Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 300 This is the Real Dao Kingdom

"An inscription?"

"it is good!"

For his calligraphy, Li Yixi is very confident, and these people invited him together, Li Yixi felt that he could not refuse.

"My lord, when will you be able to write for us?" After hearing Li Yixi's promise, no matter whether it was Tang Lan, Tang Jingtian or Zhao Wu, they all stared at Li Yixi with fiery eyes, impatiently.

"It's fine now, let's go!" Seeing so many people's fiery gazes, Li Yixi was also idle, and he agreed directly as he had nothing to do.

"Sir, please!"

At this moment, Xiaobai is very conscious, and hastily showed his body, prostrate on the ground.

"Everyone, let's go together!" Li Yixi glanced at Xiaobai and invited everyone, Li Yixi couldn't go alone, because Xiaobai had already bent over at this moment.

"Yes!" After hearing Li Yixi's words, everyone froze for a moment, feeling as if they were dreaming. At this moment, everyone was very dignified and anxious, because they had already discovered that this guy who turned into a little white bird on weekdays had already Stepping into the fairyland, let a fairy entrust them with a few mortals, who would dare.

But seeing these people's hesitation, Xiaobai sent a voice transmission to them: "Just do what you say, my lord." Xiaobai's voice cannot be questioned or thought about.

One by one nervously stepped onto Xiaobai's back, standing here, one by one felt that their legs were really trembling slightly, this was still under the restraint they had exerted, otherwise they would have been limp on the ground.


After everyone sat down firmly, Xiaobai's body instantly soared into the air, and everyone could clearly feel that some divine thunder was exploding in their ears.

As expected of the Lightning Peng family, the existence of the same name as the golden-winged roc, the speed is really terrifying, and everyone can clearly feel that a trace of thunder between the feathers can kill them.

Soon, Li Yixi and the others arrived at the east gate. This gate was extremely high, with a height of 99 meters.

"It's spectacular."

At this moment, standing on Xiaobai's back, looking at the huge portal, Li Yixi's heart was extremely shocked, but Li Yixi didn't know how to write for a while, it was too big.

Seeing that Li Yixi didn't move, Xiao Zhan hurriedly slapped his thigh, hurriedly sent a message to everyone, and made the city gate smaller. This was originally a magic weapon, but it quickly became smaller.

"My lord, is this okay?" After making the gate smaller, everyone at this moment looked at Li Yixi anxiously.

"Well, it's all right!" A smile appeared on Li Yixi's face, these were simple.

Li Yixi's voice fell, and everyone's eyes hurriedly fell on Xiao Zhan's body, giving Xiao Zhan a compliment. Just now, each of them was very restless in their hearts, and they even forgot about this. At this moment, Li Yixi How can I write such big characters when I am experiencing the life of ordinary people.Fortunately, Xiao Zhan reminded everyone in time.

At this moment, Li Yixi felt very honored to have such an opportunity to write these four words.

In Li Yixi's hand, a pen appeared. At first glance, it was extremely simple, but after looking at it again, everyone's expression changed. This is no ordinary pen, surrounded by immortal energy, restrained in the way, and contains terrifying power. A truly unrivaled fairy treasure.

Li Yixi didn't care about these people, and wrote seriously.

When Li Yixi wrote the two characters in his palm, these people were all extremely powerful. At this moment, everyone was shocked to find that this huge city seemed to have really turned into a hand at this moment. The center of this world, The place where Li Yixi lived seemed to be transformed into a fairy body, and the fairy overlooked everything.

"this this"

At this moment, Tang Jingtian, Tang Lan and Zhao Wu almost exclaimed. They have only known Li Yixi for a short time, so how could they have thought of this scene? It is really scary.

Fortunately, it was stopped immediately by Xiao Zhan and others, so the voice did not come out.

"Look at the void!" Tang Jingtian's terrified voice sounded in everyone's ears at this moment, and everyone looked up. At this moment, everyone was horrified to find that there seemed to be a terrifying existence standing in the void. The country is really only the size of that phantom's palm.

This made everyone tremble inwardly.

Everyone at this moment feels like ants, even though Tang Lan, Zhao Wu, Tang Jingtian and others are not far from the realm of immortals, they still feel like ants.

That figure is similar to Li Yixi's appearance, like a person's heaven, earth and dharma.

The moment the word 'Tao' fell, the expressions of everyone changed again, and the eyes of everyone in the realm of Shenhuo almost fell out.

Their vision is so high, but the scenes they see at this moment are even more shocking than the huge phantom before.

Because in the city at this moment, spiritual springs appear everywhere, and countless plants and trees have a tendency to transform into spirits at this moment. A simple word of "Dao" actually makes the spiritual energy inside soar ten times. In the void at this moment, even more It was raining, looking at the falling raindrops, one by one wished to fly into the rain, because it was not ordinary rain at all, but spiritual energy rain, under the spiritual energy rain, those wild beasts in the mountains and fields, one by one The bloodline is returning to the ancestors, and the breath has become extremely powerful.

Those ordinary people who had no roots at the moment actually gave birth to spiritual roots. Some extremely weak practitioners are now soaring in strength, especially in the Holy Palace. Those disciples are facing Li Yixi's mountain peak at this moment Kneeling, in a short period of time, there are thousands of people who have broken the mirror.

Those old people with withered bodies who were about to die seemed to have a flash of light at this moment, their eyes regained their brilliance, and they could clearly feel that the lifespan of those mortals was increasing at this moment.

And the source of all this turned out to be the word 'Tao' written by Li Yixi.

This cannot allow everyone not to be shocked. None of the immortals in ancient times had such means. It is really terrifying.

At this moment, everyone took a deep breath, suppressed their overwhelmed hearts, and stared at Li Yixi's pen, not knowing what kind of vision would appear after Li Yixi's pen was written down.

The people at this moment, even Li Yixi's Dao Yun writing, didn't have time to be shocked, because all the changes in front of them had already frightened them into stupidity.

Li Yixi wrote it very carefully. When the last stroke of the word '国' fell, everyone at this moment was dumbfounded. Although there was no obvious phenomenon, they built this city, and no one is more serious than them. It is clear that the city at this moment is actually getting bigger, weirdly bigger, and the city that was already very big has grown ten thousand times under the word "country" in an instant.

At this moment, the soul power of everyone can't feel how big this city is.

And at this moment, under the dao rhyme carried by the aura rain, they felt the birth of some elves, and the transformation of some beasts into demons.

It's like a world here.

The aura is abundant, and the Dao is extremely rich, turning into a Dao country, a real Dao country.

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