
Taoist Longshan saw the ancestor dissipate with his own eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

It was alive and well a second ago, but it was gone in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, Taoist Longshan bowed to the place where the old man stood before.

His expression was extremely serious.

Taoist Longshan knew that this patriarch dedicated everything to Chaos Qinglian.

His lifespan was exhausted in this forbidden place.

Can't help but be in awe.

Seemingly indifferent to the decline of Hongtian Dojo, Taoist Longshan knew exactly what this ancestor had sacrificed.

His life should have been brilliant.

But it was all used to protect this chaotic green lotus.

"Chaotic Qinglian?"

"Is it really worth it?"

Taoist Longshan straightened up, and when he looked at the little Chaos in front of him, a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes.

This chaotic green lotus consumed everything this ancestor had.

does it worth?

Taoist Longshan asked himself, but Taoist Longshan was a little speechless at the moment. With such a spirit, Taoist Longshan couldn't help but sigh.

In my heart, I have some responsibilities that I never had before.

After all, before this, Taoist Longshan’s strength was low, and he was squeezed out even more in Hongtian Daoist. can't do it.

Not to mention the responsibility of guarding the sect.

During this period of time, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. In fact, Taoist Longshan's state of mind has not yet changed.

Witnessing an extremely powerful existence with my own eyes today, in order to protect this chaotic green lotus, I spent my whole life, and I couldn't help being in awe.

At the same time, Taoist Longshan finally felt a sense of responsibility.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, I will definitely protect the Chaos Qinglian, and no one can take it away."

"I was originally an ant, but now I have transformed into a real dragon, Hongtian Dojo will definitely regain its glory."

"I think this is also the reason why the young master gave me the opportunity."

"The golden age is approaching, and Hongtian Dojo will not be absent."

Taoist Longshan took a deep breath, his voice extremely serious.

Every word comes from the deep heart of Taoist Longshan.

Witnessing the death of the old man with his own eyes, Taoist Longshan was deeply touched.

Take a deep breath and sit cross-legged on the spot.

Quietly looking at Chaos Qinglian in front of her.

The chaotic green lotus swayed gently, its aura became stronger and stronger, and strands of golden color continued to emerge.

From the appearance of Chaos Qinglian to the present, I don't know how long it has passed.

Now, it is about to mature.

Turned into a golden lotus on the road.

Taoist Longshan knew very well that once he got the Dao Jinlian, his cultivation would improve by leaps and bounds.

Today's Longshan can't help but feel sorry for the ancestor.

Hongtian Dojo, when Taoist Longshan entered the forbidden area.

The void suddenly split open, and a figure walked out of the crack.

Looking at the declining Hongtian Dojo, a look of disgust appeared in his eyes.

"Is this the Hongtian Dojo?"

"It's unbelievable. I remember the Hongtian Dojo back then, but it was extremely brilliant, with 300 million disciples."

"Now, hehe!"

"It still can't withstand the washing of the years."

"It's a pity, Hongtian, you won't be able to witness my achievements with your own eyes."

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of the figure's mouth, extremely proud.

"who is it?"

"Presumptuous, dare to directly break into the Hongtian Dojo, do you think my Hongtian Dojo is empty?"

The strong arrival of Feng Wutian made the elders of Hongtian Dojo look gloomy.

Although the Hongtian Dojo has fallen, no one has ignored the rules of the Hongtian Dojo. In the Hongtian Dojo, flying is prohibited, and the Hongtian Daoist of the Hongtian Dojo is an extremely powerful existence. The dojo has declined, and the monks in the world are still extremely respected.

But at this moment, Feng Wutian unscrupulously disregarded the rules of Hongtian Dojo.

Even suspended above the statue of Hongtian Taoist Ancestor, the disciples and elders of Hongtian Dojo all had extremely gloomy expressions, and their hearts were filled with anger, which was hard to suppress.


"A thing like an ant."

"What does the old man want to do, are you in control?"

"Back then, Hongtian didn't dare to be so unscrupulous."


Feng Wutian snorted coldly, and an invisible force spread out. The person who spoke before suddenly bled from his orifices, and the vitality in his body disappeared rapidly, and he fell slowly to the ground.


Seeing the fall of an elder, the legs of all the people present could not help but tremble.

No one thought that Feng Wutian would be so powerful.

This elder is extremely powerful.

But a detached person from Hongtian Dojo.

Not long ago, the ancestor of Hongtian Daochang went out and just helped him break through.

The disciples and elders of Hongtian Dojo just saw the hope of Hongtian Dojo, but they did not expect to provoke such a terrifying existence.

With a cold shout, one detached and fell.

Even if there are thousands of anger in my heart, I can only suppress it at this moment.

No one wants to die.

"Ants dare to shine."

Seeing the frightened gazes, Feng Wutian sneered at the corner of his mouth at this moment.

Seeing those terrified eyes seems to be extremely enjoyable.

Feng Wutian closed his eyes for a moment of comprehension, then turned around and walked towards the forbidden area of ​​Hongtian Dojo.

It wasn't until Feng Wutian left that everyone escaped from the suffocation.

Hu Hu Hu.

The sound of breathing was extremely heavy.

As soon as he thought of Feng Wutian, his heart couldn't help trembling, and with a single word, he beheaded a detached man.

too scary.

"not good!"

"There is a forbidden area, can the ancestor defeat this person?"

The strong man who was extremely confident in his ancestors, after seeing Feng Wutian's strength, could not help but show anxiety in his eyes.

If that ancestor is unable to defeat this person, then Hongtian Dojo is really over.

in forbidden land.

Taoist Longshan closed his eyes and rested his mind, the moment Feng Wutian appeared, he opened his eyes suddenly.

From the cave, walk out step by step.

His sharp eyes stared straight into the void.

At this moment, Feng Wutian walked step by step in the void, his aura was extremely terrifying.

Those greedy eyes looked towards the cave behind Taoist Longshan.

Feng Wutian hasn't entered yet, but Feng Wutian feels that there are extremely precious things in the cave.

"The comer stops."

Taoist Longshan took a deep breath, staring at Feng Wutian in the void.

"If you don't stop, what about you?"

"Just you?"

Hearing Taoist Longshan's words, there was a look of sarcasm in Feng Wutian's eyes at this moment, and he didn't take Taoist Longshan seriously at all.

"That's right, it's up to me."

"Leave immediately at this moment, otherwise this is your place of burial."

Taoist Longshan stared at Feng Wutian.

His expression was extremely fierce, and he showed no intention of giving in.

"you sure?"

Feng Wutian, who didn't pay attention to Taoist Longshan at first, became extremely cold when he heard these words, and there was a murderous intent in his voice.

No one has ever dared to threaten him like this.

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