Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1546 What is the layout of the master?

At this moment around Dahei, a weak devouring power emerged from the invisible.

This devouring force is very weak, if you don't observe carefully, it is difficult to detect.

But this devouring force obviously feels very weak, but it is extremely strange.

At this moment, some principles in this world can be swallowed by Dahei.

The rules of the world entered the body, and did not cause any harm to Dahei.

If an ordinary cultivator swallowed the heaven and earth laws of the Burial God Continent and entered his body, he would definitely explode and die.

Even if there is a secret method that can suppress the laws of heaven and earth, the mana in the body will be disintegrated in an instant.

It's not that no one has done such a thing. Some powerful beings who have penetrated into the Burial God Continent once wanted to absorb the rules of the world and change their own rules.

Fortunately, they survived on this buried continent, but without exception, they all failed.

But at this moment, Dahei realized the traces of the Dao, the perception of the Dao and its terrifying speed increase.

The deep-sea devil tiger shark has spent a full nine epochs of reincarnation here.

The power of the Dao is extremely terrifying, and he knows the rules of heaven and earth in the Burial God Continent like the back of his hand.

The Devouring Avenue of the Deep Sea Devil Tiger Shark has been deduced to a perfect level.

Even if the aptitude of the deep sea devil tiger shark is extremely poor, but it has lived for a full nine epochs, no matter how poor it is, it has obtained extremely terrifying accumulation.

Dahei was caught in the comprehension, and at the same time, he was constantly perfecting his devouring supernatural power at this moment.

Quickly integrate and run through the perception of the deep sea devil tiger shark avenue.

In front of Dahei's eyes, a sky-reaching avenue appeared.

It was very difficult to refine the blood and principles of the deep-sea devil tiger shark, but with the continuous improvement of the way of devouring, the power of devouring became even more terrifying.

The incomparably powerful power of qi and blood and the original breath of chaos merged with himself, and Dahei's cultivation base would directly break the mirror in the next moment.

Following the breakthrough, Dahei at this moment slowly opened his eyes.

Uneasy eyes fell on Li Yixi beside him, wondering whether Li Yixi would be influenced by him at this moment.

But soon, Dahei's hanging heart fell, because Dahei found that Li Yixi was not paying attention to him at the moment.

After waking up, Dahei also retreated from the mysterious feeling just now.

Dahei was extremely nervous at first, but the next moment his body trembled violently, and his eyes revealed an inconceivable look, because at this moment, Dahei realized that even if he didn't use the magical power of devouring, at this moment, he could actually devour the God of Burying Continent Some faint breath above.

After the faint force of rules entered his body, it didn't disintegrate, and his mana didn't blow him up at this moment.

This caused a look of disbelief to appear in the big black eyes.

On the God Burying Continent, the biggest threat to surviving is that the world can decompose the mana in the practitioner's body. Now that Dahei finds that he can swallow the power of the world for his own use, it is better to become excited.

After all, this biggest threat will disappear in the future.

After confirming again and again, Dahei's eyes showed a bright light, and he cautiously used the power of devouring to start trying.

After more power of law entered his body, Dahei finally confirmed that he had improved his Dao of Devouring a lot, and could indeed devour the power of law on the Burying God Continent for his own use.

The magic power in the body has also become more pure at this moment, as if it has undergone a transformation.

Dahei followed Li Yixi before, and his strength improved extremely quickly, but after reaching the realm of escape, Dahei discovered some flaws in himself, and those flaws could not be made up for.

But Dahei didn't expect that after following Li Yixi to the Burying God Continent, after devouring the blood of the deep sea devil tiger shark, his shortcomings would be made up for.

The aptitude has been transformed even more.

The strength of the physical body has been unimaginably improved, and the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After all, what it devoured before was the flesh and blood of the deep-sea devil tiger shark, a terrifying existence at the level of the supreme chaos.

If such an existence hadn't been for Li Yixi, one thought would be enough to kill Dahei.

"This time, what is the purpose of the master going to the Burial God Continent, and what will be the layout?"

"Master's cultivation is indeed unfathomable, but the God Burying Continent is still dangerous. Entering the God Burying Continent is definitely not random. There must be a layout that I can't figure out."

"Could it be that the master came to the Burial God Continent to explore the secrets of the Burial God Continent?"

"Or what is the master going to the Burial God Continent for? Otherwise, the master should not let his blood drip into the Black Sea at will, and the chaotic sky formation will not be broken."

Dahei's eyes flickered, and various thoughts flashed away, but finally Dahei shook his head and stopped thinking. Dahei knew very well that Li Yixi's purpose and layout were beyond what he could imagine.

To be able to play against such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi, the strength must be beyond imagination.

Now Dahei also understands that it is impossible for such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi to have his own ideas. Only an existence like the deep sea tiger shark can enter Li Yixi's eyes.

Dahei stood up, trying to get out of the range covered by the big black umbrella.

Even if he walked out of the range covered by the big black umbrella, at this moment, Dahei also found that the speed at which the power of heaven and earth decomposed his mana became extremely slow.

The reason why such anomalies still occur is because Dahei has not yet fully understood the scar of the Dao.

But this speed has no effect on Dahei.

Although you can't use your magical powers unscrupulously, you can still make a move when you encounter danger.

At this moment when Dahei looked excited.

Suddenly, a terrifying black wind appeared not far away.

The moment this black wind swept over, an incomparably terrifying storm was formed.

See this storm.

There was a look of fear in the big black eyes.

"This is the black wind of silence."

This is something that even the Chaos Supreme will be afraid of.

And at this moment, the black wind of nirvana came towards Li Yixi and Dahei at a high speed.

Such a change naturally attracted Li Yixi's attention, after all, the movement was really big.

However, the moment Li Yixi saw the storm, he seemed very calm, and said lightly.

"Can't you just let me be quiet for a moment?"

"Give me a break."

The moment Li Yixi's voice fell, the power of rules diffused, directly dissipating the Black Wind of Nirvana.

When Dahei saw the disappearing Nirvana Heifeng, his expression was dull.

Tremblingly, he said: "If you say what you say, how can you still say what you say here?"

This directly overturned Dahei's cognition. The Burying God Continent is extremely terrifying, and the previous Deep Sea Demon Tiger Shark couldn't do it. It's not that the opponent is weak, but the power of rules is too strong.

But Li Yixi solved the Black Wind of Nirvana in an understatement.

This method made Dahei stunned again.

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