"Experience, must it be suitable?"


At this moment, Jun Wushen couldn't help but look a little dignified.

It is too rare to be worthy of Li Yixi's experience.

The current Jun Wushen's cultivation is not weak, but Jun Wushen can't see through Li Yixi's cultivation at all, and doesn't know what level Li Yixi is.

The place of experience that Li Yixi wanted instantly stumped Jun Wushen.

It is easy to find a place to practice, but it is difficult to find a suitable place for Li Yixi.

Seeing Jun Wushen, Li Yixi fell into deep thought.

The old blushed.

A little embarrassing.

I feel that my cultivation base is too weak, this is the fairy world after all.

It is normal for Jun Wushen to be unable to think of a suitable place for a while.

Seeing that Jun Wushen did not respond for a long time, Li Yixi was even more embarrassed.

Li Yixi smiled helplessly, "Eat, eat, think slowly, if you really can't think of it, it doesn't matter."

"After all, the cultivation base of a teacher is indeed weaker."

"After all, this is the fairyland. There is no place suitable for my experience. This is also normal."

Li Yixi's voice fell.

Jun Wushen, who was contemplating, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Woke up by Li Yixi's words.


"I'm confused!"

"As soon as the teacher opened his mouth, he was thinking about what the teacher was implying, but he fell into confusion."

"Naturally, there is no place for teachers to practice in the Nine Heavens and Earth."

"This small place, once the teacher gets angry, it can be destroyed directly."

"The place suitable for teachers to practice is naturally in chaos."

"There is only chaos, there is such a place."

"Maybe it's that place."

After hearing Li Yixi's words, a smile instantly appeared on Jun Wushen's face, and there was a response in his heart.

Before coming here, Jun Wushen had been walking in chaos.

When I came back, I happened to encounter an extremely terrifying place.

Jun Wushen didn't dare to approach that place at all, feeling that if he entered it, he might fall at any time.

Thinking of Li Yixi's words, Jun Wushen naturally had the answer.

Li Yixi, who was a little embarrassed, wanted to change the topic, but when he saw Jun Wushen's face at this moment, a smile appeared instantly.

His eyes lit up.

Sure enough, when Li Yixi was excited.

Jun Wushen spoke.

"Master, your words have awakened me."

"In this Nine Heavens, there is indeed no suitable place for you to practice, Master, but I know a place, that place is very suitable for you, Master."

"I don't know when Master will go?"

Jun Wushen said with a smile.

Li Yixi laughed when he heard this.

"Of course the sooner the better."

"I also want to see how the strength is now?"

Li Yixi suddenly felt that the rice in the bowl was delicious.

"Master, it's natural, so let's go after dinner!"

"I happen to be free, so I will send you, Master."

Seeing the smile on Li Yixi's face, Jun Wushen felt relieved that he had guessed the right place.

"it is good!"

Li Yixi agreed.

After dinner.

After tidying up, Li Yixi set off with Dahei and Jun Wushen.

Originally, he wanted to take the unicorn with him, but after thinking about it, Li Yixi put an end to this idea. After all, he should keep a low profile when going out this time.

It's not in Jiuchongtian, if you encounter danger, no one will give yourself face.

With a big black dog, just right.

This big black dog is getting fatter and fatter now, already weighing more than 200 catties, Li Yixi thinks it's time to lose weight.

At the same time, just to be a companion.

As he practiced, Li Yixi found that the big black dog had turned into a dog demon.

Just can't talk.

With a wave of the pen in Jun Wushen's hand, the fairy king Yuhuo was born under the pen.

With Li Yixi and Dahei, they left Jiuchongtian and entered the chaos.

Entering Chaos for the first time, Li Yixi looked curious.

"What a vast world."

"It gives people a comfortable feeling, not so depressing."

At this moment, Li Yixi couldn't help but have such thoughts in his mind.

For chaos, more and more expectations.

Li Yixi didn't urge him either.

Half a month later, we arrived at our destination.

This world is a little dark.

As soon as he approached, Dahei who was beside Li Yixi couldn't help taking a few steps back.

There was a look of fear in the eyes.

At this moment, Dahei turned around and wanted to run for his life.

Before, Dahei didn't know where Li Yixi was going, seeing this place, Dahei was really flustered.

Dahei knows this place, and it has a name.

Burial God Continent.

Just like the name, if gods enter, they must die.

Dahei knew that many extremely terrifying existences had entered. Relying on their cultivation, they wanted to find out, but after entering the Burial God Continent, they couldn't come out.

This place is extremely scary and dangerous.

Many unrivaled beings entered it, and not long after, the soul lamp went out.

How can Dahei not be frightened at this moment.

However, the moment Dahei turned around, a hand landed on Dahei's body.

"Big black."

"Don't run around, you're not familiar with this place, what if you get lost, I can't find you."

Dahei, who wanted to cry but had no tears, heard Li Yixi's words, his body trembled slightly, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

As Li Yixi said, if they got separated, it would be really troublesome.

After all, Dahei knew that he did not have the ability to survive in the Burial God Continent.

Dahei was extremely nervous.

When his eyes fell on Jun Wushen, he was extremely angry.

I think it was Jun Wushen who harmed him.

"Hei Di."

"what happened?"

"Is there something wrong here?"

"I just discovered this place not long ago. I feel terrible, and I have never entered it."

"I don't know how?"

"I didn't want to get close to this place, but the master suddenly wanted to find a place to practice, and it had to be suitable for the master, so I thought of this place."

"Is there any danger in this place?"

Dahei's movement of turning around and trying to escape naturally did not escape Jun Wushen's eyes.

Jun Wushen at this moment is also full of doubts.

Jun Wushen has a feeling that Hei Di knows this place.

"Is it dangerous?"

"You fucking said that this place is dangerous, is the danger worthy of this place?"

"Here is a dead place. In my memory, there is no place where no one can leave alive."

"This is one of the most dangerous places to die in the chaos, the God Burying Continent."

In Hei Di's voice, there was endless grief and indignation.

If it wasn't for Li Yixi's presence, he really wanted to rub Jun Wushen on the ground.

To find such a dangerous place, here and there is experience, it's just looking for death.

"God Burying Continent?"

Hearing Hei Di's words, the corners of Jun Wushen's mouth twitched and he dared not speak.

He wanted to ask for another place, but found that Li Yixi seemed extremely satisfied with this place.

"Good place, right here."

"It should be good to test my cultivation here."

Li Yixi's voice sounded, Hei Di was completely desperate, knowing that he could not escape, he almost fainted from fright.

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