Soon, the Pegasus in the void descended from the sky.

The carriage appeared in a huge manor.

With an excited expression on his face, Xiao Taixu hurriedly opened the door and invited Li Yixi to go to the palace.

Before the few people entered the palace, they saw a figure suddenly rushing out of the palace.

His face was full of anxiety.

"Come on, come on!"

"Master Xiao Ye is dead!"

"Master Xiao Ye is dead!"

The butler's face turned pale, and even his body was trembling.

He is very clear how important Xiao Ye is in the hearts of the Xiao family.

"Is it not possible?"

When Xiao Taixu heard this, his expression changed wildly.

Seeing Xiao Taixu's nervous expression, Li Yixi quickened his pace.

"Come on, let's go and see what happened."

Xiao Taixu, who was extremely nervous, calmed down a lot after hearing Li Yixi's words.

Li Yixi walked into the palace and saw that at this moment, many strong men from the Xiao family were maintaining the vitality of the young man with supreme mana.

"My lord, is there another way for Xiao Ye?"

Xiao Taixu just glanced at it, and with his cultivation, he could naturally find that Xiao Ye was exhausted at this moment.

No magic bullet could save it either.

That face even became extremely desperate, but thinking of Li Yixi being able to suppress the Ninth Resentful Infant, I hope Li Yixi can heal one or two.

"Although the oil is exhausted and the lights are dry, we came in time. If we came later, even I would not be able to save his life."

Xiao Taixu, who was somewhat desperate but only had some expectations, heard this sentence clearly and trembled with excitement.

"Also ask the young master to make a move!"

Xiao Taixu almost knelt down.

Xiao Taixu immediately dispersed several strong members of the Xiao family who were using mana to save Xiao Ye's life.

When these people's eyes fell on Li Yixi, they frowned slightly. From their point of view, Li Yixi was so young, there was no way to save Xiao Ye, but Xiao Taixu, the patriarch of the Xiao family, believed Li Yixi , They dare not speak out.

But it was extremely anxious inside.

"My lord, do you need our help?"

Xiao Taixu saw Li Yixi approaching Xiao Ye, and said hastily.


"I'll save his life first."

Li Yixi immediately took out the silver needles, at this moment, Li Yixi didn't even have time to sterilize them, the silver needles were pierced into Xiao Ye's acupuncture points by Li Yixi like lightning.

Now what Li Yixi is doing is Bagua Huiyang Acupuncture.

Under Li Yixi's urging, the silver needles on Xiao Ye's body trembled.

As the silver needles trembled, an incomparably mysterious force suddenly appeared.

This force was extremely terrifying, Xiao Taixu who was standing by the side widened his eyes.

A look of disbelief.

Because under Xiao Taixu's gaze, at this moment, that force spread, Xiao Taixu felt the death force in Xiao Ye's body, at this moment, under that force, he was instantly reversed For the power of life.

"Reverse life and death?"

"This, what method is this?"

"What method is this?"

At the same time, Xiao Taixu also discovered that the disordered and broken meridians in Xiao Ye's body at this moment were repaired at an extremely terrifying speed under that incomparably powerful force.

The dead air on Xiao Ye's face also faded at an extremely terrifying speed.

The members of the Xiao family, who were originally angry, were also shocked when they saw Xiao Ye's change at this moment. They never thought that Li Yixi could save Xiao Ye's life with only the silver needle. .

Originally, Xiao Ye's life was hanging by a thread, and Xiao Ye was exhausted, but after a few breaths, his breathing became even.

The body is once again filled with incomparably rich vitality.

"Thank you son!"

Once again seeing Li Yixi's incomparably terrifying methods, Xiao Taixu looked at Li Yixi with changing eyes.

Reversing life and death, even Xiao Taixu, who has stepped into the peak realm of God King, has no way.

But Li Yixi directly reversed life and death with a wave of his hand, Xiao Taixu knew very well that Li Yixi's cultivation was absolutely powerful beyond his imagination.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hand!"

"Mr. Xiao, although Young Master Xiao's life has been saved, some medicines still need to be prepared for Young Master Xiao's complete recovery."

"Also ask Mr. Xiao to prepare some tools for refining medicinal liquid."

"I have to prepare a liquid medicine for Young Master Xiao myself."

Seeing that Xiao Ye saved his life, Xiao Taixu already knew Li Yixi's unfathomable means, he was ecstatic in his heart at this moment, after hearing what Li Yixi said, Xiao Taixu even did it himself.

"Thank you, young master, Xiao Taixu will go to prepare now."

Xiao Taixu hurriedly left the room, and ran outside quickly.

When he was in the room, Xiao Taixu still suppressed the shock in his heart with all his strength, leaving the palace at this moment, his heart was pounding.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Xiao Ye's life was saved, and Xiao Ye's meridians are still being repaired."

"Allow Xiao Ye to practice again."

Thinking of Xiao Ye's possibility of stepping into the road of cultivation again, Xiao Taixu was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

After taking those tools, Xiao Taixu hurried back to the palace.

"My lord, what medicinal materials do you need to practice medicinal liquid? My Xiao family has all kinds of medicinal materials, Xiao Taixu ordered someone to fetch them immediately."

Seeing that the tools were prepared neatly, Xiao Taixu's eyes fell on Li Yixi.

As the owner of the Heavenly War Immortal City, the Xiao family naturally has an incomparably powerful background and possesses countless precious medicines.

Xiao Taixu didn't feel that he was boasting, because if the Xiao family didn't have the medicinal materials, then no one in the Zhantianxian City would have them.

"Precious medicine?"


"I just need some common medicinal materials!"

"And you don't need to prepare it. I have it with me. I have picked a lot across the endless mountains these days."

Li Yixi didn't mean to say it, but when he heard Li Yixi's words, at this moment, all the powerful members of the Xiao family, including Xiao Taixu, had their pupils constrict suddenly, with horror on their faces.

Endless mountains, stretching for thousands of miles.

Xiao Taixu knew very well that in that endless mountain range, there were several extremely terrifying supreme demon emperors.

The strength is so powerful that it almost touches the threshold of detachment.

Unexpectedly, Li Yixi directly crossed the Endless Mountain Range.

Trembling with fright.

Thinking of Li Yixi's unfathomable cultivation, Xiao Taixu trembled with fear.

However, he just calmed down the shock in his heart.

Everyone in the Xiao family instantly felt their bodies become extremely stiff.

Because under their gaze, I saw Li Yixi casually taking out the herbs one by one.

The ordinary medicinal materials that Li Yixi spoke of made everyone in the Xiao family change color immediately.

One by one, their eyes widened and they held their breath.

Before he knew it, his hands clenched into fists, and his joints turned white from the excessive force.

At the moment when Xiao Taixu's strength reached the peak of the god king, even the eyeballs almost fell out.

"This is a 10-year-old medicine!"

"This is a 20-year-old medicine!"

"This is a treasure medicine about 15 years old"

Seeing these precious medicines that Li Yixi randomly took out, Xiao Taixu at this moment felt that he was delusional.

On the side, Xiao Zhan saw everyone in the Xiao family who were so shocked, he was also a little speechless towards Li Yixi.

I think Li Yixi is too Versailles.

And with a serious look, even Xiao Zhan was a little speechless.

Each of these things is extremely terrifying, not to mention the down and out Xiao family in Zhantianxian City, even the old ancestors of the Xiao family in Zhantianxiancheng would not be able to obtain these extremely terrifying treasure medicines.

Xiao Zhan still remembered that these precious medicines were picked around the caves of those running away Supreme Demon Emperors.

These supreme treasure medicines, even those few supreme demon emperors, would treat them like supreme treasures.

However, in Li Yixi's eyes, these treasures are really like ordinary medicinal materials, seeing Li Yixi's rough manipulation.

Even Xiao Zhan, who knew Li Yixi a little bit, felt a pain in his liver.

The next moment, a ball of flame appeared on Li Yixi's hand, and this flame was transformed by Li Yixi's power of merit.

These days, Li Yixi also found that the power of merit seems to be omnipotent.

In the past, Li Yixi needed to activate some special flames to refine medicine, but now with the power of merit and virtue that can change, Li Yixi's medicine refining has become extremely simple.

Soon, a liquid medicinal solution was prepared.

At this moment, Xiao Taixu was extremely shocked when he saw the liquid medicine, and even wished to snatch it away.

The way he looked at Li Yixi completely changed, and he felt that he was just dreaming.

Even in his dreams, he had never seen or thought about those medicinal materials.

Li Yixi ignored Xiao Taixu and others.

He directly poured the liquid medicine he prepared carefully into the mouth of the sleeping Xiao Ye.

Following the entrance of the liquid medicine, Xiao Taixu clenched his hands into fists at this moment, with an expression of anticipation on his face.

Xiao Taixu has lived endless years and is extremely powerful.

Seeing the moment when Xiao Ye drank the liquid medicine prepared by Li Yixi, Xiao Taixu's body trembled violently. At this moment, as the liquid medicine entered Xiao Ye's mouth, Xiao Taixu discovered that Xiao Ye An extremely terrifying coercion erupted from Ye's body.

Xiao Taixu discovered that Xiao Ye's own blood was boiling and transforming at this moment.

In Xiao Ye's body, it seemed that one after another battle spirits had awakened.

"The bloodline of the God of War has awakened!"

"Wake up!"

Xiao Taixu had an unbelievable expression on his face, he never thought that Li Yixi would actually help Xiao Ye awaken the God of War body.

Before this, the entire Xiao family hadn't thought about this, they just wanted to save Xiao Ye's life, after all, in their view, Xiao Ye's bloodline had been abolished, and there was no possibility of awakening, but they didn't expect Li Yixi to have such a bloodline. Heaven-defying means.

The bloodline of the God of War is extremely terrifying, but at this moment Xiao Taixu discovered that the war spirits in Xiao Ye's body were actually extremely afraid of Li Yixi.

Sensing that Li Yixi had suppressed the terrifying battle spirit in Xiao Ye's body at will, Xiao Taixu's legs went weak.

"What kind of physique is the young master?"

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