Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1540 How Can You Cover My Eyes On This Day

At this moment, Dahei stopped immediately.

Because Dahei found that if he continued to move forward, he would only be taken to a more dangerous place by the power of this formation, and it would be even more difficult to leave at that time.

"Dahei, wait a minute, don't panic."

"Isn't there still me?"

Li Yixi, who was originally a little irritable, seemed to feel Dahei's panic at this moment, stretched out his hand and patted Dahei's back, and comforted him.

Li Yixi felt Dahei's trembling body gradually calm down, and took a deep breath.

In fact, at this moment, Li Yixi's heart panicked.

After all, at first glance, the whole world is dark.

There is a feeling as if you have entered the nether world, and the surrounding water vapor gives people a cold feeling, and there are waves around but there is no sound, how can Li Yixi not be afraid.

But at this moment Li Yixi pretended to be calm.

Li Yixi felt that he had also stepped into the ranks of cultivation, if he showed panic and despair in front of a dog at this moment, what face would he have?

Li Yixi, who was pretending to be calm, had various thoughts flashing through his mind.

Immediately, Li Yixi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"I know how to get out of here."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

Dahei, who was trembling in his heart, couldn't help but brighten his eyes when he heard Li Yixi's words.

Immediately turned around, eyes fell on Li Yixi.

At this moment, Li Yixi saw the look of admiration in Dahei's eyes. If Li Yixi used to dismiss him, but now Dahei has become a demon in Li Yixi's eyes.

And the strength is not weak, Li Yixi naturally feels a little proud of being worshiped by Dahei.

Li Yixi proudly raised a finger and pointed to the sky.

"Dahei, on the sea, they all look the same at first glance, and they can't tell the direction, but this doesn't bother me. It's actually very simple to tell the direction."

"If you want to tell the direction on the sea, you only need to look at the stars in the sky. Those stars in the sky will not change."

At this moment, Li Yixi proudly popularized the knowledge to Dahei in front of him.

Soon the pride on Li Yixi's face became a little stiff, because at this moment Li Yixi found that the light in Dahei's eyes had become much dimmer, Li Yixi also felt that Dahei was looking up at the sky at this moment.

Li Yixi also slowly raised his head to look at the sky, the next moment Li Yixi was stunned for a moment, his face became a little embarrassed, he was too proud to forget just now, because the sky at this moment was also shrouded in dark fog.

Sensing Li Yixi's momentary emotional change, Dahei's body trembled again, seeing the terrifying formation formed by hundreds of millions of golden silk threads in front of him, his eyes showed despair, after all, too many gods were buried here , the instinctive fear of Dahei here.

Feeling Dahei's fear again, Li Yixi reached out and patted Dahei's back.

"Dahei, what are you afraid of?"

"How can you cover my eyes on this day?"

"Don't forget, I have stepped into the realm of cultivation now, and I am no longer that useless mortal."

Li Yixi, whose face was a little ugly at first, thought that he was now stepping into the ranks of cultivation, and his eyes became extremely bright.

I can't see through the thick fog covering the sky, but can't I just split it open?

The moment Li Yixi's voice fell, a sword appeared in front of Li Yixi, it was the flying sword that Li Yixi had been cultivating these days.

I saw Li Yixi closed his eyes and urged the flying sword, this small flying sword turned into a giant sword holding up the sky in an instant.


Li Yixi suddenly opened his eyes and let out a low growl.

The next moment, the flying sword instantly pierced the sky.

In this God Burying Continent, it is impossible for anyone to use mana, because once mana explodes, it will be broken down and swallowed by the rules of heaven and earth here.

But at this moment, an incomparably terrifying power of law wrapped around the flying sword, and the flying sword rose through the air.

Dahei suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky, only to see that the flying sword flew all the way to the sky at this moment, and the indestructible golden threads were cut off one after another wherever it passed.

The light of this chaotic formation gradually dimmed for an instant, and the flying sword crossed the sky for an instant, and in the dark sky, an incomparably huge star river appeared.

In the sky, all the dense fog within a radius of several thousand miles disappeared instantly.

Dahei blinked involuntarily, looking at the galaxy in the sky with an expression of disbelief.

Dahei never thought that Li Yixi could easily destroy this terrifying formation. Just now, Li Yixi's method seemed horrific, but it was actually just an introductory homework for swordsmen.

Dahei never expected to possess such unrivaled power.

On the bottom of the Black Sea, the huge monster that had just closed its eyes suddenly opened it, and there was an unbelievable look in those eyes.

It never occurred to them that a corner of this chaotic formation was actually broken.

When his eyes fell on a man and a dog above the sea, his body trembled uncontrollably. At this moment, he dared to devour a man and a dog, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The giant sword in the void disappeared without a trace, and a flying sword appeared beside Li Yixi, who was put away by Li Yixi.

Seeing the brilliant galaxy in the sky, Li Yixi showed a smile on his face.

"Don't panic, there is always a way."

"How can a mere fog stop me?"

When entering the Black Sea, Li Yixi once looked at the starry sky, and now he saw the galaxy in the sky and quickly identified the direction.

Dahei, who received the order, showed excitement in his eyes, because at this moment the chaotic sky array was broken, and the power against chaotic heaven and earth disappeared instantly.

Dahei's speed became extremely terrifying, like a black lightning bolt, it disappeared into the vast black sea in an instant.

Not long after, a person and a dog above the sea faintly saw the coast.

Li Yixi couldn't help showing a look of anticipation on his face.

The world at this moment is very strange, and huge stars are suspended in the sky.

"I just said, if we can't trap us, won't we reach the shore now?"

"It really took a lot of time to walk this way, and now I feel empty in my stomach. When we get to the shore, we must reward ourselves with some delicious food."

Li Yixi stood up, stretched his waist, his eyes showed a bright light.

Soon one person and one dog appeared on the coast, and the excited one person and one dog showed despair in their eyes.

I didn't see the coast clearly before, and felt that there was everything on the coast, but when they set foot on the coast, let alone food, there was nothing but some dry grass and rocks.

At a glance, you can't see the edge at all.

In the eyes, it is all desolate.

From time to time, on this desolate land, terrifying wind and sandstorms can still be seen.

The scene in front of him made Dahei's body tremble, he turned his head involuntarily, and his pitiful eyes fell on Li Yixi.

That day, the natural disaster will be wiped out.

Dahei knew the horror of this place just by taking a look. If he was here, he would not survive the night at all.

Now all hope can only rest on Li Yixi.

The most frightening thing is that the world at this moment is decomposing the magic power in his body all the time.

If it is not supplemented, it will continue to weaken.

Completely reduced to mortals and dogs.

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