Xingluo Zhizun returned to the Supreme Temple as quickly as possible, intending to use the power of the sky to suppress the backlash.

However, before entering the hall, a mouthful of blood spewed out instantly, and no blood was visible on that face.

At this moment, bloody lines appeared on Xingluo Supreme's body, and the bloody lines spread across Xingluo Supreme's whole body at a terrifying speed.

Witnessing streaks of blood all over his body with his own eyes, Xing Luo Zhizun was terrified all over his face.

Xing Luo Zhizun's whole body is like a porcelain vase, which will be shattered into pieces at any time.

Xingluo Supreme did not expect that he had cultivated a supreme body.

The physical body is almost indestructible, and it is more indestructible than the general chaos supreme artifact.

However, the physical body was about to shatter under that backlash.

Among the bloodstains that appeared on Xingluo Zhizun's body, fresh blood continuously overflowed, and in just a moment, half of Xingluo Zhizun's body was stained red with blood.


"How is this possible? How is this possible, who is that person?"

"Why is this happening? I am the messenger of heaven."

"I can use the power of chaos, but why is it difficult to suppress this backlash even if I mobilize the power of chaos."

"That person is definitely not Meng Baichuan. How could Meng Baichuan have such terrifying magic power? It is absolutely impossible for Meng Baichuan's fate to be unobserved."

"It is absolutely impossible to be the talisman ancestor. Although the talisman ancestor is strong, it cannot reach such a terrifying situation."

"If Fu Zuzhen possessed such terrifying power, it would be impossible for him to hide all the time and dare not show his face."

"This person's strength is beyond imagination, and he already has the ability to challenge the sky. Who is he?"

"The power of destiny can't be peeped at."

There was fear in Venerable Xingluo's voice.

The previous calm and indifference completely disappeared, and my heart trembled uncontrollably.

Xingluo Supreme never thought that he borrowed the power of heaven to spy on fate, but it caused such a terrible backlash.

Seeing that his physical body was about to collapse, he quickly used a secret technique.

In the main hall, a statue suddenly vibrated, and under the traction of the secret technique, a lot of power diffused out and landed on the body of Xingluo Supreme.

The emergence of this force was able to stabilize the body of Xingluo Supreme.

If it was a moment later, Supreme Xingluo's body would be completely shattered.

This time, Xing Luo Zhizun not only suffered unimaginable severe injuries to his body, but more than half of his soul disappeared.

Feeling that ray of power enveloping him, Xing Luo Supreme entered the Supreme Temple at the fastest speed in his life.

Appearing in the Supreme Temple, Xingluo Supreme immediately used his supernatural powers to suppress the backlash.

In this supreme temple, there is an incomparably terrifying formation, and within the temple, Xingluo Supreme is the sky high above.

Xingluo Supreme can call upon the power of the entire God Burying Continent, as well as the power of the sleeping Tianyi.

It wasn't until this moment that Xingluo Supreme realized that his soul was not dying, and his physical injuries were gradually suppressed.

Seeing that he had a chance to live, Xing Luo Zhizun's chest heaved violently.

Those eyes were full of horror, and when he thought of his fate of spying on Li Yixi, he couldn't help but tremble.

Just now, Supreme Star Luo had already stepped into hell with one foot.

The breath of death almost overwhelmed him.

The Supreme Temple was completely closed, Xing Luo Zhizun knew very well that he did not know how long it would take to recover from his injuries.

No more missions at this moment.

In that mountain range, with the appearance of the terrifying and incomparable devouring power, the incomparably rich vitality not only restored Dahei, but also recovered all the lives around it that had fallen into a state of extinction.

On the withered branches, pieces of buds appeared at this moment and grew rapidly.

On the withered and yellow ground, individual grasses burst out of the ground, and in just a moment, everything became full of vitality.

Those powerful monsters that had almost turned into corpses were now being watered with vitality, and they also woke up from their extinction.

At this moment, the eyes of all the monsters showed horror.

When he looked up at the sky, he found that the figure in the sky had disappeared, and he was completely at ease.

But at this moment, when their eyes looked at Dahei in the center of the vortex, they had the feeling of facing the master of life.

These monsters bowed down instantly.

In a short period of time, all the surrounding monsters disappeared, and this place seemed to be a forbidden place.

Under that devouring force, the big black life at this moment and its frightening speed transformed.

Around Dahei's body, the space seemed to be unable to bear the terrifying force.

Soon, the devouring power in Dahei's body slowly disappeared, and Dahei, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened them.

In fact, Dahei has already awakened, but because of his transformation, he is watching his own changes.

Dahei felt his body and soul turned, and a ray of disbelief appeared in those eyes.


Dahei opened his mouth, not knowing what to say at this moment.

Lips trembled constantly.

Shocked all over his face.

Because Dahei found that his life had gone through this transformation and reached a height that he could not imagine.

Compared with the powerful beings he had encountered before, Dahei found that his life level had stepped into an unattainable level.

This is the evolution of the level of life.

At this moment, Dahei's body is as high as a hundred feet.

The hair all over his body is extremely terrifying, and his eyes are like two round black moons.

I saw Dahei's sharp claws slashing lightly at the void in front of him, and a crack appeared in the void in front of him.


Feeling the crack in the void in front of him, Dahei couldn't help but gasped, his face full of shock.

Dahei knew that after the transformation of his life level, his strength would definitely be improved qualitatively, but he didn't expect that even in the Burial God Continent, the void of this world could be torn apart.

After all, the Burial God Continent is known as the cemetery of the gods, but it is an extremely terrifying cage. No one has ever heard of leaving here, but the current Dahei can tear the space.

How can Dahei maintain his composure?

"No, I can't control my own power."

At the same time of ecstasy, a ray of helplessness appeared in the big black eyes at this moment.

Dahei is very clear that if he cannot control his own power, it is very likely that some worlds will be broken directly.

Dahei's body returned to normal size, and he began to restrain that force.

After trying to turn it over, Dahei's eyes showed strands of brilliance. It was very difficult to restrain the power at first, but Dahei discovered the prototype of the world in his body, which happened to be able to restrain the power very well.

At this moment, there was excitement in the big black eyes.

Dahei never thought that this time he and Li Yixi would get such an incredible opportunity when traveling together.

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