Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1521 Cultivated the 9-day Divine Phoenix

After hearing Hu Qingyun's words, Yao Chi dared to sit down there.

Just glanced at Hu Qingyun.

Yaochi was completely stunned.

Hu Qingyun actually possesses the first level of cultivation.

Facing this extremely terrifying existence, Yao Chi would not dare to sit down.

At this moment, Yaochi's legs were trembling.

"Yao Chi has seen Madam."

At this moment in Yaochi, fine beads of sweat covered his forehead, and he was extremely nervous.

I was really afraid that something was wrong with me, and I bumped into this terrifying existence.

"sit down."

"Don't be so nervous."

"My husband came here not to be his maid, but to talk to me, afraid that I would be lonely, of course, it would be better if you could help me."

Hu Qingyun seemed to never get angry.

The sound makes people involuntarily want to get close.

"Madam, don't worry, I will definitely complete all the work according to Madam's instructions."

"Ma'am, rest, I'll take care of these things."

Although Hu Qingyun gave Yaochi a feeling of closeness at the moment, but Yaochi felt the terrifying cultivation level, so he dared to be careless.

Quickly picked up the rag that Hu Qingyun put down just now, and got busy.

Yaochi now completely regards herself as a maid, a servant.

"this child"


Hu Qingyun shook her head when she saw Yao Chi working so hard.

But it didn't stop it.

Because of this moment, Hu Qingyun also felt the uneasiness and uneasiness in Yaochi.

Keeping Yaochi busy may also make Yaochi completely quiet.

After all, every plant and tree here can make countless people fear.

Yaochi didn't dare to stop at all.

Everything is done with the utmost care.

Because Yaochi was afraid, afraid that he would be kicked out of this house.

A great opportunity was missed.

Until the whole house is spotless.

Only then did Yaochi stop, and her eyes fell on Hu Qingyun.

"Ma'am, I don't know if there is anything else I need to do. Ma'am, just tell me. If I do something wrong, Ma'am will punish you."

At this moment, Yaochi no longer looked aloof, and the whole person was terrified.

"Yao Chi."

"Go and rest."

"Don't be so nervous."

"Just treat this place as your home from now on."

"Other things have to be done by other people. In fact, there are not so many things. I heard from my husband that you are very eager to practice, and your talent is also good. If you have time, try to spend it on cultivation."

Yaochi said: "Yaochi dare not."

"The young master asked Yaochi to come here to be a servant and a maid, how can he practice here."

Yao Chi's face could not help showing panic, from Yao Chi's point of view, this was Hu Qingyun's temptation to Yao Chi.

"go Go."

"Go and tidy up your room, and get familiar with everything here first."

"I'll arrange other things for you tomorrow."

Hu Qingyun was a little speechless, and at this moment Hu Qingyun was also aware of Yaochi's nervousness.

No matter what he said, Yao Chi couldn't calm down.

"Yes, ma'am."

When Yao Chi heard that Hu Qingyun asked him to back down, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Facing such an existence as Hu Qingyun, Yao Chi was too nervous.

After returning to her room, Yao Chi let out a sigh of relief at this moment, and her hanging heart completely dropped.

Only when alone can Yao Chi calm down.

Take a deep breath.

Yaochi began to tidy up her room.

After all, the future self will live here, and Yao Chi will try to fight for the time to stay here.

So he is very concerned about his own room Yaochi.

But just sorted it out.

Yaochi's hands couldn't help shaking.

These things in the room are actually supreme artifacts.

When sorting out for Hu Qingyun, Yaochi felt that it was appropriate to keep some things there, after all, Li Yixi's strength was too terrifying.

But there was a thought that in the room of a servant, there were countless supreme artifacts.

Throwing each of these things out will cause a bloodbath.

But they were randomly placed in the room of Yaochi.

Hu Hu Hu.

Yaochi's chest suddenly rose and fell violently again.

The breathing of the whole person became extremely heavy.

The scene in front of him greatly impacted Yao Chi's mind.

Yaochi couldn't calm down anymore, and at this moment, the voices of gods and demons suddenly sounded.


Under the power of the voice of gods and demons, Yao Chi fell into an epiphany.

The moment Yao Chi woke up, his pupils shrank slightly.

An unbelievable look flashed in his eyes.

Yaochi's lips were trembling violently at this moment, and the eyes were unbelievable.

"Shenma Tianyin, this is the legendary Shenma Tianyin."

It never occurred to Yao Chi that he could hear the God and Demon Tianyin in the room. The God and Demon Tianyin can make people fall into a state of sudden enlightenment.

I don't know how much time has passed just now, but Yaochi has received great benefits.

Some supernatural powers in the past have now been deduced to the extreme by Yao Chi.

Finally complete.

The time is very short, but the gains in this short period of time are simply indescribable.

"What the hell is here?"

among the mountains.

within the boundary.

At this moment, Liu Hanjiang's face was full of excitement.

Sitting by the chicken coop.

Staring with excitement.

There is an egg in the chicken coop at this moment.

The egg in the chicken coop was shaking slightly at this moment.

The next moment, the egg was cracked from the inside.

Soon streaks of rays of light emerged from the eggs.

Soon the animal shed will become extremely bright.

Nine-colored rays of light, soaring into the sky.

"I succeeded."

"I succeeded."

Liu Hanjiang, who was sitting next to the chicken coop, couldn't stop trembling with excitement at this moment.

Those eyes stared at the slap-sized chick in front of him.


It is the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix.

After he got Li Yixi's breeding encyclopedia, after accelerating the time, he finally cultivated the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix.

At the same time, a sound of Fengming resounded throughout the world.

One after another busy figures appeared here in an instant.

All of them fixed their eyes on the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix in front of them, their faces full of disbelief.

No one thought that Liu Hanjiang would actually cultivate the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix.

With the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix, Liu Hanjiang's strength will undergo earth-shaking changes. This is a legendary beast.

Moreover, they can feel the incomparable coercion of terror.

Obviously, the blood of the Nine Heavens Divine Phoenix in front of him is extremely pure.

"Who the hell is the son?"

Wei Donglai's lips kept trembling, he naturally knew that all this was because of Li Yixi.

Thinking of Li Yixi feeding Liu Hanjiang all the breeding materials like garbage that day, his whole body could not help but tremble. Wei Donglai never thought that Li Yixi was so terrifying.

While being shocked, he also thought of the methods of making wine that he had obtained, which disappeared in an instant.

Wei Donglai also wanted to brew Xianniang as soon as possible.

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