Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1476 Is this the power of the young master?

This scene in the void shocked the entire third heaven.

Some monks who were controlled by Jian Wuchen and were searching for treasures in the third heaven.

At this moment, he involuntarily widened his eyes.

They knew very well how terrifying Jian Wuchen was, but at this moment, the scene in front of them made them unbelievable.

Among the rocks.

Tang Jingtian, who struggled against the terrifying aftermath in the void.

Staring at Thor Enilo in the void, his face was full of shock.

"Is this the power of the son?"

"It's hard to imagine that it's just a painting that brings an extremely terrifying existence into reality."

"It's no wonder that young master Yun Danfeng easily resolved the secret technique that Jian Wuchen cast on me."

"I didn't put Jian Wuchen in my eyes at all."

Tang Jingtian looked at Ai Nilu, the god of thunder in the void, and said in awe.

Tang Jingtian's voice even trembled slightly.

"no no no"

"I was wrong. This is not the power of the young master, but the power of the characters in the painting that the young master draws at will."

Thinking that it was not Li Yixi himself who made the move now, but only a character in Li Yixi's writing, Tang Jingtian's eyes showed shock at this moment.

"I didn't expect that a character drawn by the young master can actually come to reality, and there are such peerless means."

"I knew that there was a young master, and Jian Wuchen wanted to be the king and hegemony of the Nine Layers of Heaven and Earth, it was wishful thinking."

"Sure enough, everything that happened around the young master was not accidental."

"I am afraid that the young master has long expected that Jian Wuchen will look for me again and intend to take action against me, so he gave me this painting."

"This painting can not only save my life, it may also be able to kill Jian Wuchen."

Looking up at Tang Jingtian in the void, he couldn't help guessing at this moment.

Tang Jingtian raised his head and looked at the figure of Thunder God Enilo in the void, his eyes filled with deep admiration.

Such unimaginable means.


Tang Jingtian couldn't help but think at this moment.

For a terrifying existence like Li Yixi, if he doesn't experience the life of a mortal, does he still want to compete with others?

Can anyone block Li Yixi's sharpness?

Suddenly, Li Yixi felt a little lonely.

The loneliness of the invincible world.

Jian Wuchen in the void watched all his puppets explode.

His face became extremely serious.

"Damn it, where did this person come from? Why is the supernatural power so weird, it seems that he can only use some life-saving means."

After thinking about it, Jian Wuchen narrowed his eyes.

A terrifying cold light burst out from the gap between the eyes.

at this moment.

I saw it in Jian Wuchen's hands.

A talisman appeared.

On the talisman paper, there are densely packed runes.

The moment it appeared, a terrifying aura permeated the air.

I saw Jian Wuchen's mana poured into it, and the talisman flew out instantly.

next moment.

The incomparably terrifying power seems to be able to shake the world.

"Shenmu shakes the sky."

I saw that talisman paper.

At this moment, it turned into a heaven-reaching divine tree.

The moment Jian Wuchen's voice sounded, the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree in the sky fell from the sky at an extremely terrifying speed.

This heaven-reaching sacred tree seems to pierce the sky and the earth.

Facing such a terrifying attack, everyone present couldn't help trembling at this moment.

They have a feeling that if the Tongtian Shenmu really falls, the entire third heaven will be pierced.

However, the god of thunder Enel in the void.

Still so calm and composed.

I saw Thor Enel, still with a faint smile on his face.

Facing the Heaven-reaching Shenmu falling from the sky.

Slowly raised his hand.

Point out.

At the moment when Thunder God Enel's finger touched the Heavenly Tree that fell from the sky.

Terrifying power of thunder and lightning erupted.

The Heaven-reaching Divine Tree formed by the condensed power of incomparable chaos.

The next moment, it exploded under the gaze of a pair of eyes.

See this scene in front of you.

Jian Wuchen's face became extremely gloomy.

Jian Wuchen did not expect that the attack of the Tongtian Shenmu would not be able to hurt the Thunder God Enilo.

next moment.

In Jian Wuchen's hands, a few more talisman papers appeared.

Jian Wuchen's frightening and incomparable mana, no money was poured into it, and the next moment, the talisman papers flew towards the thunder god Enilu in the void.

At this moment, there was a rattling sound in the void.

The power in the talisman paper.

It can actually freeze the world.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying space storm erupted in the void at this instant.

The extremely powerful space storm tears everything apart.

Terrifying space blade, nothing can stop it.

At the same time, there is still a sky fire descending in the void.

The void at this moment is like purgatory.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Thor Enilu in the void had a smile on his face.

Thor Enel's smile seemed to never change.

This time Thor Enel didn't even make a move.

Let the terrifying attack fall on him.

Thor's body was cut by a terrifying space blade.

Frozen by the terrifying power of frost.

Burned by the terrifying sky fire.

Three terrifying and incomparable forces continuously shrouded Thor Enel.

However, under the three powers, at this moment, Thunder God Enilo did not have any resistance.

The vitality on his body disappeared strangely.

His eyes were like knives, looking at Jian Wuchen of Thunder God Enel in the void, he felt the vitality in Thunder God Enel's body disappear at this moment.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, I feel that Thor Enel has fallen.

These are one of his life-saving means.

Jian Wuchen didn't believe that a strong person born in a small world could resist it.

Soon the frost in the void, the power of sky fire and space disappeared.


The smile on Jian Wuchen's face froze instantly.

Because when Jian Wuchen's terrifying and incomparable power disappeared, in the void, Thunder God Ainilu's body did not fall.

Obviously there is no vitality, but at this moment Thor Enel is still suspended in the air.

In the next moment, a ray of thunder suddenly appeared in the void.

It fell on Thor Enilo.

Thunder God Enilo, who obviously lost all vitality, felt his heart beating strangely at this moment.

Eyes slowly opened.

That cynical smile reappeared.

It was as if Jian Wuchen's terrifying attack just now was just to tickle him.

"Not dead?"

Seeing the god of thunder, Enilo, wake up in the void.

Jian Wuchen's pupils shrank slightly, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Jian Wuchen was completely in fear.

Because Thor Enilo, who had awakened, still had a faint smile on his face, but at this moment, he seemed to have lost the interest in playing with him.

The terrifying blue lightning field instantly diffused.

At this moment, Thor Enilu sat up straight.


At the moment when the extremely terrifying thunder and lightning field shrouded and opened, Jian Wuchen's body seemed to be stuck in the mud, unable to move.

Can't even struggle.

When Jian Wuchen looked up at the sky, his face turned pale instantly.

Because in the void at this moment, a terrifying black cloud of thunder appeared.

When Jian Wuchen was terrified.

I saw Thor Enel flicked his fingers.

The power of thunder exploded instantly.

Jian Wuchen, who thought that his cultivation base was incomparably powerful, was at the moment when the power of thunder fell.

The incomparably terrifying power of thunder turned his body into nothingness.

Seeing the thunder in the void, the bodies of the figures trembled slightly, and their hearts almost stuck in their throats.

See the power of thunder.

Feeling a tingling scalp.

Tried to talk, but found my mouth was dry.

Unable to make sound.

They couldn't guess how powerful the thunder was just now.

But all of them were extremely stiff.

Because of their horrifying discovery.

Jian Wuchen, who was too strong to resist, was under the force of that thunder.

The body was directly reduced to ashes.

Those strong men whose life and death were controlled by Jian Wuchen didn't even dare to breathe at this moment.

It was hard to imagine Jian Wuchen who made them helpless.

Just died like that.

It all seems like a long time.

But in fact, Thor Enel, who came out of the void, walked out of the scroll.

Up to now, it has only been a few breaths from beginning to end.

Ninth Heaven.

On the spirit boat.

I saw a palm-sized doll split open instantly.

The battlefield of the third heaven is hundreds of miles away.

A figure suddenly appeared in the void.

His face was as pale as paper.

Extremely embarrassed.

The gulping breather.

You can see the obvious ups and downs in your chest, the sound of your heart beating, thumping, thumping.

The figure stared wide-eyed and looked in one direction, beads of sweat dripped down on his forehead.

"So strong."

"Is this the realm of beheading me?"

The person who appeared was Jian Wuchen.

Jian Wuchen seems to have fallen, but in fact Jian Wuchen is at a critical moment.

The puppet substitute death technique was used.

Saved my life.

Thinking of the power of thunder that Thor Enilo became serious just now.

Jian Wuchen's eyes were full of fear.

Under that thunder.

Only Jian Wuchen knew how desperate he was.

At the same time, a ferocious expression appeared on Jian Wuchen's face at this moment.

Replace the dead puppet.

Extraordinarily precious.

After all, a stand-in puppet is equivalent to giving oneself an extra life.

It is very difficult to refine.

The cost is even more unimaginable.

Even if it is Jian Wuchen who is the son of Jianchi.

The status is extremely noble.


Jian Wuchen only had three surrogate puppets.

And now the dead puppet lost one.

The anger in Jian Wuchen's heart can be imagined.

Although he is extremely afraid of Thor Enel.

At this moment, when he thought that he had spent a surrogate puppet, he became furious.

in the void.

Thor Enel sat there.

A lazy smile hangs on his face.

Slowly turned around and looked into the distance.

That was the direction where Jian Wuchen appeared.

Tang Jingtian and others saw that Jian Wuchen in the void had fallen.

Turned into fly ash, each one let out a long breath.

The appearance of Jian Wuchen gave them a great sense of oppression.

The oppressive feeling made it difficult for them to breathe.

Moreover, he was extremely afraid of Jian Wuchen.

Jian Wuchen's incomparably vicious secret technique made them tremble with fear.

But no matter who it was, they never thought that such a powerful Jian Wuchen would fall like this.

Tang Jingtian thought that what killed Jian Wuchen was just a painting that Li Yixi took out at random.

The heart couldn't help but pounding.

With such a heaven-defying means, even Tang Jingtian feels a little dazed now.

However, when everyone felt that everything was over.

The void suddenly split open.

A figure walked out of the crack.

It was none other than the dead Jian Wuchen.

Seeing Jian Wuchen resurrected from the dead, everyone showed horror on their faces.

The smile on his face instantly became stiff.

Jian Wuchen's incomparably sharp eyes fell on the Thunder God Enilo.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Just now Jian Wuchen wanted to leave, but Jian Wuchen found that the body of Thunder God Enilo was much more illusory.

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