
Tang Jingtian walked into the pavilion and bowed quickly.

"So it's Brother Tang, please sit down."

Seeing Tang Jingtian's visit, Li Yixi let out a hearty laugh.

Tang Jingtian was extremely anxious.

I don't know how to speak about this matter.

After all, Tang Jingtian knew that Li Yixi had always lived as a mortal.

I don't want anyone to break the peaceful life.

And now his condition is extremely bad, if Tang Jingtian thinks he is dead, he will die.

However, Jian Wuchen's secret technique was too vicious.

Not only is he going to die, but all his blood will be buried with him.

"Brother Tang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Why do you feel that Brother Tang's face is a little pale, have you been injured these days?"

When Tang Jingtian hesitated how to speak, Li Yixi's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Tang Jingtian's eyes lit up.

"Yes, my hand hurts these days."

"As a result, the qi and blood were affected, and the face became paler."

Tang Jingtian quickly explained.

"Brother Tang, come and taste the toffee."

"It can replenish blood."

Li Yixi landed on the toffee on the table from the corner of her eye.

Push a toffee in front of Tang Jingtian.

"Thank you sir."

Seeing this, Tang Jingtian did not refuse.

Put the toffee in your mouth.

Constantly thinking about how to speak so as not to appear abrupt.

After all, if he was injured as a practitioner and asked Li Yixi to help treat him, wouldn't that break Li Yixi's mortal life? .

After all, can Li Yixi, a mortal, solve the difficulties that even practitioners cannot solve?

Tang Jingtian didn't think too much on the way here, because time was tight.

But now for a while, I don't know how to speak.

The toffee tastes extremely sweet.

It also has a strong milky aroma.

That smell makes people a little intoxicated.

Tang Jingtian's eyes fell on the paper in his hand.

This is the tissue paper that wraps the toffee.

The material is a little special.

Tang Jingtian couldn't help taking another look.

There are dense grids on this paper.

At the beginning, Tang Jingtian didn't think much of it.

But soon, bursts of spiritual light suddenly burst out on the dense grid.

Those grids connected together turned out to be an incomparably terrifying formation.

I saw a series of strange forces in the grid, instantly entering the center of my eyebrows.

At this moment, Tang Jingtian involuntarily widened his eyes.

Pupils shrink.

Unbelievable face.

Because at this moment, Tang Jingtian discovered that the strange secret technique left by Jian Wuchen in his body was actually constantly collapsing.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The secret technique left by Jian Wuchen completely disappeared.

The only thing that still threatens Tang Jingtian now is the ice pick in his mind.

That ice pick had Jian Wuchen's power, if Jian Wuchen had a thought, Tang Jingtian would most likely die.

But at this moment, the fear in Tang Jingtian's heart completely dissipated.

As long as his bloodline is not affected in any way, his own fall is nothing.

as pawns.

How could there be no sacrifice?

Tang Jingtian made a decision at this moment.

Even if he falls, he will never break Li Yixi's peaceful life.

However, at the moment when Tang Jingtian made up his mind, an incomparable mysterious power burst out in his belly.

That force went straight to my mind.

Tang Jingtian tensed up involuntarily.

At this moment, the weird ice cone in Li Yixi's mind melted at an extremely terrifying speed.

The last threat to Tang Jingtian completely disappeared.

Tang Jingtian clenched his hands into fists.

"What kind of terrifying power of rules does this toffee contain?"

"Unexpectedly, it was able to melt that ice cone?"

Tang Jingtian felt very clearly that the power to melt the ice pick in his mind was the toffee he ate before.

There is a strange power in the toffee, which not only melts the ice cone, but also strengthens Tang Jingtian's soul.

Tang Jingtian's eyes showed a deep reverence.

At this moment Li Yixi was like a god in his heart.

Originally, as soon as he entered the courtyard, Tang Jingtian was thinking about how to speak.

But he didn't expect that Li Yixi seemed to have already figured out this scene and made preparations in advance.

There is no need to speak at all.

Unexpectedly, he directly resolved his own crisis quietly.

"Sure enough, the son's methods are all-powerful."

"There is nothing that can be hidden from the young master."

"It's really ridiculous."

"Then what kind of bullshit is it that the Holy Son of Chaos Sword Pool still wants to harm the young master, and wants the young master to be his spokesperson? He just doesn't know how to live or die."

"An existence like him is not qualified to be a dog for the young master."

"I bother."

"Things who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth dare to break into the Nine Layers of Heaven and Earth. I'm afraid they will die and don't know how to die."

Tang Jingtian's fear of Jian Wuchen completely dissipated.

There was even a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Ninth Heaven.

Jian Wuchen, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes.

There is surprise in the eyes.

"It really surprised me, Holy Son."

"I didn't expect that in this small world, there are still people who can resolve the secret technique of my son, and they are not waste."

"It seems that he has some ability, so he is qualified to be my chess piece, suppressing this world on my behalf."

Jian Wuchen was slightly startled at this moment.

But this didn't make Jian Wuchen too concerned.

At this moment, some people around Jian Wuchen saw Jian Wuchen opened his eyes, and there was deep fear on their faces.

Now their life and death depend on Jian Wuchen's thought, and they dare not disobey at all.

Seeing Jian Wuchen who was practicing, he suddenly opened his eyes, and all of them became flustered.

But he suppressed the panic in his heart and asked aloud.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

Jian Wuchen shook his head when he heard this.


"It's just a little surprised."

"I didn't expect that in this small world, someone would be able to crack my secret technique."

"I still have some ability, so I am qualified to be my spokesperson."

"I want to see who this person is."

"Hopefully it's stronger than I expected."

A smile appeared on Jian Wuchen's face.

The ice pick that Jian Wuchen left in Tang Jingtian's mind was exactly what was positioned.

As long as his secret technique is cracked, Jian Wuchen will be able to lock the position immediately and directly tear the space down.

Jian Wuchen used the secret technique and was about to lock on Tang Jingtian's location.

Suddenly froze.

Because Jian Wuchen found out.

I couldn't even perceive the existence of the ice cone.

The ice pick seemed to have disappeared.

Jian Wuchen couldn't help frowning slightly.

"how so?"

"Is there a place in this small world that I can't perceive?"

Thoughts fell, Jian Wuchen did not believe in evil.

Use the secret technique this time to perceive where the ice cone is.

But soon, Jian Wuchen was completely disappointed because he didn't have any perception.

As if it really disappeared without a trace.

"Why is this?"

Jian Wuchen frowned involuntarily.

Jian Wuchen stood up slowly, his gaze sharpened.

"It's not that I can't locate Tang Jingtian."

"It's the ice pick that was wiped off."

"It seems that this person is not as simple as I thought."

"However, you have the guts to erase what I left behind."

Jian Wuchen's face was covered with frost at this moment.

Jian Wuchen was used to being superior.

In his eyes, the practitioners in these small worlds are ants.

Their lives are like nothing in Jian Wuchen's eyes.

Jian Wuchen stretched out his hand to grab it, and used secret techniques to catch a trace of Tang Jingtian's aura.

Jian Wuchen took a step forward.

The body disappeared strangely.

Li House.

Tang Jingtian in the pavilion refined the power in his belly.

That force can not only strengthen one's cultivation, but also transform one's soul.

At this moment, Tang Jingtian's eyes showed ecstasy.

However, because of Li Yixi's existence, Tang Jingtian tried his best to suppress his aura at this moment, preventing it from leaking out.

Originally, before this, Tang Jingtian had only stepped into the level of half-step detachment, but after eating three toffees in a row, Tang Jingtian's cultivation was greatly improved, and his soul was also rapidly transformed.

Tang Jingtian's face was no longer as pale as before, but was filled with joy.

In the depths of the pupils, there was a look of despair before it came.

Tang Jingtian had a thought.

Countless precious medicines appeared in front of him.

"The young master has become a practitioner now, and I don't have any good things here. I will give these elixir to the young master. I hope the young master will not dislike it."

Most of these medicinal materials also have a drug age of ten thousand years.

These are all Tang Jingtian's gains these days.

Today Li Yixi not only saved himself, but also saved all his blood, Tang Jingtian was grateful.

Tang Jingtian was a little embarrassed.

Tang Jingtian felt that these things were ordinary things in Li Yixi's eyes, but he couldn't bring out more precious things anymore.

"Thank you Brother Tang."

Seeing these elixirs in front of him, Li Yixi showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Now step into the ranks of practice.

Li Yixi urgently needs the elixir.

Now that Tang Jingtian sent so many elixirs, Li Yixi was naturally very satisfied.

He was not polite, and hurriedly put away these elixir, planning to take these elixir to the backyard and plant them after Tang Jingtian left.

After putting away Tang Jingtian's elixir, Li Yixi kept thinking.

After all, Li Yixi has always been courteous and reciprocal.

For a while, I didn't know what to give Tang Jingtian.

Tang Jingtian at the side saw Li Yixi accepting the precious medicine he gave, and let out a breath slowly.

Tang Jingtian felt extremely relaxed at the moment.

Can't help but look around the pavilion.

The next moment, Tang Jingtian stared fixedly at a painting in the pavilion.

In that painting, Tang Jingtian felt the terrifying power of thunder.

Tang Jingtian couldn't look away for a moment.


Li Yixi was thinking about what to give in return.

Just happened to see Tang Jingtian staring at the painting hanging in the pavilion with piercing eyes.

A smile appeared on his face.

"As expected of a cultivator, the things I like are all elegant things."

"Since I like painting, I will present this painting to him."

After thinking about it, Li Yixi said.

"Brother Tang, what do you think of this painting?"

Hearing Li Yixi's voice, Tang Jingtian's body trembled slightly and he woke up.


"It's as if Thor came into the world."

Tang Jingtian, who had come to his senses, immediately praised him.

"This is Thor Enel."

"A character from memory."

"Hold the power of thunder, and you are the ruler of the sky."

"Since Brother Tang likes it, I will give this painting to Brother Tang."

Seeing that Tang Jingtian liked it, he introduced it to Tang Jingtian.

This is exactly the sky overlord Enel in One Piece.


"Give it to me?"


Tang Jingtian was shocked, full of disbelief.

It never occurred to Li Yixi to give such a precious thing to herself.

"Brother Tang, we are already old friends. It's just a painting. It's not a big deal. How can it be compared with the elixir you gave me?"

With a wave of Li Yixi's hand, the hanging painting appeared in his hand and handed to Tang Jingtian. Li Yixi patted Tang Jingtian's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thank you sir."

Seeing this, Tang Jingtian took the painting with trembling hands, and couldn't put it down.

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