Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1531 Stealing the Sky Mirror

Feng Wutian in Void's big hand, after several failed attempts to use the space gate to travel through space, frightened eyes appeared in his eyes.

The previous calmness completely disappeared.

In its place is fear.

No matter what, Feng Wutian couldn't figure out why he couldn't escape the phantom's illusory hands when he used the power of space.

Although this hand is only a hundred meters in size.

Even with the extremely terrifying power of the Dao, it shouldn't be difficult to escape, but now, I can't do it.


"Could it be an extremely powerful illusion that swayed me?"

"Could it be that I haven't been able to move from the beginning to the end?"

At this moment, Feng Wutian felt that he had planted Li Yixi's illusion.

The moment the thought fell, he slapped himself hard in the face.


The sound is extremely crisp.

A burning pain made Feng Wutian gasp involuntarily.


"Isn't this a hallucination?"

"How is this possible?"

"I'm at the level of the king of chaos, even if I'm an incarnation outside my body, I'm not weak."

"This mere illusory hand can imprison me."

"Since the power of space is not good, then I don't believe that I can't fly out."

Feng Wutian was extremely anxious at the moment, but he still couldn't accept the scene in front of him in his heart. In Feng Wutian's view, he was an invincible existence, how could he not be able to escape.

The moment the thought fell, Feng Wutian soared into the sky.

Intending to get out of the palm of your hand.

But the next moment.

Feng Wutian was stunned.

Face full of disbelief.

At this moment, Feng Wutian found that he was indeed flying, and the speed was even more frightening.

But at this moment, he didn't seem to move in place.

Feng Wutian took a deep breath of cold air.

Observe again.

At the beginning, Feng Wutian felt that he was not moving, it was just an illusion.

But looking back now, I found that I didn't move in place before, but moved a short distance, but because the distance was too short, I felt that I didn't move at all.

After discovering the truth of the matter.

Feng Wutian was completely desperate.

"This is the supreme supernatural power, the three-inch world."

"It's not that I didn't move, I did move, but this small hand is an unimaginable world, a world so huge that I can't imagine."

"The distance I moved seems to be very far, but in this world, it is only a small distance."

"Damn it, who is this person?"

"Why did you save the four of Liu Hanjiang?"

"Is it because of him that the four of them were suddenly favored by luck?"

After Feng Wutian discovered the truth, he was completely desperate.

Feng Wutian understands that today's incarnation outside his body and this will cannot escape.

Although the heart is full of unwillingness.

But Feng Wutian had no choice but to believe in fate.

Feng Wutian went all out, wanting to see clearly the phantom's appearance, to see who ruined his big business.

But Feng Wutian found that his eyes still couldn't see clearly.


A loud bang.

The big hands in the void closed together.

With a big hand, the three-inch world is instantly destroyed.

It seems to be the destruction of the era.

The indestructible Feng Wutian's external embodiment was also completely wiped out.


"do you died?"

"What a powerful supreme power."

"Master Li is that peerless existence."

"In my memory, there is no one who matches Mr. Li."

When Hua Bailing saw everything in front of him, a storm arose in his heart.

The heart was shocked.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A cracking sound rang out.

Liu Hanjiang and the others also appeared in the void, even in a trance at the moment.

They have a deep understanding of Feng Wutian's strength, but Feng Wutian is so unbearable in front of that phantom.

At this moment, Li Yixi's phantom in the void also disappeared.

"Who the hell is the son?"

"It's so strong, but the incarnation of the Chaos King has no power to resist in front of the phantom of will."

"What kind of supernatural power was that just now? I can feel the despair of Feng Wutian's avatar."

Wei Donglai took a deep breath, thinking of the scene just now, and said in a trembling voice.

Liu Hanjiang and Ren Yingying shook their heads.

They have never seen that supernatural power.

Hua Bailing at the side took a deep breath and said, "It's the supreme supernatural power, three inches in the world."

"You have heard that there are gods three feet above the head, and three inches in the palm of the hand. This is the three-inch world of the supreme supernatural power."

"This is a terrifying supernatural power that is even better than the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of the Buddha's supernatural power."

"Between three inches of the palm, all life cannot escape."

At this moment, Hua Bailing explained with a serious expression.

"A three-inch room?"


Hearing this, Liu Hanjiang and the three couldn't help but gasped.

There was a storm in my heart.

At this moment, the three of them couldn't help but see the book that Li Yixi gave them in their hands.

Before, I just felt that the books contained the Supreme Dao.

But he didn't expect that there is such a terrible will in the book.

Looking at the books in his hands, each heart beat like a drum of war.

Among the Immortal Palace.

Feng Wutian suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a look of horror in those eyes.


"Who, who killed my incarnation."

"Although my external avatar is weak, it still has the strength of the King of Chaos. Are there other strong people in this world?"

"How dare you block my way."


"No matter who you are, you can never escape from my palm."

"If you don't avenge this revenge, you swear not to be a human being."

Feng Wutian's voice was extremely cold.

In the Bronze Immortal Palace, ice began to freeze rapidly at this moment.

That chill seemed to freeze everything.

In Feng Wutian's hands, a mirror appeared at this moment.

Quickly deduce it.

This is exactly Feng Wutian's sky-stealing mirror.

Can steal all air machines.

Take control of the world.

This is also the treasure that Feng Wutian hid in the dark and laid out the world in the ancient times.

In Feng Wutian's eyes, the Heaven Stealing Mirror is omnipotent.

But soon, Feng Wutian's expression became extremely pale.

Feng Wutian consumed a lot of power, but Feng Wutian found that there was no trace of Li Yixi.

"Could it be that this person has already fallen, and the people of the four major forces, did they get some treasure by coincidence, and did they contain some will?"

"That should be the case, otherwise, it would be impossible for the Stealing Sky Mirror to be unaware."

"It's a pity that I can't walk out of the Bronze Immortal Palace, otherwise, I want to see what they have in their hands."

"Since this is the case, let you live a little longer!"

Feng Wutian's voice was very cold, but he couldn't leave.

I can only suppress the anger in my heart, and I am a little jealous.

If there is still such a means, if you go again, the incarnation outside the body is just seeking death.

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