Beside the white jade steps, Long Yang sat cross-legged.

With the unity of mind and mind, I fell into deep cultivation.

After getting the detachment chapter of the original true understanding, Long Yang's views on the world and the myriad ways have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Long Yang before had good strength, but Long Yang knew very well that he was imprisoned by his own vision at that time, the sky in his eyes at that time, if he looked at it now, it would be extremely naive.

It was only at this moment that Long Yang realized that the word sitting in a well and watching the sky was extremely suitable to describe his former self.

At that time, Long Yang was indeed watching the sky from the well. Now after reading the detached chapter of the original true interpretation, Long Yang has a new understanding of the Dao and a different way of thinking.

It is as if a disabled person suddenly recovers, walks out of the yard, and tours hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. The perception of the avenue has undergone tremendous changes.

This is a qualitative change.

It seems that Long Yang's cultivation base has not improved much, but in fact, Long Yang's combat power at this moment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the help of the chapter of the original true solution and detachment, Long Yang's supernatural powers have undergone earth-shaking changes, and every move and style can turn decay into magic.

Even with a random punch, it can change in a thousand ways.

Harness the power of a hundred avenues.

One punch is comparable to other people's supernatural powers.

This is the magic and power of the original true solution.

After practicing for half a day, Long Yang slowly opened his eyes, but at this moment, Long Yang couldn't see any joy in his eyes, and he sat on the spot and fell into deep thought.

Look a little struggling.

Sometimes puzzled, sometimes ecstatic, sometimes sad, sometimes frowning, sometimes glaring at the sky.

State, become a little crazy.

Like a madman, the breath can't help but become messy at this moment.


A figure came slowly from a distance, with a bright light in his eyes.

It was none other than Shi Xuan.

Today's Shi Xuan's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. His cultivation base has directly stepped into the peak of the true self from the level of half-step detachment, and the power of Dao entangled all over his body is even more terrifying.

Every step seems to imply a great truth.

Shi Xuan, formerly the Immortal Evil Emperor, was extremely powerful.

Now, in Li Yixi's place, after receiving endless opportunities, a qualitative transformation has taken place, and it has become even more terrifying.

Coupled with the accumulated experience, it directly created the Supreme Dao Foundation.

The foundation of the avenue has reached perfection.

Although it is the strength of the peak of the real self now, but the combat power, even the king of chaos, can also fight.

And this, how long is it.

The shortcomings of the past have been perfectly made up for.

"In this life, I, Shi Xuan, will definitely be able to embark on the road of domination."

"Meeting a powerful enemy from the previous era earlier, it can be regarded as having the power to fight."

Shi Xuan's gaze was extremely bright.

Those unrivaled beings from the previous era sounded in my heart. They used to be fearful, but now Shi Xuan is full of fighting spirit.


When he walked to the white jade steps, Shi Xuan froze for a moment.

He raised his foot and slowly retracted it. He originally wanted to enter the courtyard to continue his practice, but Shi Xuan stopped him at this moment.

His eyes fell on Long Yang.

Shi Xuan, who looked like a teenager, couldn't help frowning.

"Strange, what's wrong with this guy."

"It seems to be stuck in a bottleneck, unable to get out, and getting more and more wrong, what is he doing?"

"But, it's strange, why did it give me an extremely weird and terrifying feeling when I went the wrong way?"

"What is he doing?"


It was just curiosity at first, but then Shi Xuan's body trembled suddenly, and his expression changed slightly.

Because at this moment in Shi Xuan, there was a legendary existence, the overlord of the third era, Madman Zhang.

"It's the reason why the original true solution transcended the chapter."

Shi Xuan realized the reason in an instant.

Back then, Crazy Zhang was extremely talented.

Just because in the first era, I read the original true solution and detachment once, I became crazy.

Although he found the reason, Shi Xuan remained silent.

"Why, why did I also read the detachment chapter of the original truth, why do I not have such symptoms of madness?"

"As for Longyang, why did he fall into the peak state again?"

"Whatever is good, one is not good, this guy will go crazy and become like Crazy Zhang, but Crazy Zhang is extremely powerful, and it is a fluke to be alive. I am afraid that this guy will die if he continues to practice forcefully."

Shi Xuan could tell that although he had fallen into a state of madness, Long Yang's cultivation had no intention of stopping, and his cultivation was getting faster and faster.

"Could it be because neither Crazy Zhang nor Long Yang have practiced the primary chapter of the original true solution, but directly practiced the original chapter of the original true solution detachment?"

Shi Xuan was still a little puzzled at first, but at this moment his body couldn't help shaking.

At this moment, Shi Xuan's eyes fell on the primary chapter of the original true explanation on his neck. The primary chapter of the original true explanation was carved on the jade stone on Shi Xuan's neck, and was given to Shi Xuan by Li Yixi.

"It must be so!"

At this moment, Shi Xuan had a determined expression on his face.

Shi Xuan believes that what he thinks must be right.

Otherwise, it is impossible to surprise yourself, without any feeling of falling into madness.

However, even though he knew the reason, Shi Xuan couldn't help but struggled.

That is the elementary chapter of the original truth. Even among the disciples of Li Yixi, he is the only one who has practiced it. If it is not passed on, then in the future, he will go the furthest.

But the moment this nod appeared, Shi Xuan's body couldn't help trembling violently, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"No, how could I have such an idea?"

"This super chapter of the original true solution was given to me by the master. I am not the only one who controls the primary chapter of the original true solution, and now, the master has even taken out the original true solution. It is implying me, implying that I cannot monopolize the primary chapter of the original true explanation."

Thinking of this, Shi Xuan couldn't help but sweat profusely.

After following Li Yixi for a long time, Shi Xuan became more and more unable to see through Li Yixi's inexplicable awe and fear towards Li Yixi.

No matter how he cultivates, Li Yixi is like an immemorial sacred mountain that cannot be crossed.

Shi Xuan felt suffocated by the invisible breath.

"wake up!"

Shi Xuan's voice turned into a line and directly entered the depths of Long Yang's mind.

Contains supreme morals, most of these morals come from the primary chapters of the original true interpretation. The moment he heard Shi Xuan's voice, Long Yang looked mad.

Suddenly the body trembled, gradually waking up from the madness.

At this moment, Long Yang's face was a little pale.

"Thank you Master Shi Xuan."

Long Yang was short of breath at the moment, and after waking up, Long Yang didn't even dare to look up at the statue of Vermillion Bird on the white jade steps.

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