dare to hide anything, and directly expressed his inner anxiety.


"After such a long time, have you not received any news? How is this possible? True Immortal Hei Ri has a violent personality, and he is not a procrastinator in handling things. Could it be that he has encountered some serious trouble, but this lower realm has long been ruled by the Immortal. Wang Fengyin, where can there be any powerful existence, even immortals are impossible, will there still be an existence that suppresses true immortals?" At this moment, Da Ri Zhenxian also had his eyes fixed, and his eyes were full of puzzlement. color.

"Human beings are difficult to be a true immortal!" At this moment, Da Ri Zhenxian waved his big hand, and in an instant, a light curtain appeared in front of him. In that light curtain, an ancient battlefield appeared. On the ancient battlefield , standing at this moment is an extremely terrifying existence, it is the true immortal who practiced the Dao of Human Difficulty.At this moment, the Human Difficulty True Immortal, after receiving the call of the Great Sun True Immortal, said lightly: "Da Ri, what is the matter, I am very busy now, my way of human difficulty has not yet been completed, and I have to continue to kill. "

Human Difficulty True Immortal is not weak, and has no good looks towards Da Ri True Immortal, but Da Ri is slightly stronger and has a higher status than him.

"People are difficult. After the black sun went down to the realm, I lost contact. You go down to the realm to see what happened?" True Immortal Dari didn't care, knowing Rennan's strength and temper, he directly said what he meant.

"The lower realm, is it the lower realm sealed by the Immortal King?" At this moment, the person was difficult, his expression froze, and he asked with a frown.

"That's right, I have to preside over some things now, so I can't go straight down." Seeing people's difficulties, Da Ri Zhenxian was a little hesitant, and couldn't help frowning.

"That place, I'm afraid it's not peaceful. Now that the sun is adding to the darkness, two real immortals have disappeared somewhere. I think it's the most correct way to send a message to the immortal king and wait for the immortal king's instructions." Ren Nan looked dignified road.

"What are the two great immortals? Who said that after Hei Ri died, there could be no immortals in the lower realms. Human beings are difficult. Do you want to disobey my order?" True Immortal Da Ri scolded coldly.

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